And I mean A LOT.
I will not break.
Of course, some people think it "owned" 'wwwarea' when it actually didn't. It's full of non-sense, justifying abuse, etc. for simply arguable opinions.
And nah, the feedback that supports that horrendous content doesn't count.
I will put in a new guideline now. Because I HATE putting in "<MINE", "<HIS", etc.
So this time (Thanks to the help of this insane bigot), it will be like this:
Bold stuff within quote spacing is his.
Non-bold within quote spacing will most likely be mine.
Deeper spacing will most likely be his.
Deeper spacing example:
Test <His
Test <Mine
Test <HisMain reply
Other quoting that has " covering it are from other sites outside of this argument.
Let's get started.
I am already winning with knowledge, but this guy just won't give up on the stupidity..
WWWAREA responded to me again, this time with this enormous Godzilla of a replyYou do no different buddy.
There is no such thing as "defending criticism" Jesse, you made that up.Umm, yes there is. Defending others against so-called "criticism" is criticism.
It's not exactly made up without attachment. However, you are.
And of course, the guy continues to feed off to watchers just to make sure (by delusions) that 'wwwarea' is looked at as "bad" for doing things that aren't even wrong.Just because you believe what I do is wrong, doesn't mean it's wrong automatically.
I pointed out what you did wrong.
It needs to apply to a civil moral (I.e. If it's violating rights or other interfering attacks.)
Though, interfering with a criminal's evil action is justice.
This guy just won't give up.Long story.
So this request looks to be a huge one..
I know this article is very long, but funnel is no different."Same here.
I never wanted it to get this long.
I decided to joke about the first name, not the second part. A funnel is a tube right? That was part of your pseudonym, so it was a fair title.But a tornado is like a funnel. So inside that 'tornado', it's full of non-sense.
The word "Funnel" in my name does not refer to that kind of "funnel". Words have multiple definitions. The word "Funnel" in my name refers to the meteorological definition which is a tornadic condensation funnel. Or a "funnel cloud". The word "Vortex" in my name refers to cyclonic weather events such as tornadoes, hurricanes, synoptic storms, etc.
Anyway..... moving on.
Quit trying to pretend you are "not" stalkers. According to this, you are.I do not think that's a requirement.
That refers to sending constant unprovoked emails and texts.
Pretty sure reading it, that was only an example among many other different examples.
Oh, and not just because of stalkers, but that the blog doesn't look that healthy as it was before.Open Minded person: No, I filled it up with many rants that isn't very general.
Because you filled it with your rambling?
Though it's filled with a lot of sense, but still.
What, you mean that strange 'Banjo' blog?LOL. Wow! That picture looks very awesome.
That's not mine.. No wait, you may think it is because of that username, well honestly, I have a story about that username that you may not even believe. But it's not my blog.
I don't know, that Alpha and Omega picture is a dead giveaway.
To be honest, it's not mine. I mean if that guy on Youtube (I heard that whole reactor thing on Youtube as well) was me, it would of probably be a very different looking channel than it is now.
And by the way, yes it's an Alpha and Omega thing (I think, maybe a wolf very similar just in case).
But maybe it's because there is a lot of movies who likes that? Or maybe it's because one time a 'certain friend' of mine showed me the movie because I was a wolf furry fan, and then I loved it?
The other one? What other one?What... I'm confused, I don't have a.... Oh you got to be FUCKING kidding me. You still think that the diamond guy is still me?
I mean I DO have another one, but you don't know it.
The one on Wordpress?
And by other one, I was talking about a blogger. Not some Wordpress account.
Plus, I can request to break the URLs you know, though I don't know if that request will be accepted.Yes it is. I already proved why.
However, that blog had an old username as a title. So it may get changed anyway.
So what you are saying is that I am doing this to hurt myself and to put pores in people's sheep.Ever heard of 'Emotional Abuse' or the 'effects of slander', 'cyberbullying', etc?
You may want to double check your wording, just a suggestion.
Yes, and this isn't it.
Note: Some say it's in relationships, but I do not think that's the case.
Also, you ignored the top part of what you quoted.
He can't bury the hatchet, as he is causing more war, and more lies and untrue statements about me.
Umm, you sure about that?
And they are not "higher priority".
The way you were so obsessive over Peter even after he tried to bury the hatchet says otherwise.
I am trying to bury the hatchet actually. And your reasoning serves no value in your argument.
Also, you ignored the top part of what you quoted... again.
So you made it out of assumption. How much crazier can this get?Well, I tried to unblock you and talk to you directly but you blocked me.No, I blocked you after you made that journal.
Because I knew you would hide your comment?
It's not that simple. Also, the account is already made, but I still need to do some job first on this account.The people who is causing the war are people like you.
What "Job" could you have other than this war?
No actually it is. Or can be tied. It still doesn't change the fact that you are doing examples of what online bullies do.It isn't bullying, Jesse. Peer pressure is often a good thing.Stop making excuses, that's exactly what cyberbullying and cyberstalking means. What you are doing is NOT a good thing. It's pure individual abuse. You are doing that for your ignorant selfish bigoted beliefs about me, nothing more.
It's nothing but abuse.
Plus, it's not always a good thing, and what you do, is obviously not on the good side.
You do realize that what you are doing is very tied to what cyberbullies do right?
Peer pressure really isn't the same as bullying. It's really just a way society gets people in line.
I think there is a difference between actual peer pressure vs. bullying those when it comes to cases like you.
You are not influencing. Even if you are a bit, you are also bullying. Just saying because that's what you are doing.
Stop pretending your personal opinion is "fact" over other people not you.If I had continued to behave like that chances are I wouldn't have been able to make it to college or hold a job. There is a reason certain behavior is not acceptable in our society.You do realize there are other ways right? It's still bullying, period.
And society is shitty, there is a reason why smart people who question society finds it horrible right?
You mean all the emo anarchist teenagers who listen to too much heavy metal?
Oh and just in case.... *drinks*
Just because "society" doesn't accept it doesn't mean they are right.The last part is only an opinion. JUST like how it was like that to homosexuality.
Again, stop depending on populiar opinion.
One time homosexuality was not considered accepted behavior for a 'reason'.
Oh here we go with the "Homosexuality was bad once" argument. Okay, if I was going to support making bestiality legal on the notion that homosexuality was once a taboo, that wouldn't change the fact fucking animals is sick and makes you a horrible person.
It was all like "homosexuality is sickz!". It was always fear, just like back then.
Also, before anyone thinks, I do not think rape should be legalized. HOWEVER, I been reading some good criticism about the arguments of consent, that there is evidence, and I agree that discriminating zoosexuals is wrong and sick (Because it's hurtful).
I also agree that zoosexuality is an orientation according to the new scientific criticism as I been hearing. You know, the things that questions overly emotional idiots who can't argue with real science? Just like in history.
So for something general: If consent exist, then it's not sick. I will proudly say that. If an animal ISN'T consenting, then it's wrong to have sex with them.
And I do agree that criticism is better than emotions..
"It’s no accident that the researchers compare zoophiles today with the GLBT community of 50 years ago. Gay relationships were seen as an exercise in immoral sexual behaviour, however this has changed as homosexual relationships are now largely perceived to be about love. The zoophiles have not reached this stage, but they may find that the furry community provides a social environment where their love is tolerated as unusual but acceptable. If zoophiles can be open within furry, they can provide good role models for the ‘zoo-curious’, helping young people manage and accept an otherwise complex and difficult sexual orientation."Read more.. But you know, I know what kind of person you are. Just a sick and disgusting generic society emotional crap head who attack people who question taboos. I would not be surprised if you made fun of me for questioning society for making stuff taboo. AND NO, I'm not the only one who does. And yes, I will also compare that history also made things less taboo. And guess what? The criticism about this whole zoosexual subject IS good. Because it made a lot of sense. It was much better than seeing people saying the same thing over and over (without questions of course) with overly emotional crap!
ALSO, what the hell does this have anything to do with the stuff I like, and mainly support?
Oh wait, let me guess, you compare anthropomorphic talking and consenting creatures with that?
You are a sick person.
Plus, societies emotions will never be a fact. As a person who questions taboos, emotional feelings of society is NEVER a good argument to treat things bad. So stop treating subjective arguable beliefs as "fact".
And no, what I'm saying here is not bad behavior, because I have a right to question things, and a right to depend on actual scientific debating.
It's not bad behavior, just because others find it a problem, doesn't mean it's a problem.Yes I am spell checking.
Stop fucking depending on populairty.
I notice you tend to spell popularity with the "i" before the "r"
Do you spellcheck?
Come on, your browser has a spellchecker. There really is no excuse.
I would rather have good rare friends who aren't fucking generic beer drinking dicks who bash furries, etc.Kinda taking it a little too serious. That was an example.
I don't drink beer, and probably never will, because I tried beer once and I think it tastes like shit. Maybe someday I will change my mind though. Regardless, simply drinking a beer doesn't define a person, but what does define someone is when they drink to the point they remove themselves from reality which is similar to what overly obsessive fursuiters do. Separate themselves from reality! Like drinking a beer, wearing a fursuit every now and then with your friends is harmless, but when your life begins to revolve around it then we have a problem.
No matter what you do, there is a line that should never be crossed. I do not care what you do with your friends as long as you do not cross that line. Ever!
Umm it's not a problem. Furry stuff is considered a VERY important part of life and guess what? It's not a problem. It's not hurting anyone and it's not a mental issue to have it part as your identity. This happens with many things, it's actually normal. Everyone grows up with personality in genes, it's perfectly normal.
If someone wants to be so happy with furry stuff in spiritual ways or other ways, then it's not wrong OR a problem, or hell, even harmful to the self.
Sorry but there is no 'line'.. Oh wait I'm sorry, there is, but when the line is crossed, that's when people are hurting each other.
But when it comes to personal consenting, there is NO LINE.
Stop making up bullshit Jared.
If you do believe in anything else than the Golden Rule, then you don't believe in the Golden Rule.
Because you believe in other delusions that interfere with other people not you. And guess what? THAT crosses the line.
The only bad behavior is yours, and other people who treats me like an "asshole" just because they don't like it when I am expressing myself differently.No, it's called a rant. Everyone has them. And it's called criticism. Real criticism.
You express yourself by raging over people on the internet. That is not a good impression.
People are allowed to complain about assholes like you.
Yet, aren't you doing the same thing in terms of ranting about other people?
Oh really? Did I agree to track wwwarea's life? Did I advocated suicide, did I bash fetishes and people, did I stalk and posted links to FB, did I made a journal with a link leading to a guy with a link to illegal porn, etc?It was to REM, just like how you talked to me about REM. But then again, you did some bad stuff like him too.
I never did any of that. As for fetishes, just like with the above example, it is fine as long as you don't cross that line. But the problem is that many people do!
There is no 'line', stop making up bullshit.. I mean, there can only be one line, and that's a real moral civil thing, not your shitty personal opinion about fetishes just because you don't like them.
Expressing fetishes in public is nothing different than the common heterosexual and homosexual people do.
Not everyone wants to see fetishes, but not everyone wants to see two humans kiss in art either.
But both expressions do not cross the line because it's not being forced on anyone.
Just like humans kissing.
Did I slander wwwarea by claiming he "wants" to "kill" people, did I slander wwwarea by claiming he judges heterosexuals like a real heterophobia? Did I break DA rules against wwwarea like 4-5 times, did I break other rules? Did I lie about deals, starts fights with people, etc?
So much..
Well you do display the warning signs that mass shooters such as Eliot Rodger have shown. Such as increasing hatred toward society and a specific group of people. As well as throwing temper tantrums when given criticism and posting these whiny rants online, which is exactly what Eliot Rodger did for a while before he shot up the Isla Visa campus.I will spread hate to people who promote hate, I have a valid reason to. And guess what? It's not wrong to do that.
Actually you don't give criticism and neither does certain people. However, I do, and you act like a fucking child whenever you can't take it.
Making rants is not wrong, it's nothing to be guilty about.
You are just making excuses up to show that I'm a "bad" person when I'm not.
Plus another mistake you do: You don't like it when people use freedom of speech to make criticism/rants.
Yet, what I did wasn't illegal, and you do realize, that ALL of you are extremely guilty.I already told you over 5 times, I didn't do it illegally, I didn't do so for money. Stop claiming I am doing things illegal for things that aren't. Especially the fact that I already explained why it wasn't illegal.
Yet, what I did was not only not illegal, but I didn't start it.
You blackmailed someone!
Stop being a fucking bully. You choose (and so does your shitty friends) to stalk/monitor me. It's not my fault. It's yours.No. You did. You attacked me for spiritual beliefs, you attacked me for defending myself, etc.
Stop fucking victim blaming.
Victim blaming? Dude, you picked a fight with all of us!
THAT'S picking a fight.
So I'm a victim.
Pretty much. You were not only told to hide yourself for bullies, but you are inspired by bullies because you are proud of what you did to yourself, taking inspired to harm further people.Just like how people stalked you, you now stalk others.
What are you talking about?
Then I will decide heterosexual is wrong then.You don't get it do you.
Oh great, a heterophobe. That will get you reeeaaaaal far.
If you think it's OK to choose that what I'm doing is wrong out of personal opinion, then I will decide that what you like is wrong then.
Yet, you do realize it was a 'then' argument right?
Fetishphobia. (Yes, if heterophobia can be used, then so can that).
In all seriousness,What line? See, your delusional beliefs is allowing you to make up even more bullshit about people just to do something actually morally wrong; interfering with other people.
here is what ISN'T wrong:
- Spiritual beliefs
- The right to disagree and argue
- The right to express wet-dreams in places that allow it
- The right to be yourself
- Any victimless activity
- The right to have an opinion on anything taboo
- The right to stand up for others
- The right to forgive bad actions and defend those people while forgiving them
- The right to research and share it
- The right to have an opinion about Copyright
- The right to share the fact that all animals are equel
- The right to bring out behavior that already starts it with me
- Any sexuality, including fetishes (Don't hurt anyone with it)
- etc
There is that line that I talked about.
You are nothing but a fucking dictator. Showing that you attack people for doing things that are not morally wrong. HOWEVER, attacking people for those, IS morally wrong.
Just becuase you fucking don't like it, doesn't mean it's OK to make up an imaginary bullshit "line" that doesn't exist and act like a complete dick to others for it.
Face it, you do not respect other opinions.
Just because some people don't like it, doesn't mean it's wrong.Now you are just making yourself a laughing stock.
But YOU on the other hand. You have done so much wrong things.
You bully those for things that is a right, bully those who makes stamps for opinions, promote cyberbullying articles, stalk people, etc.
What kind of SICK and TWISTED person are you?
I'm an educated and mature adult.
Attacking those for having a right isn't matured, promoting cyberbullying articles isn't matured, and monitoring people isn't matured.
Neither is educated either. And you always refuse to get educated.
I think I'm going to stop here.
This person is a crazy physio and a huge bigot who has no tolerant of other people.
Wait, I want to address a couple of last things:
You threatened to release his address if he didn't give in to your demands.Proof please?
Actually if you hadn't spammed my Sonic.exe stamp this whole mess would have never happened in the first place.I didn't spam it. I disagreed with it.
I can't believe you are still on to that.
It used to be like what you said before, but then monopoly supports (Who likes to ruin our natural rights) made it automatic, without the need to pay for it. Though, you can still 'register' for further abilities, but to simply own Copyright, you don't need to pay money..Thanks for admitting to be wrong. Now I see you are slowly changing the subject to hide that.
But you need to register if you really want to enforce it. Which is a good idea.
I might actually continue, but I may do that a later time.
The rest of course will be bullshit, and some people will delusional to believe that the "commentary" parts has "owned" me. Which shows these people are just bigots who can't argue.