Thursday, May 22, 2014

According to Some Anonymous, I Have no Right to be Offended

The white border around this image, makes the guy look like a cut-off.
So there is this Anonymous user, who claims I cannot be offended.. No really! He used "freedom examples" to somehow prove that point...

Let's look at the meaning of "offensive":

He was saying that to me, on a post that directly attacked me, abuse critique against me, and possibly made lies about me.

I think I will say this:
I have every right to be offended from what that original poster did to me. Since this post involves me, and that it pretty much does what the meaning of "offensive" is.

I think that Anonymous user is nothing but a hypocrite.

Hey, Americas... Your culture smells... YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE OFFENDED.
Nah, just kidding, and I live in America but do you get the point?

*sigh* I wish I lived on a more intellectual planet, followed by open, loving tolerance.