Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Commentary - You don't know Everything Beyond - NOT FINISHED YET

Will this guy just cut it out?
You know those kind of people who act like they know everything beyond when they really don't, and ignore all evidence that denies their puny brains? That's Funnel in a nutshell.
It's quite sad how this person just thinks he/she knows everything when in reality, the person doesn't and will use their nut job dumb emotions and bitch out because of it and act like all the evidence were never their and acts like Funnel's little world is "concrete" or even "evidence".

 Request Used

 The fuck is wrong with Funnel? True, the emotional faggotry of his mind seems that it can't handle open theory and suggest something a rabid atheist would do; claim God "doesn't" exist just because.
I am not saying a stupid Hedgehog is my god, but the way Funnel goes reminds me of rabid atheists.
Or rabid creationists who claim certain things without proof.

Note: Of course, within quote spacing: The deeper quote spacing is his, the main quote spacing without the bold is mine and the bold messages in the quote spacing is his again (But recent).
Note again: Some of my own quotes he posted within the quotes pacing may have some bold stuff too.
Also, the deeper quote spacing with bold words are most likely Funnel's too.

He kinda connects now due to this one being more connected before.. And hey, remember the whole stupid Sonic.EXE thing that didn't connect..?

It did not connect but you freaked out over it anyway.
Oh no, it did. But you are the guy that's talking about a Sonic.exe thing that didn't connect at all.
USED TO BE. I mean, this wasn't my account originally. That's why you see those fucking requests because of a talk.

Are you pretending this isn't your blog?
It was pretty much owned by "me" and the other guy, but the other guy was the main leader.
Again, you seem to tell others how to live and again, you act like I always never even touch my front door nob.
If you keep making stuff up out of assumption then I will just keep saying the same thing to you then.

Just come out and be honest and say WHAT you do outside of your house! It isn't that hard.

You will never know me.
Plus let me assume you don't. You write these replies even on School days. Soooooo

 Maybe my world view can sometimes promote it.
Every activist, idealist, etc. has a world view that has promoted freedom.
And see you whine and complain about someone who believes in change is pretty sad.

Change for what, exactly? And idealism is not always good. Often people bring up ideas for prosperity in society with good intentions, and sometimes it turns into something awful
The problem with you is that you act like 'idealism' and so is "ALWAYS" bad.
And those people that think is "right" or "wrong" are not always right.

Yes, but not in the way you think of it. You think "right" is what everyone else says is "wrong". And for no good reason either.
Sorry but face it. You can't prove that. What is right is respecting Freedom of Expression that's not violating an actual freedom, and another right is protecting freedom in general.
And you act like that's "wrong" just because you said so.

The Golden Rule is clear, it's also been used so long in the history. Even though it's also the most violated rule in the world.
There is still laws today based off unfair emotional discrimination (E.g. Polygamy laws)
If the future really do gets more perfect, then I'll say you are jumping too far beyond our current times.

Basically you just said I am the smart one here.
Think again.. You can't seem to understand the speech.
I was saying you were acting like our current times were "perfect" now, but they are not.
In another part, I was saying if the future does get perfect, you are in the wrong time and only in the future of that.
The only stupid things that's being said is words (in certain orders) out of your mouth.
And if you say shitty things about people not you, expect people to say something back.

Didn't I just say that?
You pointed it at the wrong person. :)
 Again, if for example, YOU say something, expect people to say something back.
Yet, some speech is banned in some places.

Free speech isn't banned here. So stop acting like it is.
Look at the rules on DA.
Look at 'Hate Speech' laws.
Look at 'Obscene speech' laws.
Look at policies.

I do not need to link you to them.. You can easily find at least one of those maybe. Lazy.
No. Just kissing or any other common stuff.
If Vore bothers you, then most things must bother you then.

Vore can be disturbing to some simply because it involves one eating another.
And Kissing can be disturbing to some simply because it involves germs and mouth to mouth.
Again, others feeling "disturbed" =/= content extreme as a "fact".

It's not disturbing to everyone either.
Another example: Titanic is something I loved, probably because it wasn't JUST a love story. It had action, major events, etc. and the emotional part was more fair. Though, I was only disgusted by kissing.

The Titanic was actually a real event. So you are saying you did not like the love story, but you loved the actual sinking of the ship, which was a recreation of real events? 

Okay, when watching a fictional disaster movie like The Day After Tomorrow or San Andrea's, it is entirely natural to want to see everyone slaughtered.
But when watching a movie based on a disaster that actually happened, and enjoying seeing everyone die? Yeah, that could really be considered "iffy".
 Titanic was, but not the love story.
I am saying some of the 'love' story was good, because the way they did it (Figure out how, saving people, and losing somebody) was actually good. It wasn't boring most of the time.
I wouldn't want the ship to sink in RL though.

Well the movie it's self was not showing real videos (except for the hunting treasure part specials).
I would not enjoy seeing a real video of people dying.
 Plus, I didn't enjoy the movie just because of sinking. It was because of how it was mainly used as an action film, figuring out how to escape, etc.
 And also was a sad film.
I admit, the animation isn't as good as the first movie, but some of those sequels still offer some value to plenty of people. Plus, I wasn't talking about the sequels...

The sequels do not have any value to offer. The only value that came from the franchise was from the first movie, and most of it came in the form of Lily.
"Other people do not count, my personal opinion only counts!" <Funnel
Again, you are treating your personal opinion as the "only" thing that matters in value terms.
This is one of the reason why you are a rabid hater.
Oh and it's 'Lilly', not 'Lily'.

You should realize that it was valuable to other people, and Humphrey was far more valuable than Lilly to me. And you have to realize that my feedback of value counts.
Don't treat your personal opinion as "fact".
Actually it's not. If it was, the characters wouldn't be wolves, the love story would of been 100% the same (But it's not because no one dies, some ways go different, etc.). It's like you are calling it that JUST because of 'forbidden love'.. If so, then everything is the same.
 Oh and certain other events (e.g. Lilly and Garth) was new.

So it is not a Romeo & Juliette story because it... has wolves? It is still the same story type.
It's not even the same story type.
Yet, what if someone was inspired directly from R&J and directly wanted to experience it as a wolf movie? If that's the purpose, then it's not a flaw for what it is.
Same with Sonic then.
But in all seriousness, they look great and I will say that. It's unique, etc. And you making an immature 'emo' joke that isn't even matching doesn't change that.
*New design* You: "No, I don't like new creative 'change'! They look different!"

Yes I argued a lot because I think it's fair to say this in a critique or at least showing valuable parts.

I do not think I said it as a joke
Well that's.. I don't even know what to say.
But they are not emo. If you are serious, then you are really sad.

Maybe your OC is Emo..

No. It's the fact that you argued that it 'sucks' then say your stuff didn't.. I don't like Sonic, if you get to argue your personal opinion as an argument, then I may do so back.

Well Sonic is not always good. There is crap like Sonic 3D blast, Sonic 06, and Sonic Boom. 
I don't know what Sonic 3D blast is much, but again, you are still treating your personal opinion as "fact".
In a fair argument though, Sonic 06 was buggy and glitchy. And that's a fair argument because the purpose didn't look so great as it is.
So you admit it. And no, but you made up an arguable claim that I didn't ask for. You just forced your hatred as a "fact" over someone who likes it, and yet, your stuff was arguable.
So thanks for admitting you lied.

How did I admit I "lied?"
Here is your older comment:
"I just said I thought the picture was creepy."
Soooo next.
You can find it creepy personality, but you really didn't need to say that in a place that wasn't asking you.
It's like if someone went to your Sonic art and just said "Your sonic OC is creepy to me!"

What? You think I would treat people like shit for liking it? All I said is that it is creepy to me. 
The problem is that you said that out of no where, similar to my sonic example.
 You can find it creepy again in a personal sense, but you should only say that if someone was asking you or in other possible appropriate places.
I think I remember thinking I was right because I felt so sure, but alas, I was wrong in the end.
It's still assumption and could lead to slander if you keep assuming.

What? Slander for assuming? What are you talking about.
If you say "Area does this!" without you knowing, and that you could be wrong, then it could be slander.
Again, you are bringing up something that happened in the past disconnected between me and you on a topic that has nothing to do with it.
And me saying I hate sonic does not connect to that still. That's like saying every fight connects because it's on DA. <Because old fights happened on it too.

Well it is what this all started over.
No it wasn't. That 'otherkin' journal you made, was the start. It was directly on that topic, and I didn't even remember thinking about that Sonic thing. It was just a separate thing, and you clearly started it on that.
Even if I did think about it, it's still a new fight you started within the timeline of me and you.
Stuff like "Be yourself", "Not all otherkins hurt people", "Keep drama out of forums", "Equality for all", etc.
Stop defending your stereotyping.

Have you ever seen Tumblr?
Tumblr takes those things to such extremes that it mangles them into something unrecognizable! 
Then stop saying I belong their, and stop acting like all of Tumblr is the same.

Bullshit. Perhaps you are misunderstanding people, or you idiotically for example think people attack others for disliking something when all they did was disagree about some claims.

Have you ever experienced an SJW? 
If you defend SJWs, that means you either are one or have never seen one in your life.
No I didn't. But I heard a lot of them are in that place, (But also exist in other places too) but that doesn't mean all of Tumblr is like that.

Plus, I heard the term 'SJW' was abused.
 Not it's not. Or maybe a lot of people you think is "bad" there isn't really bad people.
Plus, DA has a lot of cool people too, and you saying I don't belong here is a bunch of shit.
Maybe you belong to Tumblr, and maybe even 4chan.

4Chan seems rather nice.
A place that's just as bad as SJWs; who bully furries, make up bullshit rumors that aren't true, plan on attacking people, etc.. Yeah you really do belong their.
And also on here, I bet you want many activists, and many other people who believe change for more freedom to go there. How rude of you.

The only 'freedom' the people I am talking about believe in is an excuse to get away with their horrible behavior.

The only horrible behavior is violating another freedom of another person.
If you decide that people's freedom is "horrible" because of either some sexual identity (e.g. Vore), some furry in public, freedom of speech to disagree, an activist, a spiritual open theorist, and many other non-interfering freedom stuff, then you are biased, and bigoted.
No you shouldn't. Because if they want to believe he's reason in connection to a bunch of theories, then they have the right to. If the multiverse theory is true, then yes he's real. If the spiritual world exist, then yes he does. What I mean is that people ARE allowed to create these possibilities such as the spiritual world, and that's a legit thing under the theory. You just can't respect that and you seem to think you know everything about the spiritual world, but you DON'T.
All you are doing is calling people out for believing in something that may be possible. You call them out because they hold a more open opinion than yours and you act like you know everything, but you don't. <FOLKS, MINE
Now, Funnel's:
Sonic. Isn't. Real!

You know, I love Star Wars. I love Star Wars many times more than Sonic. And it would be cool if Star Wars was real, but guess what? It isn't! As cool as it would be if Star Wars existed, it doesn't, and I must accept reality.
"Because I said so!" <You
Folks, Funnel admit that he cannot accept the real reality, with open theories, etc.
He seems to think he knows everything about the multiverse, the spiritual world, etc. but doesn't.
This is one of the main problems with Funnel. Much bigotry, and stupidity.

Sorry Funnel, but whenever you claim "NOT REALZ", you are admitting you know everything, you censor open curiosity, open theories, etc. and that's not healthy.
It's just as bad when a certain person claims that the Earth is flat and not round.
That Christian attacks others, maybe that's different? But I would call people like you out considering you are no different than that type of Christian.
Well believing in Sonic doesn't infringe upon a real man. But your stuff does exactly what that example Christian does.

Well the guy who thinks Sonic is real is damaging himself.
Sorry, but no he's not.
And plus, it's his body, not yours. Morality comes in whenever another person's freedom is being violated by another.

However, you are damaging yourself for pretending you know everything when you don't.
And I already explained this.
When did I say that? I mean, our bodies are slowly made by our own genes, if that's what you mean. And I believe in the after life, you can, and I was mainly talking about the astral plane, or spiritual world (Same thing?)
I don't want to turn into one, but for someone who does, yes it's possible.
"I think that's bad because I somehow know everything about the spiritual world and afterlife!" <Funnel

You said you can turn into a cat because "thoughts create reality"
Yes, the astral plane is a spiritual realm. But you can not transform into your Sonic FC on it.
Well if someone was on a certain level of consciousness, then in a way that can be very true faster.
Currently we have limited beliefs, etc. right now.
Actually, you can.
You can't decide that people can't turn into certain things just because your overly emotional mind said so.

How bigoted can you get with your own selfish ego head that seems to think it owns everyone else going there?
You don't know the spiritual world and you acting like that shows how much bigotry you can get.
Yes according to the things you refuse to even fucking get.
How do you know he's 'not' real? What about the afterlife you don't know, what about all the universe you don't know, what about anything else you don't know.
The way you 'bring them out' as "bad" shows that you act like you do know, but you don't. So that's why you are clearly a bigot and a egoist moron.

Because, once again. SONIC. IS. NOT. REEEEAAAAAALLLL!

Actually, if Sonic is real then so is the universe-jumping duo of Willy Wonka and Emperor Palpatine coming here to this universe to kill you! And don't forget they are riding an ostrich too. 
"Because I SAAAAAAIIIIDD SOOOOOO!!!!!!!" <Funnel

We live in the universe possibility that it's not happening.
Remember, the multiverse contains anything a simple thought contains.
 Not true. Adults swear when they are in stress sometimes, and other annoying situations. This is natural.

You've never ever had to listen to a squeaker, have you? Once you hear them, you dread them for life.
If you do that, that's bullying. Critiquing is about improving something for what it is.
Your so-called "critique" is NOT a critique.

And helping a person improve themselves?
Improving is about improving what's there. Not changing it to something it's not.
So if you bring out a main intention, then you are destroying it rather than improving.
Also, a 'fetish' is part of their identity. If they express it in a way common people do, that's not obsessed.

Well a lot of them clearly are obsessed. 
No they are not.
If so, then expressing kissing is obsessed then.
Again, censorship.
When someone argues you, it may have a lot of text. Deal with that.
If someone wants to see other comments, they still can.
And it wasn't 'irrelevant'.

All I did was maturely disagreed and explained why, then you censored me.

You did not even care about Sonic.exe or even knew what it was. You were just bitching about the fact that I made the stamp, and nothing else. 
I played it before I commented it.
No I didn't.. In fact, unhide the comment and let me see.
Then what IS your job?
I am NOT telling. Because of shitty people like you, stalking me a lot, I don't want my personal activity known online.

If you just tell people what your job is then maybe you would be more credible! And how is knowing your job title a form of stalking? Because I am sure there are a lot of others with the same job!

Because the more you refuse to let people know what your job is, then the more people will assume you do not have one.
I do not need to tell people what my job is in order to be more credible.
Because of the fact that people like you are trying to know me more so you can easily stalk me even more, etc. The problem is that if I tell, people would know more about my own identity and what I do.

And, that doesn't mean they are right.
Pressuring people to change doesn't work. You can influence someone, but not force them.
Influencing is far different than what you do.
The way you do, is force. And yet, didn't you admit that you so-called 'peer PRESSURE'?

Peer pressure is just influencing
Peer pressure has the word pressure.. The fuck man.
Also it's not. You don't influence, you just pressure people and force them to change to someone like you, and force them to believe in your unproven claims (e.g. About the higher realms)
I think I said that because of the past crap you and some other people do. And I thought your argument was connected to that at the same time.

That's a different subject. This is about under the main belief of 'other people' despite that 'everything is created by 'my/you' thoughts.

Also, that means I created all the war, you guys, and etc.

So you are not even gonna argue it
I should be asking you the same thing with many stuff you do.

And I did argue it.
Assumption is often based off some 'sort of' evidence' thing. It's just assumption. And again, not real concrete meaning you shouldn't act like you 100% know.

You can probably (depends) say "I assume he.." and that would be more accurate.

It would still be the same thing
No it's not.
"I assume he..." =/= "He does this."
Actually from discovering many things, that's not true.
Not just violating freedom, and disrespecting others for being themselves, but society in general is very hypocritical.

Discovering what?
Many things about our own society being very shitty than we thought.
Anyway, a pedo may violate a human right (Child) but if their is a pedo who would only control his stuff and only go to the fiction realm and nothing more, then as a responsible person with the understanding of Freedom, yes.
Also note: A pedophilia can exist without violating the law. Just saying.

But he should not have child porn, or else his sexual desires could grow into something ugly.
 Fear is not an answer. I also at least once heard an argument that having fictional CP would prevent them from doing the real thing.
If it has an agenda then it is usually biased or skewed.
Not really. A lot of agendas I've seen is the opposite.
You are just calling them biases because you can't stand the criticism.
Seeing you deny so much open information about Copyright, and other things by depending on where, and who is a big example of biases.
More proof why humans are getting more dumb:………

The first one may be 'one of those' sites you think of, but that doesn't automatically mean they are wrong.

The first one has the word "truth" in it's title.

The second one is an opinion blog.

And the third one draws from sources like FOX News and MSNBC

Also, one of the things you learn in college psychology is that humans are getting smarter.
And this is why you are biased yourself Funnel.

An opinion with good evidence.

Again, you are one hell of an idiot.

This is why you can't take actual criticism.
And that you depend on random blind teaching you were taught from in public schools.
They could be wrong, these links I've sent actually is good at debunking that.
And didn't you just say that "Science means concrete?" You seem to be admitting it is not entirely concrete.
A theory made up by scientific stuff it's self isn't science. But the stuff that people connect to the theory might be concrete/science.
That's part of science.
If someone shows the past, that's also an observation.
And observation is a big part of science.

They are not part of science themselves.
Observation is a HUGE part of science. Without it, we wouldn't be in this age.
Umm no it doesn't. Making a unproven claim because you said so is not science.
 We don't need people like you to ruin science.

Dude, this is what your "Law of Attraction" guys do...
Actually, science can be used to support it. It's supported by open evidence, etc.
You on the other hand just say things without allowing anything to challenge you. Closed Minded Funnel.
The problem is that spreading those ideas are hard, people can be bullied for spreading the ideas, etc.
Some websites even forbid open talk about some subjects because those 'some subjects' are taboo.
 And of course, some overly emotional people made some consenting freedom illegal.

Nothing is stopping scientists from sharing among their peers and eventually getting it into a textbook. There is NO censorship going on. I think censorship of that is actually illegal.
Not true.
Censorship is often everywhere, and I don't mean Copyright only, but a lot of people attack others for opening it, and you just admitted Furaffinity (Well it's a claim only) BANS/CENSORED open information about another taboo.
Trust me, from what I experience and wonder, it's real.

Science can NOT answer everything. Science does a good job on explaining how the physical world works, but it can not answer political, religious, or philosophical issues. 
 Yes it can be actually. If someone claims "This is fake" And science shows and discovered that this was indeed Photoshopped, then yes it's fake.
Oh and by the way, "Science" doesn't fully know how our physical world works due to the fact that it's been proven that we still don't fully know matter, etc.

Science can NOT answer all issues. Science is NOT the ultimate authority. Science can describe, but it does not call the shots.

Science does not know everything, nor will it ever will. But it has proved that matter does indeed exist, that the Earth is round, and that evolution is true.

However, science will never answer philosophical or spiritual issues. EVER!
Actually it might be an 'ultimate' source.. Maybe you just don't know what science is.

Actually someday, science may be able to prove ghosts, realms, etc.
No it wasn't. The real fact is that every time we zoom in on an atom, we see a missing space, and the more we zoom in, we see more empty spaces. You are talking about something that was already debunked by quantum theories, including the recent atom experiment, and another thing.

"Because I said so!" <Funnel
You do not know that. Plus philosophical is more science actually.
Some day science can prove that it's real, and explain that it's real, etc.


Part 2

ARTICLE NOT FINISHED. Funnel did not finish all parts.
It will be published so far. -Master