UPDATE: Removed the word "legit" down there. Might of used a label I probably didn't understand well. UPDATE DONE.
Well I got another request.. and I can't believe my eyes to see such an idiot act so selfish toward 'wwwarea'.
Request Used:
This user is really disgusting.. Not surprisingly though, it's an old user.
Here is the whiny journal: http://jaredthefox92.deviantart.com/journal/Here-We-Go-Again-574133499
Anyways Jesse replied to my criticism of his journal as expected. I
contemplated not replying to said reply to my response to his journal,
however I have to prove him dead wrong now.
"Because I said so."
Now beyond this, I'll add this note:
Within the quote spacing, the black text in this style
(example) are his. Messages before it are most likely mine from earlier commentaries.
Like I said, I have stalkers, but I will respond to this one because of it's stereotypical promote and discrimination." (Not
like you don't watch both Funnel and myself all the time, even in our
comment sections Jesse. Also you're the one stereotyping us autists as
'gifted' or 'cool' without even knowing the trials that many of us go
through on a daily basis. You think that we like being abnormal,
misfits, and for the most part hindered from enjoying many things in
life just because you find your own depression 'cool'? Who is the
stereotyping individual now Jesse? )
Not like you do the same thing in the first place.
No I'm not. Then again, it could be ARGUED as one in a certain type of argument (as I already explained why).
Abnormal and misfits are just man-made terms.. And just because you don't feel comfortable because you feel "awkward" that doesn't mean it's a disease.
You are still the stereotyping because you claim that it's all a "bad" thing, etc.
And I wasn't saying suffering it's self is better, but I'm saying that being outside of a comfort zone can ALSO lead to better things, arguing that the thing we all have is simply a thing we have.
Perhaps it's not good or bad. It all depends.
"Don't know who 'Jesse' is but seriously? "Debunk"? Do you speak for
all people then by forcing your own stereotypical thoughts over everyone
else?" (Everyone knows your name now Jesse, heck Peter has even
told me about your sister who used to be on DA. Also you already
revealed that we know your facebook page so yeah, quite with the
charade. I know more about Autism than you ever will Jesse. I've been
around people who have more problems and issues with their lives than
you ever will, people with cerebral palsy, dyslexia, littoral
man-children who can't even comprehend washing their hands or locking
the bathroom stall door. You know nothing of special needs Jesse, I've
been around all types of autists on the spectrum and I know way more
about the issue of autism and our problems than you ever could.)
No you didn't. I don't think I have a sister on DA. You could be mistaking a comment that said "brother" before when I do remember back then, we ha a fake family thing, where it's not actually a 'family'. I didn't say it was exactly my Facebook.
No you don't actually.
Did you know though, that their is TYPES of 'autism'? Did you ever think of that?
I know it plenty well..
I know that everyone autistic is different for each and every individual and I am also aware that the term 'autism' has been stereotyped to describe 'different' personalities as "autism" when it's not.
"That's to some people. Thanks for stereotyping that everyone is the same" (No
Jesse, that is life. I've been around these people, many of them were
my friends in middle school and high school. I've been around people who
have it way worse than both you and I combined. It's not 'stereotyping'
when I've been around these people for six years of my life. Also not
once did I ever mention that 'everyone was the same', that is just some
silly thing you made up in your mind.)
You act like every 'autistic' is the same. When in reality, they are not.
First of all, everyone is normal for being different. Second, just because it bothers some, doesn't mean it bothers all.
You don't speak over everyone else who thanks their own "disorder".(I
never said they weren't, however your version of 'different' is
basically them getting pity from others and not trying to strive to
bring normality into their lives, you want people to be treated like
Chris Chan instead of working for this sense of normality. My version is
people facing adversity and hardship stand firm in the face of their
problems and try their best to make some sort of attempt to become as
normal and functioning in society as they can. Take it from someone who
had to do so in real life. The only people who 'thank' their disorder
are those who have worked well enough to become productive members of
society despite it. )
Again, you seem to dictate by sharing the illusion that their is a single "normal". When in reality, everyone is born to experience unique stuff. If you hate Chris JUST because he has a different personality, then you are a sad asshole yourself. I am not defending his actual mistakes, but that was another point..
Not everyone wants to be a "normal" functioning part of society.
Some people are introverts, some are asocials, etc. and it seems you force that those lives are "bad" and that they must be like other people, your an asshole.
I'm an asocial and a introvert, and it's quite possible that I could have a 'AS' but not noticed, and I do not want to be forced to be an annoying extrovert.
Also did you know that most of the suffering isn't caused by 'autism' sometimes? A lot of that is because of the discrimination of society (The lack of support) for those who are more different.
You don't own the term over everyone else, and it's very offensive of
you to say that others with it who thinks different "don't count"
and/or that they must "not speak up".(I never stated I owned the
terms autism or aspergers, I know the later of the two was named after
Dr.Hans Asperger. First off, you're the one who isn't counting the
majority of people who have life even more difficult for themselves due
to autism&aspergers. Second, I never in my life would say that
anyone with autism 'don't count' or that they 'don't speak up'. That is
simply rubbish for me as an legally diagnosed aspie to even contemplate
with my fellow autists.)
No but you act like you do.
First of all, I am not saying those who suffer and is in need of help should not get help, if they want help, they can get help. But I CAN argue that you can't cure what's inside of your head.
Second, well you have a problem for those who treat it as a gift.
"You remind me of that website that sometimes censor other autistic people for speaking up about some stuff." (Right
right, because me being an actual autist, as well as myself being a
proponent for helping autists make the best out of themselves is
'censorship'. Boy what a sad and strange little world you live in Jesse,
and you don't have my pity.
The way you talk sounds like you are saying that "autism is horrible, and a curse, we must cure it, etc".
That's what reminded me of that website too.
Do you have any idea how offensive that sounds to parents and etc. of autism?
There are a lot of parents who accept them for who they are, etc.
2. A spelling error doesn't make someone stupid.(True, but I must say you've already have done that to yourself.)
Keep telling yourself that.
"That still doesn't mean anything. Being more intelligent is still
good for those who enjoy it, and everyone can get depressed off of
something."(Only the true simple minded would ever believe that
intelligence leads to more happiness. The more you know about the world
the more you understand the danger, the uncertainty, and the cynical
nature of it correct? That would explain a lot of your fantasies
"true simple minded". What the fucking hell does that mean? This reminds me of the whole "true fan" crap.
I already understand the danger, and while I understand it, that's why I am a huge fan of activist, change, etc.
"They are probably not depressed because they have it, but more about what they are thinking about.
When someone thinks and studies a lot, of course stress may came, and etc." (Ha!
HA! HA! Patrik and myself hardly think about our Autism when talking
and we both are depressed as ever worried about issues in Europe, our
different ideological stances, and theism vs atheism all the time. I
know Darkminster can be depressed all the time and he rarely even brings
up his aspergers unless we get into a forced discussion about it.)
That's a personal reason. I have a lot of worries about certain subjects myself too, and I thank that because it will cause me to be more of an activist for certain change. If I suffer, I am suffering because of the fear and issues that goes on, due to future and uncertainty.
People having all this is a possible lead to being smart.
"And stop speaking for every single person out there." (The irony and hypocrisy of this sentence is so thick I could use it to snuggle up with a blanket this winter.)
"Autism Asperger is a problem because I know only
some people who has it that suffers". <Your basic message in a nutshell.
Yet, it's ALSO possible that even the people who has it (I can include my self for other labels) couldn't understand why they have this, when it's possible to self-therapy why one is upset so much.
Remember, the label "mental illnesses" is not scientifically proven.
Sometimes I hear that 'autism is a disability' but HIGH functioning sounds like the opposite.
"To some people, it is more better, to some it's not. Stop saying "we aspies", I believe that's very offensive." (I'm
sorry Jesse, when you are professionally diagnosed with aspergers via
the recommendation of your school and parents then maybe you may have
the privilege to tell me to stop referring to people facing the same
issues I face on a daily basis.)
It's possible that a lot of people suffer now is because of the way they are treated due to the labeling.
Again, I say possible. A lot of the stuff could be based off many hidden reasons..
And also, when you say "we aspies" you are saying "we" as in every single person in the world who has it. A lot of people do not agree with you.
"Umm yes, again, you are stereotyping people and I find it extremely
offensive of you to tell others who is 'diagnoses' to not stand up for
themselves, etc." (Once more, I stand for people to stand up for themselves and make the best they can with the cards they're dealt
, also how I love it how the person without Autism is telling the person with autism that he's 'offending' autistics. )
Well, just because you have it, doesn't mean you speak for the rest of them.
It doesn't matter if I'm one or not. If you get to stand for others, so can anyone else.
"So for that, screw off." (You first mate. )
You started it by reacting to a journal that wasn't directly addressed to you.
"And I know what I'm doing, it's you that don't know. You seem to think that people who has what you have are all the same." (Oh really?
Tell me how you've spent six years dealing with people of the same
issues you have, as well as with others who have issues that are far
worse than yours. Such as being blind or not being able to move their
entire body except their eyes and their mouths. I digress though, also I
don't think that. In fact I know of many autists who have it far worse
than myself and this fills me with nothing but sympathy for them. Well
except one guy, but he was like you and a jackass for using his autism
as way to get people to feel pity for him and basically not trying to
instead strive to work as many others have in adapting and dealing with
society. Guess who?
I've been hearing about it somewhere in my life too. Yet, people can still research. A while back ago, I've found articles about it, and had an open mind with it, etc.
I know that major issues are found in 'low functioning' people, but far less with 'high functioning' people. I've seen people who were like that.
Did you know that 'High Functioning' was removed from that book? I think people may finally be treating those who are just high functioning as a "normal" part of life, but probably with more abilities due to 'HIGH' functioning..
"Again, that's just a term, man made theory. What is an "overload"?"
(Here, you just proven you know little about aspies and autists, a
overload, or a meltdown is when we autists get so much sensory input or
negative emotions built up inside that we basically lose it. It's not a
tantrum, once it happens there is no stopping it and it must run it's
course. Sort of like a chain reaction in the brain if you will. However
we need to be isolated and calm down and let it all out or we may become
violent or even self-destructive. )
I know about meltdowns, but at the same time, I call it an anger issue. Super emotions can happen to other people without the label too.
When I you said 'overload', I thought you were referring to the brain getting so-called "too" much information..
Also, not every 'autistic' has this not fully explained problem.
Another problem is that a lot of people with anger issues were labeled one sadly.
"And not everyone wants to be that "normal"."(You've never been in a classroom with special ed kids before then Jesse. )
Are you talking about those kids in wheel chairs and those who has a lot of other issues?
You seem to suggest that all autistic people are the same again.
You want to know why I say that? Because I've seen more people with 'autism' than you.
Stop saying that people must be changed to be "normal", a lot of
people take that as very offensive, and you really need to stop
stereotyping them and acting like everyone must be changed for something
they are born with.(Once more, sounds like you didn't even
listen to what I've said. I want people to change themselves for the
better, that isn't changing people, it is them taking the initiative to
do so for their own sake.)
Cool, more links to something I've known all my life. 
Sounds more like you. You think I think you support 'Autism Speaks' when all I said you reminded me of it.
And that's still kinda the same, plus the idea of 'better' is very subjective these days.
Since when is it better to force HF people to be Mid-F? Knowing that HF can have positive results (Very smart), I wouldn't want to get rid of that if I had it. Even if it can have risks (like anything).
Albert Einstein was HF, and if he was so-called "cured" or didn't have it, he wouldn't be like he was before.
"You don't speak over me." (On my page I do.
And on my page, I speak over you then. I guess due to it being my page (or on this blog with permission), I can speak over your autism then.
"You have your own problems, and I have my own. Don't speak your
bigoted mind over my own. You are the one treating your crap as "facts"
over everyone else not you."(Yep, I do have my own problems,
because I have autism, you don't, and what you say is only some rubbish
you've regurgitated over the internet. Once more, actually live with
Autism before you go running your fingers on the keyboard to speak about
it Jesse.)
You don't need to live with it in order to make a debate.
I already know the fact that a lot of people with 'autism' thanks it, and are happy with it due to the positive sides of the so-called "disorder".
Regardless if I am one or not, people can still study it, and understand the fact that maybe labels are bad, that we should just focus on that it's neither bad or good, but rather a tool. That some people could be born with it, etc.
"Also, people can argue that certain "disabilities" can be good even
if it makes them suffer. BUT ONLY in terms like; "Sad can be an
important tool even though some people can suffer, and some can't. It
all depends."(Still they suffer, and I personally would say I
would like to be normal and not suffer than suffer, as would just about
any person with a disability I've met in the real world would say.)
Getting out of a comfort zone is also a form of suffering, but we need that kind of suffering IN ORDER to gain new ideas, ways, etc.
If we never had any form of non-comfort, then we wouldn't be here.
Have to remember that suffering it's self doesn't always mean "mental illness" but rather based off what you think.
And your last part? So every person who has a "disability" doesn't want it? I don't know about that...
"So before you think it's not the same as saying those people who DO
suffer don't count, but this is more of a biological argument. " (Everyone suffers with a disability Jesse, some just suffer in different ways than others.)
People suffer without it. Plus do you know what a DISability means?
Is 'HIGHER' functioning a "lack" of ability?
Also, it can be argued that suffering isn't always based off "illness" but rather, something natural.
I suffer from certain things, but I believe it would be bad to get rid of the effects due to positive sides existing.
Which also makes me reason that the term 'mental illness' doesn't exist.
"Saying my own "label" is cool doesn't violate anyone's rights." (Never said it did, just that it's ignorant and you don't know anything about Autists. )
It's not ignorant if you had a "disability" and say it was cool. Because that person with it counts.
"Actually no, everyone is a "special" snowflake, being different IS
NORMAL. Plus, saying they are not cool makes you a special snowflake if I
had to agree with you."(Yes, everyone is 'special' in their
differences, but what you want Jesse is pity and praise where it clearly
isn't deserved. Also once more, being 'cool' is quire irrelevant when
discussing serious life issues such as disabilities. You must think it's
'cool' going deaf, blind, or unable to move your own body properly. )
You saying it's "not" deserved is arguable and isn't a fact.
And if I had that, then yes I have a right to find it cool, but that doesn't mean anything bad.
If someone is born with an ability that has extra abilities for example, then it's fair to find it cool. Even if it was lack. That's not the same as morally arguing that they have more rights, but it is fair to say that 'more is cool' if the individual finds it cool in a personal thanks idea.
If I was born with the ability to fly, then yes I will find it cool because it's a legit thing I have and it's mine. Not yours.
If you say that's "special snowflake" as bad, then it justifies even more that the term "special snowflake" is just a stupid idiotic troll term.
Yet, you probably don't know what a 'special snowflake' really is.
People with extra abilities are not morally better, but people have a right to find having those cool.
Oh and just because it's considered a 'disability' doesn't mean it's not cool to EVERYONE who has it. Same with the other way around.
"You are the only one being egotistical."(Just look at my comment section and see what others think.
Depending on popularity now?
"It's my personal life, and it's not yours. It's not "ego" to defend myself and speak my mind." (This
went from your biased opinion on autists such as myself to basically
you taking it personally, as usual. Where is your 'facts' about Autism
now Jesse?
It's not biased. But yours is often.
All I did was argue and debate, like anyone.
Where are your facts?
And why did you ignore the links?
"The only egotistical thing that's happening are assholes like you."(Once
more, I can use this irony and hypocrisy to make a nice snuggy blanket
for me. It's so thick, perfect for making blankets. )
You saying a man-made term of disability is always bad when not every autistic agrees makes you an asshole.
"I didn't make ignorance nor bad choices despite a couple of legit
mistakes. And again, you blame me for others choosing to do this to me."
(Not sure if victim complex or just a really bad case of narcissism.
Again with that word, just because you think it is, doesn't mean it is.
But you are promoting narcissism though.
And if you start making a journal against me, then I am a victim.
"Maybe it's because that crap isn't constructive criticism, but
instead it's actually 'Brutal Honesty' as I heard from another user
before." (Oh no, we can't have honesty now can we Jesse? That
don't do at all now will it? I'm sorry, but aren't you one of those
alternative media 'truth seekers'? Are you telling me you can't handle
the truth no matter how brutally honest and inconvenient it is? )
Do you know what 'Brutal Honesty' means? And thanks for admitting that "honest" is the same as "criticism" when it's not.
You claiming your opinion is "truth" because you said so, doesn't make it truth.
Maybe you can't handle the truth from a lot of those sites, and one popular word is that they talk about people making people sheep, and you're a classic example.
"I block people for good reasons." (Yeah, anyone who doesn't say what is on your agenda or speaks out against you.)
Not true on everyone.
And speaking against me? Well that can be a good reason sometimes. No different than homophobia, heterophobia, fetishphobia/etc.
That's different. That belongs in the line of "fans, murderers,
robbers, internet users, gamers, seekers, etc." That's basic dictionary.
Oh and if 'humanaboo' is a stupid label, so is 'wolfaboo' (Oh,
it's different when only you think it is, but the rest of the internet
doesn't? How fickle of you. I find them both stupid, but sadly for you
wolfaboo exist on the internet and there is nothing you can do to change
More like "It's the same because I think it is" <You
It's the same because it fits well with a fair describing thing.
And sadly for you, humanaboo exist on the internet and there is nothing you can do to change that.
Oh, and that whole bullshit of "you can't do anything about it". An average sheep who doesn't believe in change, when history proved it.
"Again, the overused word of "ego". The only egoistic person is you Jared." (Wow!
This blanket is so thick it's like it is made of iron! I shall patent
this, call it "The Iron Irony Blanket." Rolls off your tongue doesn't t?
This is why you can't argue.
"That's my post. That person was acting very offensive, calls me
"ego" for defending myself with depression, and other labels that I
didn't even talk about."(Yet you are not even autistic, nor have
you ever had actual experiences with actual autists. I was being very
'offensive' on giving you a real life enlightenment about what is truly
means to have Autism. Calls you ego? You mean I called you egotistical
Jesse? Also this journal you made wasn't about your depression, it was
you trying to act like you know everything about autism when clearly you
don't know a hill of beans about autism.
You don't know my life about experiencing. Plus I say it's offensive because you don't speak over the rest of autistic and no, you do not need to be an autistic to say that. Also, it's "autistics", not "autists".
What the hell is a "true" autistic? It's like you are the one that doesn't know what it really is.
You make a journal acting like you know everything when you don't.
Clearly, you are no different, in fact, you seem more less open minded about autism than I do..
"Apparently this person supports stereotyping and censorship to those
who speak their mind and defending. Who's the real egotistic?"(These
Iron Irony blankets will sell like hotcakes this winter, pun intended!
Though seriously Jesse, what do you think I'm doing hm? I'm telling you
the full story about how us 'oppressed' autists truly feel. Once more,
you don't have autism and I do. I know more about just by experience
than you ever will.)
And just because you have it, doesn't make your opinion anymore stronger than someone who doesn't have it.
And just because you have it, doesn't mean it's OK to speak to every single person who has a similar type.
"I can't believe this guy says that 'autism' is a "curse", a
"disease", etc. I mean he acts like it is, and it reminds me of that
horrid 'Autism Speaks' fear ad stuff."(Here we are, first off I
never will in my entire life ever condone Autism Speaks. They are a
bunch of euginics nuts who don't even have any autists in their staff.
Autism Speaks, but I ain't listening! Second, what I've clearly
stated above is that I believe people need to work their hardest through
adversity to overcome their issues and make somewhat of a normal life
in society for themselves, at least to the best of their capabilities.)
Not everyone wants to be an extrovert. A lot of people accept their lives as the way they live. Plus, you can't ever make an introvert to an extrovert, they are born with it. So just like 'autism', you can't make their lives change all the time..
Yet, some 'autistic' could just be introvert, but a big example problem is that people has been stereotyping autism a lot.
"Anyway, everyone is different. Some people thank their "label" and
some people don't like it. However, biological arguments can still apply
and either way, to those who do suffer and don't like it, there is
NOTHING wrong with trying to get help. But to say that it's "bad" it's
self. That's speaking to everyone and yet, that could still be arguable
in a biological way." (Most don't, true, there is nothing wrong
with seeking help for issues. However one must also try to help
themselves first, this is where you falter Jesse. You don't even try to
change yourself for the better, you just want to go down like a sinking
ship without trying to patch up the holes. You are just like Chris,
using your disability as a mere card for pity and sympathy.This is
coming from someone with the same disability you've been stating you
know about, when clearly you don't.)
One must? Who said so? A god somewhere? Or the cult of society?
I don't need to change myself for the "better" because I am already better. Their is that 'narcissism' as you say that's only from you. You say I am "bad" because you said so when in reality, I never did anything wrong in general.
Actually no I'm not. If someone HAS a 'disability', they have a right to defend it as it is.
It's not the same as saying it's an excuse to be an ass.. even though I wasn't being an ass either.
And maybe YOU are using your 'disability' as a mere card then too.
BUT it is an excuse for certain things because certain 'disabilities' due lack certain things.
"Like for example again: I can suffer from a depression, but I can
still argue that it can be OK to have it because depression can have the
possibility to lead to better things. Know what I mean?"(Once
more, you go off your intended topic to bring it all about yourself, way
to use a strawman autism argument to further your own agenda. )
Who's the one who says it's bad to treat suffering as good and who's the one who treat that "disorders" are always bad, no matter what those people who 'has them' thinks?
Another reason why these people lost.
By the way, here are the links the person possibly ignored:
End of Request