Sunday, June 15, 2014

This is Mainly Why I Gave Equestria Gaming a Bad Score

Sometime recently, I decided to send a "fake report" of a comment just so I can comment to Tuxxy about how silly his move was for disabling comment ratings or something. Notice now there will never be ratings ever again because one guy used a proxy to "cheat" the ratings. He also should just turn off the whole comments because there are also people bypassing bans. Hehehe
*Note: What is the point of disabling ratings? Ratings can be abused simply by using them based of bias hate.

Anyway, remember when I reported that Tuxxy would take private messages outside of the private zone, and then possibly, twist the words? One person on Youtube told me a story about this, and now after what happened, it turns out to be more true after all. Guess I wasn't overreacting after all!

He did the same thing to me..

He published a comment, not only abusing his responsibility as an Admin, but also lied about my message I sent through the report. Claiming I did for (and in quotes): "This comment is discriminating hate speech".
Of course, I would probably report hatred comments, but for this one, I didn't do it for that reason.

I had to once again, find a way to comment on that blog post and suggest that Tuxxy was lying again, and say something like "I did not do that". Of course though, he deleted/censored me after successfully finding a way.

Before, I even commented, I sent him another report message asking him to send me of what I said in the original report, and I still have not got the email. After that and the comment, I decided to just send him an email through Hotmail, and ask him for the message. Did I get a response? No sir I didn't!

See kids? This is one of the strong reasons as to why I hate this horrible Brony and this is why I have to warn people of this huge embarrassment. Someone else should run that gamer blog. I don't even think this person is old enough to handle a popular site. The worst part in that case is that I might be more younger than him, and I already know more responsibility.

Also, the reason why I still even bother with that possible troll is that he's been acting like an ass to me, and to some others through Twitter, and other places.

As I been saying: Stay away from him!

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