Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Funnel of Nonsense

Well first I like to say that this blog is no longer going to much be a main blog these days anymore.
I already have another blog out there somewhere that may focus on more general things?
This blog has became more of a random back to back commentary.



Well, this asshole who always does what cyberbullies do (According to the legal examples, etc) has once again done it for the purpose of pain (Well kinda) and more idiotic being forced and pored on to the sheep of other people.

Time for further criticism! (Or the same in case it's just repeated old messages that were already debunked.

Here we go!
Note: The ones with '<MINE' or '<MY MOCK QUOTE' are stuff I said, but the text after still being within the quote isn't mine. <HIS is referring to quotes before I put '<MINE' after.
Well, if you read my last journal update you would have seen that wwwarea wussed out and decided to block me. I guess I have to respond to him via journals now. Well, seeing that he responded, here we go again.
I block people who does nothing but use me for another fucked up purpose such as unnecessary posting a journal about our conversation for shitty people to agree on just because.
It's not respect man..

After this, I'll just go back to the usual on here, plan to make that one "final" stamp before I moved so stalkers won't find me. <MINE

You've been saying that for a while now.
Hmm you know? That could be a good point, damn things keep distracting me..

And yes, moderating someone's activity and updating it with someone, (especially for humiliation purposes) is stalking. <MINE

We monitor you because we are concerned with you behavior, Jesse. People used to monitor me too when I was a huge idiot when I first joined DA. And do you know what? Getting criticized and called out for your behavior is a GOOD THING. I used to be a fucking retard before I was criticized and monitored by other DA users.

And if anyone wants to know just how stupid I was, my former DA account was Vierzbanator. I am not going to be a wuss and deny my inexcusable behavior. I grew up. The flak I received from the DA community actually helped! That is why we do what we do, Jesse.
Not an excuse. Every bully has an opinion to do what is considered bullying.
And wow, kind of sad (or who knows..) of you to give in to people who 'makes you do what they want' (EXACTLY what bullying means).
Sorry but that depends. Because your "criticism" isn't criticism. It's rotten behavior that's just forcing people to believe that it's "bad" behavior. Like I said, bullies like you will have twisted up opinions.
The only bad behavior that's happening is you.
Maybe I will keep monitoring you until you stop monitoring me.

Well still grow up (Or I am curious what your old behavior was? I bet it was just some fetishes you had that wasn't even wrong, then people force you to believe that being yourself was "bad". Just a feeling.
You are not helping, all you are doing is cyberbullying those for things NOT WRONG.
You can't decide that someone's behavior is wrong just because you want to like that, unless you have GOOD reason. But my behavior wasn't even wrong, it was me having a right to debate, to protect, to promote freedom, wonder freely, etc.

You are bringing out something that isn't even wrong and forcing people to 'be like you', just like a bully would.
gerund or present participle: bullying

use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.

I am going to make a commentary right here to respond to a god damn asshole that doesn't ever deserve respect. <MINE

You are the one who is making yourself not worthy of respect. 
 No I'm not.. Oh wait, maybe to bullies like you, but not to good people like me.
And of course LMJ (A huge corrupted bigot who also promotes slander) favorite that corrupted journal too. <MINE

Why bring him into this? This is between me and you right now!
It's my journal buddy. I didn't even went into the commentary part yet.

Why Funnel and Some Other is Wrong About me <MINE

Let me fix that for you.
"Why Funnel And Some Others Are Wrong About Me"
 ...OH, for a second I thought you just wrote the same thing, but this is a grammar argument?
Hmm, pretty sure you can't capitalize a two letter word like that. Or the 3 letter words.
As you have probably noticed "short" words, those with less than five letters, are generally lowercase in titles, unless they are the first or last words in a title. Generally, we do not capitalize: Articles: a, an, the. Coordinating Conjunctions: and, but, or, for, nor, etc.
Though 'Some' might be the only one I did wrong? I just realized that. Haha
But you really failed.
So I have engaged in a conversation with wwwarea, and this will be part of it. The reason why I am doing this in a journal and not in a direct comment is because:
1. This was too good not to do a journal version
2. I know of wwwarea's tendency to hide comments. <HIS
1. More sadistic reasoning.
2. I didn't even hide your crappy comments. Update: Well now I did, including my own replies in a area so stalkers won't find me to cyberbully. <MINE

I knew you would hide your comments that show your own self-awareness.
What comments? Oh you mean the ones you tried to get your friends to stalk and promote even more cyberbullying idiotic arguments for sheep to agree to?
The way you try to expose my arguments (And my arguments are fine actually) is a promotion of stalking and cyberbullying.

: the belief in a god or in a group of gods
: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods
: an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group…

And that is only a basic definition. Religions can be much more complex, and there is the legal issue as well.

And the last definition is not the definition we are exactly discussing, even then there is a point it has to reach before it can be called a "religion." The Kopimi cult would be an example.
Actually it does fit well.
The Kopimi freedom 'religion' has a general idea belief that is considered important.
That's exactly what Kopimi does. Just like Otherkin.
I'm pretty sure it does not require a God to consider it a religion.

Yet I find it funny of you to try to use "my bible" when the "bible" also said that what you do is considered cyberbullying and maybe even cyberstalking.
Don't get what I mean.. In other words: The dictionary.

Also, that definition could of been based off something older. I also found this:

And actually, anyone can call it a religion too whether you like it or not. <MINE

Yeah, but you will look like an idiot.
Only by idiots like you.
Your argument is invalid.
You are not other people. <MINE

I am sure many other people would agree with me, some wouldn't. But when you come down to it I do not give a shit. 
Popularity is not a valid argument.
"Because I will say it's reality just because I want to!" <MINE

No, its because copyright is fucking reality!
You just don't get it. It's reality that it exist as a man-made law (Not the be confused with morality), but the ideas behind is not a reality, but rather an illusion.
Just because it's a law, doesn't mean it's right.
Maybe I will say that your heterosexual, type of "religion", etc. isn't reality then, and what is reality is that it's all fake <MINE

Here you are actively displaying your heterophobia. And heterosexuality is not a religion. It's a sexuality the majority of the world has, and if you don't like it then move to Mars.
I "will" if you keep being a 'fetishphobia', a 'otherkinphobia', a 'kopimiphobia', etc.
Though, I don't really judge heterosexuals, I only make 'then' arguments if you keep acting like an asshole to other sexuality (e.g. "fetishes", spiritual beliefs, etc.)
I know it's not a religion, that's a separated part. Man are you this stupid?
'Majority'/popularity.. is what supposed to be some kind of "value" for your argument?
Umm yeah, I always wanted to move to Mars and all, but I don't really have a real problem with heterosexual... BUT if they start judging other sexuality, then I may just make more 'then' (How do you like it if..) arguments.. I say if you don't like "fetishes", or "other spiritual beliefs", then YOU move to Mars.
.. I will depend on some kind of popular belief, and will say so because I said so! <MY MOCK QUOTE

I have some opinions that are NOT "popular", such as me not liking Pewdiepie or Five Nights At Freddy's.
Just because you have some opinions to not be popular, doesn't mean all of your opinions don't depend on it.
Hell, a lot of people actually hate FNAF.
By the way, that's a 'then' argument. Apparently that 'then' argument I made is no different than Funnel. <MINE

You claim I am using a fallacy yet you go ahead and use it also, and admit that you use it.
When I say 'then', it's more like a "How do you like it if I were to say that your _insert something here_ wasn't _insert something here_?' argument.
However, you actually do the serious bad stuff like that without the 'how do you like it' thing.

No, it is because I know how the world actually works. <HIS
"Because I know how it works because I said so!" < Funnel <MY MOCK QUOTE

No, it's because I actually went to school. And also did a lot of reading.
You do realized that public schools are not perfect right? Especially since Schools used to have old outdated science theories, etc.. which is what our current theories may be considered that too someday.
I could of also sworn that public schools talked to a person by claiming that you need money to Copyright, but that is obviously NOT true. They may also teach that there is such thing as a "single normal" which again, is an illusion. I also heard criticism that public schools are for sheep, and that home schooling is far better.
And of course, the Internet (The waking world..) actually can criticized current teaching systems of our public schools system.
I find it sad that you say that as if that was a "perfect" argument when it's not.
So try again.

I also did a lot of reading. And since doing a lot of reading it's self isn't value (as you can be reading nothing but junk), I say I been reading a lot of criticism to today's popular beliefs, open theories, etc.

Getting into tinfoil hat country now, aren't we? <HIS
Again, more bigotry as always. <MINE

You are the one who called me a sheep.
 Honestly, I didn't clearly understand what you were saying that time.
But you are sheep though.
Taking a political/legal stance is not religion.
But I guess that doesn't mean some nutjobs will not form a religion based on their petty first world problems, such as the Kopimi cult which you want to join. <HIS
Actually it can be for some.
Copyright can sometimes be similar as a religion to some people. (Honestly, some of it was a joke, just to show how it became a real cult these days) <MINE

Simply taking a stance is not religious.
It can be if it's becoming a group of pattern beliefs with the same old delusions, etc. Which has happened.
Actually, the only nutjob is Copyright, and you.
At least Kopimi exposes the truth about Copyright and shows it's true nature. <MINE

Copyright laws exist for a reason. It isn't some corporate conspiracy like you think it is. If anything our copyright laws are too loose and weak, which is why we get (hilarious) knockoffs and bootlegs.
Actually. Copyright was a censorship law past for a LIMITED OF TIME of about 14-30 years for market purposes, then the good part comes in (Public Domain). But then not only that censorship got passed, but it's been highly abused not only by it's ridiculous expansions, but people has made so many myths (Including the term 'Intellectual Property', claims that "piracy" is a "lost" sale, that copying is "theft" (Theft is really about removing something), etc.
Yet, reasons are not always good.
And I'm glad they are weak.

Copyright does nothing but stifle creativity, has abused fans, promote monopoly, etc. That's the truth.

Hell, even the constitution states something about Copyright, but that part is being ignored.

Yes I called it bullshit, and then I explained why it is bullshit afterwards. <HIS
Your reasoning lacks any real sources, and all it is, is nothing but dictating, and popularity.
Which is not a valid argument. <MINE

Okay, if you want to know more on why the "Observer Effect" is not what the more extreme New Age community thinks it is, I will let Martymer81 explain it for you. I admit I do not agree with everything he says, but he does a good job explaining why the whole "Quantum consciousness creates reality" thing is bullshit.
(Had a video too)
What a bunch of bullshit.
Being open minded about the experiences, and making new theories isn't abuse.
It's experimenting, and your suggestion does nothing but promote censorship and hurts curiosity, etc.
If it's abuse, then I say making a theory off of any scientific theories is abuse.

Yet, there is still further evidence about the whole 'matter over mind' theory, and etc.
And there isn't anything debunking those yet, or very well.
So just because some guy finds it bullshit, compares oddly, etc. doesn't mean it's wrong.
This term of "rape" or "abuse" is just another excuse to get away with censorship, etc.

Take a good look at the sections of text I underlined. This shows a classic case of wwwarea's hypocrisy.
At first he uses a video's number of likes and views to make it look more credible, but then he rips on me for supposedly "depending on popularity." Let that sink in. <HIS
Actually.. you are the one that said it wasn't that popular, and hidden. <MINE

It is popular among the New Age Loon (I am going to call then NALs for now on) crowd but it isn't widely-discussed among scientists.
Sorry but those so-called "loons" do count. And they are not loons. They are just open minded people who wonders and views reality differently. If they are "loons" for that, then you are a loon for your own spiritual beliefs then.
Yet, there is real experiment effects such as the Law of Attraction, Mind over Matter, etc. Hell, even I have done some interesting experimenting effects before.
I bet you would call me a "loon" for experimenting new theories, which suggests that you are a loon because you force your limited unproven beliefs as "fact".

Oh, and if I had to depend on popularity, that video I shared is more popular than the video you shared.
If those people don't count, then the people on your video doesn't either.
So that's when I fairly used an amount of views, likes, etc.
Plus the last part was your reasoning to say it's "false", while at the same time, that first part was to yet, another part directly.
So try again. <MINE

You still defeated your own point about "depending on popularity," pretty horribly I might add.
You just don't get it.
The first part was because you SAID something involving popularity, and the argument was directed at it (Which is different than the main thing). The second part was that you were basing it off a 'popular' thing.
Also, just because they are considered 'scientists', doesn't mean it's automatically right.
Lot's may not believe in ghosts, but that doesn't mean they don't exist, nor does it mean the evidence for ghosts are no longer valid.

Ancient Aliens must be true history because it is on the History Channel then. <HIS
You clearly don't get it. A science experiment is clearly observation than a TV history channel that's there. <MINE

Observation is only one step of the whole scientific method.
No. That matter experiment is an observation. Observing is seeing something in reality. That's what the whole matter thing was about. Another step beyond that is just more observation.
Yet, that video (Did you even see it?) was a step by step thing too.

I argued that because (Is this hypocrisy?) you always say it's not a science experiment. But it is, it's a real experiment that has confused some physicists for a while, <MINE

Which is why many of them do not take "Mind over Matter" as legitimate theory. 
Just because you depend on popularity doesn't mean you are right. That was some people, and just because some are confused, doesn't mean it's no longer a 'legitimate' theory.
In fact, them being confused is an interesting sign to show that what we currently believe may not be a solid concrete fact (The what is matter, etc. which can naturally lead to the 'mind over matter' idea.
Even Albert Einstein doesn't believe that 'matter' is real, but it is energy.

Yet, where is YOUR proof that it's "matter over mind"? We fully don't even know matter (Proven by that experiment, etc). <Keep that in mind.
and caused people to wonder about 'matter', etc.. which then fairly connects to making new theories about matter and our 'matter reality'. <MINE

There are many theories. But some can easily be written off.
Proof please?
Yet, the 'mind over matter' is still an interesting theory, which has also had been connected to more evidence too. Which by the way, you call "crazy" when in reality, this is considered a really interesting theory.
Also, 'History' it's self is always fact in our time. If the history channel comes up with good theories with actual history discoveries (experiments, not fake), then it's a good point too. <MINE

So Ancient Aliens is a legit "theory"?
Let me guess, you think that's "bullshit" too. And if anyone beliefs it with their own opinion, you are going to call them "loons" right?
What a surprise. >_>
And yes, if it has good connections, then yes it's a legit theory.
You don't have a right to decide what is "legit" or not. Seriously, how bigoted can you be?

There is a New Ager, and then there is a New Age Loon. You have loons in every group. I never said every New Ager was a loon. <HIS
Still not respecting opinions though because you seem to call those who is very open to many theories possible "loons" just because you don't like it when they have a different opinion than you. (Or a more open opinion about what's possible in a matter of fact) <MINE

It's not because they have a different opinion, it is when their opinions and attitude are potentially dangerous. Take Alternative Medicine for example. It is the exact same thing as faith healing. And do you know what happens when people rely on Alternate Medicine and Faith Healing instead of a real doctor? People. Fucking. Die!
Bullshit. It's not dangerous to have it. And even if it "was", it's still an opinion, and the way you behave at people who just spread the word for people to believe in their OWN LIFE not yours, you still do not respect it.
Maybe it's dangerous to believe that 'matter over mind' is real then. <NOTE, look closer, I'm saying 'matter over mind', not 'mind over matter' for this part.

There was a case in my area (the Wausau area) that happened a few years ago where a girl died because her parents decide to do Faith Healing. She is fucking dead! New Age alternative medicine is the exact same thing as Faith Healing, just reskinned! 

Read the story here 

Leilani Neumann found guilty in Wausau faith-healing homicide trial

And for deaths of people who tried alternative medicine, there are quite a few on this list.

This is why I take this shit so seriously!
I understand what you are saying, but that doesn't excuse your attitude because:
1. Not all people who believes in 'Mind over Matter' will do this. Example: I believe it, but I wouldn't do that due to unsure, etc.
2. Since when does this concern with so-called "new-age" people? That sounds like one of those christian issues.
3. You do realize that people within possible Christianity has had cases like this right?
Are you going to suggest that ALL Christianity is bad now just because of a couple of bad apples in it?

And what if they are wrong? <HIS
Oh here we fucking go. The 'what if' as if it doesn't need "proof".
Both side needs evidence, and what is the evidence is the side of those theories. They are open, they are there, and there isn't any good debunking theories that disproves them.
Since you DO NOT have any evidence that they are wrong, and since they ARE NOT disproved, then it's completely unfair to call them "wrong" and act like you are "right" just because you said so. You are claiming you know everything, but you don't. You are just a crazy loon who can't stand ANY open minded thought about new ideas. <MINE

I do not think I need to address this, because often people are wrong and deny it. And what I posted above shows what can happen when they are wrong.
Sorry but there is a lot of evidence for my side, and you always deny it and act like they are "wrong" and then pretend your little to no debunking side is "stronger" all of a sudden.

Offended? Hell naw! I find it funny as hell. <HIS
"Because my ego just thinks it is right over them even though it doesn't have proof". <MINE

Because I find things funny
 Well it's not funny to me.

And if that "theory" was cooked up by some New Age Loon to sell his self-help books? <HIS

That doesn't make you right. Sure, SOME could be ripping people off with no real experience, but not everyone does that.
Just because some does bad, doesn't mean it's "OK" to discredit the theory it's self. <MINE

And when the "theory" was made up to sell books with a warped basis or no basis in general?
 You don't know that. It's still a theory because it came from a lot of those scientific experiments, and observations, etc. It's a theory. Get over it.
Yet a lot of those books can contain things that actually happened with people.

As I explained, I never said every New Ager was an idiot. But I will call out the ones who are. <HIS
And the ones you call out as "wrong" are not goons either because you failed to disprove them, and you do nothing but attack them for your shitty friends because of the 'popular/unscientific' belief.
Who's the real goon here? <MINE

Im not doing it solely for my friends.
You are uploading the journal for your watchers. If you were alone on DA with no watchers, I bet you wouldn't do it.
Funny to ignore the other part of that commentary by the way.

-- Great, here comes that one part.

You do not know anything about me, wwwarea. I am not an atheist. I used to be an "atheist" when I was going through my whiny emo rebellious teenager phase, but I outgrew that. As of now I am looking more into more paganistic spiritualities (if anyone wants to know more about my stance on spirituality then note me). But it doesn't mean I will not call out idiots who may even happen to share my spiritual stances. And yes, it is quite possible to have a spirituality or religion without having to rape Quantum Physics. <HIS
And that's why I said 'possible'. Because I don't know you.
And well, you are a goony version of that, because you seem to call other open minded people out with no good reason. <MINE

Actually I only call out someone when I have a reason.
Just because you have a reason, doesn't mean you are right. Reasons are not always right.
But I do have a good reason to call you out though.
A real spiritual person wouldn't attack those who are open minded with many theories such as the 'Matter is not real' theory, the mixes, spiritual world, and so on. <MINE

"Matter is not real" is a misinterpretation of the Double Slit Experiment. Watch Marty's video if you haven't already.
Oh really? I do not think that low sounding quality video will debunk it.
"This video is meant to only be an analysis" <The video you shown me.
Sorry but this video isn't very great. I think this video actually doesn't understand it at all.
It does not explain why some of that matter somehow changes when observe, etc.
Even Albert Einstein said that matter isn't real, but it is energy.
The guy in the video isn't going deep enough. Hell, it's not even a scientific experiment and could be pseudoscience it's self.

The most interesting thing about the whole matter thing is that things only come when it's measured, and a certain pattern of quantum/matter (There is only one) forms when observed, thus, naturally the 'mind over matter' theory forms. It's a very shocking experiment, showing that maybe everything is just tied to beliefs and mind, and the very basic experiment tries to expose it, probably because somewhere in our belief system, is weak and see through, which then possibly creates this result deep down too.
Think about it.. Why does quantum "matter" forms in a old belief predictable pattern if we try to observe it close, but when we don't observe closely, it forms randomly?
Trying to 'observe' creates more possible beliefs, effecting the result. But if we ignore it, it somehow effects it differently..
That's one of the most interesting things to think about and naturally makes people wonder about this whole reality.

Look at this:

"Niels Bohr, a Danish Physicist who made significant contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory once said: if quantum mechanics hasnt profoundly shocked you, you havent understood it yet. Quantum physics has left scientists all over the world baffled, especially with the discovery that our physical material reality, isnt really physical at all. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. It seems philosophers of our ancient past were right, our senses really do deceive us."

Later part:

"At the turn of the ninetieth century, physicists started to explore the relationship between energy and the structure of matter. In doing so, the belief that a physical, Newtonian material universe that was at the very heart of scientific knowing was dropped, and the realization that matter is nothing but an illusion replaced it. Scientists began to recognize that everything in the Universe is made out of energy."
A good spiritual person would be open minded and not call others out as "wrong" as if you know everything, but in reality, you only depend on a low crappy self-centered ego who can't stand different beliefs under spirituality. <MINE

No, it's because I am aware of what can happen when people are too driven into their beliefs. 
 The only problem with that is you.
You don't know if their beliefs are "wrong", but you act like they "are" as if you knew everything and call them "crazy" just for adapting a belief.
This is no different than believing in a God. Though, it's kinda like that.
You are nothing but a "spiritual" goon who forces your crap on others and treat your personal spirituality as "superior" over others. <MINE

I never said it was.
You never admitted it, but you still do what you can't admit.
You are not a good spiritual person, you are a crazy psycho who attacks others for having different beliefs with spirituality. <MINE

So I am a psycho? No no no. Stating my concern is not a real psycho. 
1. You call others "goons" for having a belief system, new open theories, etc. as if it's "wrong" or other negative name to do that.
2. You cyberbully those who expresses themselves. (E.g. Those who may actually be otherkin, etc. And no, they are not crazy because... what if they were right? They they have a right to have faith into what could be true. Just like having a God belief.)
3. You always claim it's "bullsh**" over and over again without good proof, or force that with only a small theory (But it's only a theory) that it's wrong.
And guess what? It's not "raping", it's experimenting, that's what scientists do all the damn time. They mess with our own physics all the time, etc. <MINE

Scientists do not control physics.
You sure about that? Scientists has always messed with a lot of energy things all the time.
They even controlled it, made new theories about it, etc.
No different than a lot of new age people.
If you mean another kind of thing, well the theory states that mind does.
And just because you don't like that, doesn't mean they are "goons". Including to people who are open with that theory.
And guess what? Every individual is allowed to be open with scientific experiments. <MINE

And if they are wrong.
Or if they are right. - Also your quote reminds me of example 3..

Oh yeah? Why do you depend on what others think from the media, etc? <MINE

I do not trust the media
Do you even know what the media is? I believe it's anyone who is part of the media.
If you mean 'main media', I believe you do. A lot of main media could accept your forcing bigotry down other people.
Why do you always fail to send out real scientific links that actually debate directly and attempt to disprove an open theory? <MINE

Because it is not an open theory.
Actually it is. Open theory means being open to what's possible with something that can naturally make people wonder. Mind over matter is an open theory, and lets people freely think about it.
Don't decide that it's not open.
Yet, either way, you still failed to prove that it's "wrong" and refused to link, etc. and only depend on your own limited beliefs.
Why do you always say "Bullshit", etc, etc. without even arguing how?
Why do you mock, and humiliate people for being different and having open believes about what's possible? <MINE

Not true.
 1. You always say "bullshit" to so-called "new-age" articles when yet, they are good theories based off evidence, experiences, etc. without any good reason.
2. You participate into ED, and mock and humiliate me for having my own spiritual beliefs.

You are a horrible liar.
Why do you ignore the criticism about Copyright and think that's it's a "perfect" system and continue to deny the history of it? <MINE

Sounds more like you.
No, it's you.
I've sent you this before, but I guess (I'm wouldn't be surprised either) you ignored it:
I'm pretty sure you don't debate right. <MINE

Actually I do.
Judging by your lies, and other history, you don't.

This line is meaningless due to the hypocrisy I pointed out earlier. <HIS
So you are saying I do that?
Bullshit (With actual reasoning).
I never humiliated you for your own spirituality, <MINE

And so far I haven't humiliated anyone either. You only humiliate yourself.
Again, more lies. And victim blaming.
I never said what was "fact" just because I said so. I actually try to send out articles, etc. that IS actually based off scientific experiments, fair connecting, experiences, etc. (which btw, you call "NEZ AGEZ BUZLLFS" just because some similar feel in those articles triggers your emotional feelings about them and depend on your own feelings and "popular" belief about it.) <MINE

When my feelings are invoked by people actually dying, then yes. Because the shit is dangerous! 
 FEAR =/= Fact
And just because there exist a few bad apples (Hell, does it even exist with what I'm trying to argue for?) doesn't mean the theory is wrong. Just because you have a fear with some people, doesn't mean your opinion is "fact" now.
And it's not dangerous because it's rare.
But you want to know what's less rare? Rape crimes involving heterosexual or homosexuality.

And I don't depend on popularity in an actual debate. <MINE

You did earlier.
I depended it on it once maybe because you claimed that the experiment was not known to a lot of people, so that was when it was fair to bring out the views and ratings to show that your claim involving how many was false.

The second part at the same time was about you claiming that it was a 'false' thing just because it was not known to many scientists (That was a different part at the same time).

Look in the mirror. <HIS
Stop talking to yourself. <MINE

How matured.


Here is a shorter comment in another thread I am having with him. In this thread we were discussing human rights issues in other nations, where wwwarea further shows his ignorance. Just so you can get a full understanding, read the comment thread here in this comment thread.

Here I will reply to his last reply.<HIS
"Hey guys, let's bully this person and abuse the debating system! Come on friendz, let's laugh and attack him more!" - A person who claims to be debating normally. <MINE

There is a debating system now?
 Again you don't get it.
I mean like in the mode of debating, like 'having a debate', and just acting like that makes you a really immature debater.

Wow, wwwarea. This just shows how little you know about the real world.
You have no idea how geopolitics work, the world isn't some happy place where everyone helps eachother (unfortunately).
As much as we would have liked to help the people who are being oppressed in North Korea, it just is not that simple. The thing that is preventing the US Navy Seals from putting a bullet through Kim Jong Un's brain is China.

And even if we did take out KJU, North Korea is such a shithole it wouldn't be some quick magical fix. Just look at the Middle East right now!

You truly are a very ignorant man. <HIS
No I don't. I've seen our own country helped another country before. Remember..? <MINE

The difference between Japan/Haiti and North Korea/Middle East is that Japan/Haiti are not hostile towards the U.S.
What? No I was talking about the time USA sent jets, etc. to this country to stop Osama Bin Laden from hurting the country as a main example.

Oh yeah? Prove it. And stop ignoring our own history.. again! <MINE

Let's see, last time we tried to "help" a certain few nations, that HAPPENED to be hostile toward us, we got stuck in some desert tribal war we can not get out of.
 Maybe sometimes failure can happen, but due to other parts of our history, that's not always the case.

The USA could have plans with it, or maybe they don't want to be part of the war. <MINE

It is not that simple.
I should be saying that to you.
How would it not be a 'magical fix'? Can you explain how it would not work? <MINE

What George W. Bush did in the Middle East is an example enough. 
You act like that one fail means it will always be failure in the future and past.
Me questioning you =/= ignorant. <MINE

And when your questions are ignorant?
How? I question you for an answer, that's like asking you directly for what you think I'm missing.
Though, you are ignorant of the other history though.
Speaking of that, I think gay rights has also helped other countries too.
In fact, fighting for rights, etc. has often been a big help. Otherwise, we wouldn't even be here.

To people like Chris Chan at least. Any sane person would just ignore the trolls or just take a break from the Internet. Or better yet, think about their behavior and start over. <HIS

Actually, the people who did that to him are their own fault. It's still never justice no matter what legit mistakes Chris Chan ever did. <MINE

That's right! wwwarea is defending Chris Chan!
Really? I'm saying that it's inhuman to put pain on others REGARDLESS of what they did.
What an immature fucking reply.
Showing that you have no respect toward those who believe in morality and things against inhuman stuff.
It's like this: "It's never OK to tell someone to kill themselves, even if they are guilty of bullying someone." and you attack me for making a similar statement.
Like I said, your selfish emotions get effected because of some slight opinion you didn't want to hear.

And also, their are many people who had lives effected due to the Internet. You are just so ignorant to figure that out.
Suicide has happened, people's houses were found and destroyed because of so, trolls has tracked people down, people effect their social lives (Which is connected to RL events too), etc. <MINE

I think you are confusing trolls with pedophiles and murderers. 
No. Trolls also effected people's lives. Example: Someone has committed suicide because of trolls, REM advocated harassment toward someone to the point of suicide JUST because of a victimless thing (And no, it's NEVER JUSTIFIED just because some has a negative opinion toward the type of FICTIONAL content the guy was requesting. It's still victimless, but what ISN'T is the advocating part, suicide, etc. Because victim is a real moral problem), many other victims were effected.
And social lives are considered to be important through the Internet, etc.

So think again.

Stop telling me that it's "harmless". You are not me. <MINE

Never said it was completely harmless. Make the wrong move a white van will show up in front of your house. 
Anyway, the stuff I experience, is harmful, and no, it's not my fault. It's people like you who choose to promote that stuff.

 So yeah. That is Funnel, who still can't learn anything and can easily slip into wrong assumptions. <MINE

Actually my assumptions are educated.
 Pff, yeah right. You have assume me wrong before.

To let you guys know, this person has bullied me over my own spiritual beliefs and calls me a "goon" for having open minded thoughts, and for debating with links, etc. just because this person always yells "newageaz bullshizp" without any good reason why. <MINE

Because it can actually be dangerous.
So you justified bullying because of your fear-based opinion?
Maybe I should bully you for being a heterosexual then, because guess what? That has a shit ton of rape risks more than the so-called 'new age' thing..
I mean if I had to agree with you.
Again, you are fear basing, you assume that a few bad apples (Hell if that exists for the thing I defend) mean that the whole thing is bad it's self.
It's like saying a 'foot fetish' is bad because ONE person who had it harassed someone with it.
It doesn't really justify your horrible belief to bully others or to call the whole thing bad, when the real answer is that it DEPENDS on the person with it.

This person is clearly a bigot, a goon, and doesn't respect opinions.
And of course, can't debate. <MINE

Yes I can.
Three little words like that isn't strong enough. Yet, way to ignore the top part.

Oh, and makes a cyberbullying journal after our comments. Was kinda "normal" until this person had to make a whole journal for everyone to see (Exactly what cyberbullies do) and mock people for arguing. <MINE

And tracking down someone's home address and blackmailing with it is not bullying in any way. Wait, isn't it one of the points you brought up earlier? You are concerned about that thing yet you tracked down Channeleven 's house and threatened him with it.
1. Even if that legal thing was "guilty", it DOESN'T justify your abusive actions that has NOTHING to do with self-defense directly. Just like how telling someone to 'kill yourself' isn't justified for example.
2. Tracking down a house it's self isn't illegal, unless you post it (Don't believe me? Look it up on Google).
3. I didn't illegally blackmail. You need to do so for money. Again, look it up.
4. Don't forget that REM/Channel also agreed to find out where I live one time. Which happened before I tried finding his house.
5. I didn't threat him that I will post the address and I'm not going to publicly post it.

Funnel, guys.


I've found a comment by CerisBeech.

It said this:
He tells people to respect other people's opinions, when he himself doesn't do that. He even made a journal about my death battle of Balto vs. Alpha and Omega.

I also find it curious that he'll go to great lengths to claim he's fighting in the name of free speech, when he can't take criticism nor any implication that he or anyone he defends might be wrong. It seems like he only cares for Freedom of Speech when it serves him and his interests.

Furthermore, I LOVE how he argues against your opinion. 'This bigot believes A is true because the bigot says so', while ignoring the logic and reasoning behind such an argument, which you clearly explained.

My argument.
But your opinions don't respect others in the first place.
And I had a right to debate and expose the fact that you are treating your personal opinion as a "fact" over others. So I had a right to debate. Freedom of Speech allows you do disagree.

Free Speech is a two way street, not all "criticism" is right. Just because you call your crap "criticism" doesn't mean it is.

And the last part makes zero sense. Since this guy has no logic.

In the end, the rest are just idiotic bullshit about me.
Also, I am not a nutjob and I am not changing for the "worse".. Yet, I'm already fine.

I am considered a "crazy" or a "disrespectful" person by disagreeing while I have the following rights:
Yet, a "disrespectful" for bringing out disrespecting "OMZ BALTZO IS BETTERZ/MY PERSONZL OPINIONZ IS FACTZ!"
I bet that guy would attack a person who said 'A&O IZ BETTERZ', which creates an unfair feeling.

Yet, if he has a right to argue, anyone else can argue him back. That's freedom of speech guys. Two way street.

UPDATE: When I said 'the rest are just idiotic bullshit about me.' I think I meant that the rest is more idiotic bullshit.
I didn't mean to say that the stuff before it was right. They are idiotic bullshit too.