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Note: This picture was uploaded after the main article was finished. |
Of course, as expected, the stalker continues to check the blog right away.
I will still post the request, I still don't know about the taboo idea though.
Request Posted:
Note again: Some of my own quotes he posted within the quotes pacing may have some bold stuff too.
Also, the deeper quote spacing with bold words are most likely Funnel's too.
With an untrue title. Like before.
Well it seems that one cyberbully is still going for it, and this time has promoted yet, another slander against me.I do not act like a fucking psychopath. Lot's of people who question popular beliefs are not psychopaths.
I don't think it's as bad as the "Wants to kill people" or whatever that other journal said, but this.. really?
Well stop acting the way you do. The reason people say that stuff about you is because you act like a fucking psychopath.
Oh the emotions of your bigotry cannot stand it.
Yet, regardless, you have no right to slander me.
It seems I was right that Funnel can't stand it when people has a different opinion on taboo subjects."Because I said so!"
Let's show why Funnel is wrong. Again.
AKA proving yourself wrong. Again.
Just because it's not words used together like that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.Yeah it's called disagreeing and giving criticism back.
But it does show you do not know what it is actually called.
The fact is that you are trying to throw excuses to make you think that what you say is "always" right when you're not.Yeah right.
I never said I was always right.
That's not a valid argument.*Drinks* <The 'depend on popularity' beer
And just because others feel annoyed doesn't mean I committed a guilty act.
Plus, you annoy me.
Well you have more haters than white knights. Oh what is the use of using statistics in my arguments if you are going to disregard it as "DEPENDING ON POPULARITY!!!!1!11!" anyways?
Statistics, whether you like it or not, is able to be used in a legitimate argument.
And how do you know that?
Because depending what other people FEEL about me is NOT a valid excuse to argue that I'm "guilty".
No it's not. Kissing in movies has annoyed a lot of people off, does that make it wrong?
You are the one looping in a circle forcing me to repeat myself.Umm I'm actually not. You are the one repeating the same exact thing based off your overly emotional popularity bullshit.
I should say the same with your sonic OC stuff then.And Sonic never had quality to begin with then.
Fair enough. But we can still think A&O is creepy. And there have been a few creepy Sonic moments actually. But at least Sonic had some actual quality during the 2000's before this Boom shit happened.
Alpha and Omega had hardly any quality to begin with.
Yet, you are wrong (Because again, you force your hate at me for expressing my own likes for a picture), it had enough quality for a general amount of people.
So lack of evidence (to you) that it's not me all of a sudden makes it me now?Well it is pretty obvious. That is the thing about sock accounts, they are painfully obvious and not too hard to figure out. And I have seen a lot of socks in my days.Just because you think it's "obvious" doesn't mean you are right.
Sock accounts?
And your past doesn't connect to this.
Trust me buddy, their are plenty of people who will talk like me.Oh stop being a baby. Maybe SOME Tumblr stuff is right then? Such as the 'Be yourself' stuff, etc.
Yeah, on Tumblr. Which would be the perfect site for you!
Actually, why won't you just move to Tumblr? You would be at home with all the other SJWs, Otherkin, and special snowflakes who run rampant on that site.
Stop being a fucking dick, you fucking asshole.
Maybe you should move their for your shitty Sonic OC garbage then.
And for your shitty spiritual beliefs then, etc.
Yet that guy talks a little different on here.Stop talking like a 13 year old.
Oh rly?
Again, making up excuses for him to start fights with me.He said nothing about you for monthsPeter?
Pfft, bullshit.
He tried, but then you kept on spouting your bullshit.
I'm not making up bullshit, and he has no right to stalk me just because you and him finds a standing up for themselves person's speech "bullshit".
Still assumption.All I did was posted another comment complaining about you censoring me.
Plus you blocked me for disagreeing with you on some Sonic.EXE thing I barely even cared about personally.
No, it was because you were spamming me over and over. And if you didn't care why did you make a pro-Sonic.exe stamp?
And because of you, censoring me and the topics around the game which caught my interest.
I do, but it's personal.Are you saying it's bad to get that? And no I don't have that.
What is it then? A Walmart job?
If it acts like bullying, then it is.If it's stalking, and forcing people to change without consent, then that's bullying.
And I know a certain guy you like as a friend (..I think) that uses the word "faggot" in some style against me. Just saying.When?
One, assumptions are not considered good value to use as an argument."educated assumption"?
Two, I don't think your reply is making sense.
Educated assumptions are.
This is why I LOVE to question taboos. I love having a more debatable scientific debate who questions the overly emotional people like you who can't learn to open his/her mind on debates and gets all emotionally upset.Umm what? I go against them because an overly emotional society doing that to subjects promotes harm, and more discrimination, and other bullshit. That's a reason why I love to question taboos.
Also, no it doesn't. This doesn't cause ANY stereotype. It's just some furry who has an opinion. It's not saying all furries think that it defends what you think is 'sick' without evidence, it's just some dude who's furry who has an opinion. And I believe it's a far better and open researched opinion.
It's pathetic of you to depend on who without learning how to argue directly.
But of course! You can't (Just as I predicted), and of course you not only act like I'm bad for linking to a research article as one of those guys who question taboos (I ALSO question other taboos.)You sound like a rebel without a cause. Someone who goes against taboos for the hell of going against taboos. Going against what society does not accept makes you feel like some progressive revolutionary, when in reality you are someone who has no life and is longing for some sense of importance.
Plus the fun of exposing how stupid humanity in general has gotten.
Actually it does? Because of the reasons.
Stop dictating other people not you.
I am for revolutionary (Hmm, I wonder where you hea... eh, nvm). I believe we should address the overly emotional things that lacks any scientific result to keep something 'forbidden'.
Here is me, and other people:What? Face it, the research was very much better than overly emotional people who censors the scientific results, the open mind, the curiosity, and some other and freaks out over open discussion, etc.
"Wow, I didn't know about that, I should learn more about this more scientifically, society could be wrong, the arguments are actually something I never heard before and seems like it was lost and hidden, and I find this a bit interesting as a person who wonders the random auto emotions of the world.. I didn't know that!"
If it sounds too incredible to be true then it probably isn't.
And "probably" is just your emotional opinion without any real concrete evidence as usual.
Then here is you:Again, an overly emotional feeling.
"OMG, IT'S ITZZ... DEFENDING A TABOO!!!! FUCK SCIENCE, FUCK OPEN RESEARCH, IT'S OFFCIAL GUYZ HE'S DEFENDING SOMETHING WE THINK IS ALL WRONG JUST BECAUSz it violatzes realiguoz believfz, they don't consrnt!! Lalalalalalal screw the evidnece of the consenting debates, screw it all, also, screw the fact that humans were forced (other way around?) by animalz themzelsf! Screw that, it's still somehow humzn raping them!!!
Also, fuck that, animalz don'tz consnzt to being killzez!"It doesn't matter if animals can "consent", they do not know they are being porked by some perverted human. They do not even understand the emotional aspect of sex. It is basically rape.
Plus, consenting is the only moral thing.
Rape is unwanted sex. Plus, I am pretty sure they know what is happening. Plus the term "perverted" is just an opinion.
I can find a VERY good article to show why the arguments are wrong, because I believed it addressed many things, but alas, what's the point? You won't read it.
Plus, do animals consent to being killed?
Do animals know why people 'owned them'.
Do animals consent to being trapped in a house?
Do animals consent to being used for meat?
Do animals consent to being moved to other places by forced?
Honestly Funnel, I was just curious mainly about this subject and wanted to be open about the debates and that and I found a very good argument that consent could exist or not.Umm, no, I'm not.
And the truth is, their is evidence (ACCORDING to the research I've done) to the point that the other way around can happen. I prefer that instead because I believe it's superior to people who argue out of their own feelings (or religious beliefs).I am arguing out of rationality.
Let me give you an example: In the report, if a human didn't do a thing and the other did it, how did the human "raped" it?
I know it sounds like I am one of those guys by some, but I'm still on this subject because of me being very angered with stupidity.
Honestly as a person who has a different opinion and is more open who question taboos (That's often what I like doing, just like some other people), I found it interesting. Yet, I also do believe discrimination is sick too.Killing an animal is wrong though. PETA being against that it's self is a good thing, though at the same time PETA kills animals too. So nope!
The problem (As a taboo question person) is that society often claims many things without evidence out of their emotions.
And as a person who question why things are taboos, I do not find it a really good source of information and I consider it biases, and prejudice instead.
That's why I thought the article was pretty great, it was open minded research, not covered and riddle by non-scientific emotions, and other bullshit.
Hell, another interesting thing is this: "Animals can't consent to being killed."
I believe that is a VERY good point. But of course, like the closed minded loony you are, you can't respect those who question our own unscientific beliefs.
Sounds like you could be a member of PETA. Seriously, 100% of PETA are people who freak out and throw ragefits over people doing things they do not like.
And you know what else people freak out over of things they do not like?
Humans murdering other humans, abusing animals, etc.
Hell, it's not just that taboo. I do this for many other things that could be taboo.It's an overly emotional reason filled with prejudice, bigotry, and other hate. That's it.
Like Polygamy, or why people freak out involving humans and animals (idk, something about human skin on a book?), and others.There is a reason why taboo exists.
It is because history has shown time to time again, when things like incest, pedophilia, polygamy, etc start to become acceptable, it usually is a sign that society is about to go downhill or collapse. *cough*Roman Empire*cough*
No healthy society has any of that shit in it. You only see that when society was in a deep rut. And it only became acceptable because they needed to keep the gene pool going, the women would often die on childbirth, people wouldn't live as long, they needed extra children, etc.
This is why homosexuality was seen as bad for a long time as well. Homosexuality was considered bad and these taboos were accepted because they needed to mass produce offspring to repopulate Europe, especially in the dark ages and middle ages where diseases like the plague ran rampant.
But guess what? It is 2015 and society is way past that. No longer do we need to crank out 1000 babies per minute.
Actually a healthy society wouldn't make things taboo. And wow, you don't even believe in Polygamy rights either? WTF.
Again, your reasoning is bullshit. Just because things are considered "downhill" doesn't mean it's a good reason to keep things a taboo.
Again, your reasoning for that is based off prejudice, and bigotry, and other hate.
You also want to know something? It's been viewed on homosexuality too in the same exact way.
And we need to make other things less taboo too.
It's not over you know.
There is still problems with bigots who is against consenting things such as Polygamy and a few other things, etc.
A good an developing society wouldn't forbid freedom within individual privacy.
In the end, this is why I question taboos, and why I think making stuff a taboo is just wrong.
The reasoning why stuff is taboo is all based off prejudice and random other beliefs.
Your explanation didn't explain why they were taboo in the first place.
Actually one time a class told that having any "fetish" was a "disorder" but that was changed.Umm, no.
Personality never changes. You can't change who you are, and there are evidence that it becomes part of you. Just like how you grow up deeply with a 'fetish' like vore.
Not everyone will change that, unless it's one of those barely into things and was a side but not to the great.. or one of those 'sex' shifting things to another. (Or that's the same thing)
Actually, you can change who you are and you can change your personality. This is how rehabilitation (for criminals, addicts, etc) and treatment for anger issues and things like that work.
You are confusing action with personality.
Having a vore identity for your main orientation is not the same thing as taking an action.
Who said so? Your 'God'? Your "normal" religion?Christianity isn't the only God worshipping. (Or your personal made up opinion God)
I never said I was a Christian. Actually, I am not a Christian, and I have already explained that I wasn't.
Plus, it was a part guess. Don't forget about your own "normal" religion.
Face it, there isn't. That's just some made up term to force your shitty bigotry on other people.It is. Just because you said so, doesn't mean it exist on people not you.
You are making up something to cause you to not respect others who likes to personally cross your imaginary line.The line is not imaginary in that sense.
Yes it does. It always applies. Who the hell said it didn't? It's ALWAYS something you need to follow according to it.The Golden Rule is about not interfering with other people. Following that is always a must.
Also, they already violated the Golden Rule by robbing. Stopping them to protect it is probably justice anyway.
That is the thing about the Golden Rule. It can be molded like Play Dough to apply to anything.
No I rant over actual issues. Either way, everyone has them!No I do so for the sake of protecting freedom, etc.
But not all of them are good (e.g. Your crap).
You rant over things because you want to be some sort of "revolutionary" for no purpose other than to feel important.
The Easter Bunny exist then!!!A moral tolerance is about accepting those for who they are and what they personally like to express.
So believing in moral tolerance is like believing the Easter Bunny!
Just because a popular cult believes that it's "not normal" doesn't mean it exist.
That's like saying a certain other fictional character exist on this world because many kids believe so.
But it doesn't violate the PG thing, and yet, that's just your opinion. It's still a tamed down thing like kissing. And guess what? It is sexy for those who likes it. It's not your sexuality.How is kissing the same as stomping and inflation?Not the same style of sexuality, but it's a tamed down style just like kissing.
And that not everyone wants to see either.
They are the same in terms of different types of sexuality.
The only catch I like to say is that it also depends on them.
Kissing can get to very extreme cases where it wouldn't be appropriate under a certain rating (E.g. PG) and kissing can be very tamed down (E.g. Kissing on the cheek) that it doesn't violate it.
Kissing is two humans kissing. Inflation is making a woman fatter than Jabba The Hutt's mother and calling it "sexy", often by means of force feeding. And also having that much fat isn't fucking healthy!
Also kissing can apply to anthropomorphic creatures too.
Vore for example has the same story. A vore can be very extreme that it past the rating (E.g. PG) but it can be tamed down to the point that it's just as tamed down as kissing on the cheek.Whatever you say. You don't know that..
Hell, you even sometimes see 'vore' on TV. Though these on the Internet may have a different likes but that doesn't make it extreme.Vore in cartoons is meant to be a gag, but all the vore on the Internet is obviously sexualized. And to anyone who does not have the fetish, it is going to look weird. And they are going to find it gross.
Same with kissing. Yet, just because it's 'sexualized', still doesn't change the content it's self. It's just an erotic tamed down kissing style then when it comes to tamed down versions.
And some people will find kissing gross.
But just because some people find it gross, doesn't mean it's more extreme than kissing all of a sudden.
If you say it's "more gross" then KISSING is more gross than what I like then.
Just because it's considered a "fetish" (A stupid term) or something some people don't like (Just like kissing) doesn't mean it's more extreme in general.It's a fantasy. That's different.
Hahaha, riiiiight. So stomping someone, giving them so much fat that they will die from a heart attack, or tying them up and holding them hostage is the same as kissing!
Plus, I'm talking about the content it's self.
My point is that in terms of 'what is"gross", a tamed down vore is no more extreme than kissing.
The IDEA for them may be different, but it's still not more extreme than seeing too people kiss.
Stop blaming what I do for their crimes.No, it's the trolls and other types of cyberbullies fault that act that way to me, causing me to be concerned about them.
It's their fault.
You remind me of a 14 year old who says "It's you're fault you got me banned!!"
(learned from a stamp)
Um what? It is your fault that you react this way.
What I did wasn't even against the rules at least mostly (In case. lol), or something serious like slander, start fights with people, or maybe less serious like lie about deals.Except you did do it.Making a journal against me for expressing a natural open minded thing about spirituality starts a fight. And that's just one of many examples as to why you start fights.
If that was true, I would make pointless rants about stuff like Angry Birds, people personally liking what I hate, and some more.I didn't make a rant against Alpha and Omega.
Because maybe the world isn't so great yet.And yet you did this with Alpha and Omega
I made a rant to what is important for me to be happy in my own life, by bringing out the unfair arguments based off personality.
Umm so me giving you the correct link over and over again that still further debunks you makes it "wrong" all of a sudden now?Oh shut it with the "IT HAZ 2 B 4 MUNEYZ" thing. I am sick and tired of repeating myself because you keep insisting the same thing over and over! There are different types of blackmailing!And I am sick and tired repeating myself based off reading an actual law.
You are the one repeating yourself in the bad way.
Because you always fail to give me proof.
Give me a fucking law link telling me that it's illegal to do so in general then.
Go on, give me one!
No link? Then stop repeating something that is least likely to be true then.
Just because I am not spamming links to random sites doesn't mean I am wrong!
And yeah, blackmail is an illegal thing in any form.
Plus, you spam that I "broke" the law without proof.
Nope, not an illegal form.
Proof or its bullshit.
Again, picking a fight. And yes it's a spiritual belief. Get over it.Just because it's different, doesn't mean it's wrong.
If it involves the spiritual world, soul, etc. Then it counts.
And it also involves thinking the world revolves around you.
It doesn't need to be, people can have different ideas and beliefs under spirituality and it doesn't matter how many people think differently.
Oh yeah. *drinks*
Also, you don't have proof that it's "bad".I am a victim though, and that you victim blame me and other is just wrong. It's not 'self-centered'.
Yet, a special snowflake is a person who thinks they are morally special than anyone else, but no.
We all have spiritual beliefs, we all have a personality, and this is just one of mine, like anyone else.Yours consists of victim blaming and self-centered ideals. You believe that the world is created with our minds and that everything and most people around you are a creation of yours. And this pretty much means that the world revolves around you, you are the center of anything, and you can do whatever you want. Pretty shitty ideals if you ask me.
People also seem to believe in this despite evidence for the Big Bang, which includes the cosmic background radiation. So yes, the Big Bang made the universe and not our minds.
That's the theory though. Just because you think it's "shitty" doesn't mean it is.
It's just an experiment. Maybe everyone in the world creates it at the same time.
Maybe you are in a dream creating it.
Or maybe everyone creates their own and each time they go, they go in a parallel universe creating other events, while I go to mine, creating more.
But the 'Big Bang' is still just a theory.
Or.. maybe the mind created the Big Bang!
Believe it or not, but even that can be a possibility. That our minds created our own history.
It may sound ridiculous to some, but that's what the theory is.
Beliefs create reality.
In the end, you just attack people for their spiritual belief and you have no right to do that.It's not harmful.
And if it is teaching something harmful and needs to be called out?
If it "is" because of your fear, then your spirituality is harmful then.
Otherwise, you don't have real spiritual beliefs then and you are bad for them now.It depends though, and it's not exactly "pulled out of ass", if it connects with possible legit theories (I.e. Attached with spiritual world creation, dreams in realities, mind over matter, etc) then it's less of an "ass" thing.
And what if I pulled something out of my ass one day like the Sonic Cult I talked about that one other time? Does that count as legit? Thinking that you are the reincarnations of Sonic characters and that salvation will be through the chaos emeralds that you and your cult needs to find?
Does a cult based around Sonic sound like a legitimate spirituality to you?
It can be if they have that attachment. According to what connects.
You can have a fucking "stupid" Angry Birds cult and have some belief about it like that, and I don't fucking care.. like how a good person who tries to move on would do.
Yet, if you believe you can turn into anything AFTER death, I see that even less crazy. And since it's not crazy to believe in reincarnations.
OH NO! That means everyone else who likes Amy so much is automatically going to do the same thing!!!What if those people are potential dangers to society???A risk doesn't mean it crosses your imaginary line.
Yet, everything has a risk. That's just how it works.
So according to your imagination, everything we do crosses this 'line'.
So what PaulAndAmy did, obsess over Amy, was okay. Except for one thing, his thing for Amy went out of control and he raped little girls!
Potential threats are potential threats
You also want to know something?
Someone who was a heterosexual couldn't control his/her sexuality and raped someone in a house.
Potential threats are potential threats! :D
Plus in reality, it's not a 'potential' threat because it's not going to develop that for everyone else who loves Amy so much.
Depending on who eh?You are the one who freaked out over A&OA little more clear please?
Plus, their is a difference between liking/disliking than making claims off of it.
One of your stamps.
Plus, look at all the feedback.
I probably meant better people.More people are laughing at you right nowOnly by bigots like you!
Real people are probably laughing at you for your imaginary line.
You are basically like "No it's not!" *Lalala*
Real people? REAL PEOPLE!? What the heck?
Are you talking about the time I would 'threat' to show a picture (or describe the house)?But you said I threat to show the ADDRESS.
If so, then I think you misread it. It was either talking about showing a picture (without the address) or describing how it looks (without the address).So you admit it.
*Facepalm extreme*
Again, you hid it because you couldn't stand me who disagreed with it. I was just trying to be reasonable and try to argue.I was offended because of your unfair censorship and with the reasoning around that game.
You hid it because you don't like it when someone disagrees with you.
And I kinda freaked out because I figured you didn't support Freedom of Speech.
After you blocked me, I made a stamp of my own because I was offended that I couldn't speak my say.
You said you did not care about Sonic.exe yet you were OFFENDED! How sensitive are you?
You never said it that way. You just said you need money to own have Copyright.More like throwing away 35 bucks when I can just use a Creative Commons for free (maybe) to stop plagiarism.
Sounds like a waste of money.
Actually considering how much you can copyright for 35 bucks it's money well spent! That is unless you do not have 35 bucks to go around to spend once in your life, who I then can only assume has no job.
I also requested Imgur to take down a Copyright picture (Without money) and they took it down.
Maybe I'll ask DA if I need money to take action with a DMCA.
Besides, Creative Commons is a great tool (and it's free I think) to stop plagiarism. Well the 'NC and ND' are the crappy licenses, but others are fine.No. CC-0 does.
Creative Commons actually makes your work open source.
But Creative Commons main purpose is attribution.
Sounds like somebody doesn't know what Creative Commons is.
I question you if you think the system is perfect. Because it's not.A stamp that has many links leading to articles. Yet, I am a person that counts.
Yet, it's been criticized with interesting information.
Your stamp?
And you do not want human rights, Area, you want anarchy.
Copyright is not a human right.
I have every reason to complain about Copyright. Especially it's myths around it.I know you can't Copyright an idea (Though it's been argued that expression and ideas are the same) but it's still a monopoly, preventing people from using an existing thing to create more off of. It's also a monopoly preventing people to openly share.
Copyright is a monopoly. It prevents some creativity (stifles creativity), and the extensions are very ridiculous.
Copyright is NOT a human right (I already shown a link in area talking about that from a stamp), and it's been causing other problems.
For the sake of being against plagiarism, Copyright is not an answer and wasn't even designed to stop that originally.
Copyright doesn't prevent you from using ideas. It only stops you from using the work yourself. Ideas can not be copyrighted, so I have no idea why you are complaining.
Also, it's still considered (By man-made law) 'Copyright Infringement' to recreate something Copyrighted or to recreate something Copyrighted and use it for a later purpose.
Example: You are still not allowed to draw Mickey Mouse and make up your own story without monopoly permission.
EVEN if you give credit.
That stifles creativity and prevents Freedom of Expression.
Another thing about this article that owned Funnel, is that the person ignored the 'popularity' spelling part, and other parts.
End of Request
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI didn't start it.
DeleteThey are the ones that need to stop bothering me.
You actually started it tho.
DeleteI'm pretty sure they don't want to keep on making journals about you
Umm no I didn't.
DeleteThey always started it by making journals about me in the first place.
Example: REM started it when he made a journal against my journal complaining about a horrible community and that journal had nothing to do with him directly..
Another example was when Funnel started a fight with me involving spiritual beliefs, then REM came out of no where and started yet, another fight.
And above, he started about everything with me.
So don't try to start it.
Want more proof?