Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Oh Channeleven - Why do you have to Start Fights Again?

Request used:
Got some updates on that one guy who I question as to why he's even born?

Thanks to help, I've discovered REM has been harassing a user on Youtube because Channeleven/REM doesn't like this user and continue to post harassment comments to this poor guy.


Of course, why did I say harassment? Found more comments from Channeleven:


Meanwhile, he also posted this:
 Considering Channeleven doesn't have any skill himself. Can't draw, model, or do anything so great.

Let's see if there is any more videos with Channeleven's obsessed comments about this guy?

Said the guy who use 'autism' as an insult.

Well I don't know so much about the Youtube guy, but regardless, it's still sad and hilarious to see Channel's behavior in this form.
During the same time, he also posted a journal about it here on his Deviant"Art" profile:

The History page has also been updated to expose more of his immature behavior. Not only pretty bad, but advocates legal hate speech too. (Discrimination based off disability).

I figured out the Youtube owner is just an ass like Channeleven is. Well I don't know about being the same exact.
Some bigot who has a problem with bronies and certain bronies for something not causing harm on another. He could have more hatred.
Regardless of the bigotry the Youtube guy has, Channeleven's behavior is still no different.

End of request.