SPECIAL MESSAGE: There was a special kind of deal accepted.
I want to point out that I want nothing to do with the drama except for whatever exception I've made. Though either way, I don't intend to be promoting this main article here as a main special thing against him anymore due to the deal thing. There is the law reporting exception for example of course, despite that, you might know what I mean. SPECIAL MESSAGE DONE
Article Mainly Focusing on His Disturbing Obsession
His (or one of his, not so sure) YouTube channel. For some reason, he changed his YouTube name, account profile, and channel banner interest for golfing. His changed name from recent memory is "Golf for life". Which happened sometime right after I exposed his DDOS threat. He did not from that memory, deleted his videos...
DISCLAIMER: There may be a chance that I got something wrong here. I apologize for any false information posted on here. The evidence here as snapshots isn't very strong from my experience since snapshots can be fake, though it's not my intention and there actually still exists real areas of his behavior (e.g. this area) and claiming that this is the same person is usually based off assumption due to patterns of writing, and maybe a few other things. If you scroll down, you might see what I mean. Disclaimer done.
Oh boy, this guy. My words are probably very hard to wrap around this one due to the amount of insanity I've had with this guy. This guy has been going at it against me (and always failed) for 3 years at least. Some people against me has claimed there is no "agenda" against me because they are emotionally upset, but since facts don't care about emotion, this guy's pattern behavior against me is one of the many ultimate forms of evidence that proves it real.
The earliest known account I've seen from him was likely "Lame865" (if that's him), which eventually got banned on DeviantArt years ago. Sometime later, he kept coming back under different account names, some of which has bypassed the block system to contact me again, including but not limited to, contacting me under a public group on DeviantArt. History shows that he kept coming back to public areas controlled by his victims and kept commenting things that usually means "cringe" "sh*tty group.", and much more. This person has a huge problem with people who has certain political opinions, and has a huge problem with people defending certain animated movies (e.g. Alpha and Omega), and such person thinks disagreeing with certain people is a form of "attacking" (it's not), and is very hypocritical about several things.
He keeps claiming he respects human rights, and acts like he's not a harasser, yet he does multiple things that conflicts with his ideological mindset expressed from him. He also tries (as I already kinda said maybe?) to call out people claiming they are "attacking" people (usually me) for things that aren't even attacking, yet he went in and kept promoting personally attacking things toward me and my friend because he has a problem with some of my rights, including me defending a certain wolf movie he hates. He usually insults with things like "diabetic", "wolfaboo", and much more labels. Like I said, it's hard to wrap around this one, so much that I might need some help here.
Easiest thing I can probably do beyond this is to upload sections with multiple snapshots of some of his behavior (that he thinks is "stalking" (which he is also a hypocrite of) even though I was collecting these for certain reasons like this article).
Tribond Kuba Innocent? I Think Not.
Section 1 - Insults, Attacking and/or Hypocrisy
So this won't be much in order. One of the saddest things about this user is that this person insults, personally attacks others, and hilariously tries to call out people for... insulting for example.
Here is a hilarious example of him insulting. It also is an example of him being a major hypocrite judging by the blue:
![]() |
And that's just a tiny example of his behavior when it comes to insults... |
(quoting some of his stuff, sadly didn't catch with a snapshot)
Relying on a troll website for his argument. Oh and him insulting. |
Due to the comments on this page, I guess I'll include this. |
----PICTURE REMOVED---- Will need to edit it due to content reason.
He's doing this because LadyNanako supported me calling out the stalker indirectly I think. |
He's telling the person to get covid and cancer, and telling the person to play in traffic. |
Said the fictional dragon f*cker. (Note this is toward the reply toward GreenReaper.) |
To show the irony from that comment above, assuming that's the same person of course. Also please note that certain comments under GreenReaper's comments have been deleted. Not so sure why. |
Said the person who had meltdowns over this article. Note he's shoving his stalking thing under the rug, as usual. Funny how he's relying on his buddy known as JaredtheFox92. |
Special Recent Story 10/1/2021 - At this point, I'm unlikely going to bother reacting to his further hypocritical statements. He's pretty much predictable at this point. It's obvious he won't admit what he's done, and prefers making empty finger pointing claims toward me instead. Regardless of how he reacts over there, and regardless of the things he tries to accuse me of, the facts of what Jacob B (Tribond Kuba, and many other "names") did doesn't change, and he even showed clear signs of him wanting this blog (that is "trying" to expose him) to be taken down, and an example of that was him threatening illegal activity against it. Try quoting that Jacob. :) Special Recent Story Finished.
Sadly I did not take snapshots of many of his other comments, including the diabetic insults. I sadly just didn't get the idea yet during that time and the accounts were banned. I have no intention of ever lying about this.
Jacob the degenerate thinks it's bad for my friend to enjoy his harmless and non-threatening stuff, and proceeds to tell my friend how to spend money by claiming it's a "waste" of money. |
Section 2 - Direct Harassment and/or Obsession
I've been a victim of this if I remembered correctly. This user has been bypassing block systems multiple times, and has been trying to contact me (and my friend) on several other websites too. He's also likely done the same thing to yet another person (much further down).
Here are some examples of one or more than one of the things from the title:
His channel updated 12/18/2021 or really close (whichever is the correct date) |
Further proof of this being him for first snapshot here:
Found this weeks after the suspicion toward my friend off-profile... |
Disclaimer: Unsure if same user was blocked off-site first. Still personally attacking though. |
![]() |
Regardless if this is me or not, you can see the harassment (mainly top due to recent date) and his obsession with me. |
Right after I posted the blog! Threatening to archive this post. Thanks I guess? |
No one cares about this blog post huh? |
The person still harassing Hardial somewhere in 8/6/2021 or 8/7/2021, not sure which is true. |
Contacted with his alternative account right about after hiding his other account ("Golf for life") on this account. -8/23/2021 from my location. |
Once again, refusing to let me go despite him saying he would. What a f***ing hyporite. |
His meltdown around the same time. |
Other parts of his same meltdown. |
Section 3 - His Agenda Against "wwwarea/Another-Realm"
This is also another form of harassment, but I guess this is mainly to focus on that main idea. Here is some pictures of what I'm talking about:
Note the right folder. |
Of course, combine this with the many other things he's done (and is probably still doing at this day), he's against my existence. Or maybe at least he keeps doing this until I start to agree with his disgusting political opinions against basic human rights.
Updated here:
He's making a rant comment toward this site on a porno focused site... lol |
I guess this might be further proof that Lame865 on this site was him after all? Anyway assuming so, it looks like he confessed that he's going against me (align with the behavior I'm trying to point out with the blog post) until I start to agree with his disgusting political opinions (a major form of harassment). That one agenda further confirmed I guess.
Section 4 - Threat of "DDOS"
As of 7/17/2021, he's gotten so angry toward me, and very triggered by this blog exposing his behavior to the world, and now he's threatening to "DDOS" me. https://www.techwhoop.com/is-ddos-illegal/
Yes, the profile link leads to the same one as the other Cantstopwontstop00 comments I think. |
From some researching. |
Section 5 - Comeback 'Style'
This one isn't going to have snapshots, especially since I already have some pictures already showing this. Usually when he makes an account, usually when bypassing the ban on DeviantArt, he often uses a random name, usually based off some product (and sometimes numbers at the end?). Examples, some of his names I think are PringlesPizza, BlastOButter45, cleanrite987, GalaxyEdge7, and GoldBond7. Keep that in mind, though also keep in mind that some accounts might end up avoiding this style.
Section 6 (very disturbing) Did He...?
Well, his obsessive nature is already very disturbing, but this one particular behavior is very disturbing alone. At some point I've gotten a notification from my friend, saying that he tried to post my friend's personal information on a fan site. When I got to the page, I noticed an account name under BlastOButter45 was usually making a rant toward me and my friend, but it also contained conduct trying to show my friend's location!
I went along with it and made a couple of commentaries pointing this out. However, there was a problem. Upon looking carefully at the comment, I have a bit of a feeling that someone else may have been imitating this person, probably out of hatred. I think this because the comment style doesn't seem to match very well with this person's style. I'm worried one of my friends might be trying to set something up to fight against him (and as I said before somewhere, I am willing to work something out if the so-called faker admits it to me), so for now I may have to halt this. In fact, this entire article with pictures isn't considered much "evidence" due to risk of editing.
I want to point out that I would never intentionally fake information toward anyone. If I want to prove something against someone, it must be lawful real information and that it's lawful to share it.
I still feel like I've made some mistakes while dealing with the drama. Heck, I kinda even started insulting him (but mainly with reason, like calling him a "man-baby" due to his attitude), though I may try to be less like that. For the fan page thing, I will try to be a bit more skeptical of things like that.
Section 7 - Additional Commentary
This blog post isn't "stalking" (please note that he fits the definition of that more), this is simply a blog post that is calling out behavior that has been victimizing people like myself. This collection of info is just as reasonable as someone exposing a scammer or a sexual stalker for example. I probably already mentioned this, but just wanted to add this section here.
Section 8 - Who's Stalking?
I found a rage spam load of comments (which also is harassing my friend) on one of my profile's friends on that ink bunny website.
He kept on claiming that I'm the "stalker" because I dared collected many of his account names (mainly because he's been using them to abuse other people including me), and likely because I dared collected bad behavior of him proving his guilt. Now he's acting like I'm some "creepy" stalker because I wanted to collect evidence. Let that sink in. Here are the comments:
Please note, that he believes in revenge instead of justice. Which might make him think some of his behavior is alright. |
The funny thing about the "stalking" he claims I stalk people without strong evidence, and claims that my 'collective' behavior is the same thing. Yet, he's the same person that keeps checking my profile, has directly harassed me by contacting me directly after I cut him off from me, multiple times too, has publicly harassed people, and has collected my innocent works with malice. The truth will never change.
Even if that one thing I did years ago was technically "blackmailing", I already am no longer the same person that did that, and I really don't think I ever effected the person's life. And if he thinks that I should be "punished" anyway, then he's admitting to vigilante justice, which is not excusable. During that one time (which BTW, I looked up law about, and I think I remembered it not matching with the behavior I likely did), I didn't know what "blackmailing" was, and I honestly thought he looked at some kind of CP judging by his (Channeleven) reaction. I don't know if I was reckless, but either way I already learned from that, and has no desire to go that risky anymore. Sadly though, some people think revenge is justice, and even if I'm not perfect at dealing with the drama, that doesn't excuse doing that to people. If I get witch-hunt for a poor choice I don't do anymore, then I will fight for my rights then. Justice is about rehabilitating people, not causing suffering for the sake of it. I think this person is just trying to find out-dated excuses just to get rid of me (trying to cancel me) and I won't accept it as a human being who has human rights.
Remember too, he's way more guilty than me, WAY more guilty, and he's refusing to learn from his 'mistakes'. He refuses to let go of me showing that he's a terrible person, and is FAR WORSE THAN certain cases of BLACKMAILING in some degrees.
Anyway back with the "stalking" problem (which I also researched to see if that so-called thing I may have done was even a federal crime here.), I didn't "stalk" bobsheaux, JaredtheFox92, and specific other people. I did check on them for drama reasons, which is no different than what these people did too.
Section 9 - The "PeDo ZoO blah blah blah" thing.
I don't know if this is really the right topic. First things first, we need to take empty claims like his with a grain of salt.
The topic I've had with "bestiality", "zoophiles", and "pedophiles" wasn't guilty:
One of my things I was against was revenge as "justice", and defended that rehabilitation also applies with certain offenders. There are far better countries who does what I desire, and there are many psychologists who believe in the same thing. This doesn't make me a bad person. It also doesn't make me a bad person to call out people who attempted to cause those types of people to commit suicide (e.g. like what TheRavenFox posted). Please note, same person also tried telling people who merely WANTED (e.g. people who hasn't offended, innocent basically) to commit terrible acts to commit suicide instead of suggesting proper help.
I also believe that having a mere attraction is technically not wrong on itself, as long as the person doesn't offend. I believe this because human rights, morally speaking, means freedom without interference. So from technical reasons, it's not, and if I change that belief, it would conflict with my human rights belief speaking as someone who relies strictly on logic. And I don't want people to be thrown in prison for a victimless thought alone either. I also believe that some victimless outlets can lower victimizing crime too, and I've heard some experts believe in that. Again, having these beliefs do not make me a bad person.
I think the same can be said for zoophilia as well. Though I think pedophile is more serious, but I still have the same logic.
As for bestiality, I admit I have a few questions about the whole consent theory. But that's because there actually was a couple of arguments that were interesting. (e.g. is an animal harmed if they leap over themselves, is the peanut butter thing any different than letting a dog lick fingers for 'cute' reasons?) It's pretty disgusting to me, but as someone who grew up preferring rational thought over emotion, the value of those arguments didn't change, and I'm one of those people who don't let 'moral panic' get in the way of these. I would be willing to accept any evidence that the animal is harmed however. It's just I failed to see them, so the beliefs just stuck with me even though I don't care about those examples personally. Anyway, having a different belief conflicting with MoRaL PaNiC doesn't make me a bad person.
I have some controversial beliefs, but due to history, sometimes I can know a society can be bad at handling arguments, and since logic is superior than emotion, it stuck with me. I also have some questions about the whole 'necrophilia' topic (and yes, I think it's disgusting too), like suggesting that I don't think it should ever compared with raping a living being, and I have some questions about a few other things likely taboo. It's just what I have, and it's my rights to have these beliefs.
Section 10 Additional Commentary 2
There are lot's of claims toward me with no real proof. Keep that in mind.
Here is some stuff from DeviantArt:
Disagreeing with YouTube critics is not "attacking" and isn't "harassment".
Some Dumbsville fans are being delusional.
That's the end of the some stuff part at the moment.
Section 11 - Some Other Screwed up Crap I Think
This is a section for specific bad stuff that might not be mainly covered by title. I am not too sure. Some stuff in here might also be labeled by some of the other sections in this article.
Many of His Accounts
There are a lot of accounts with safe assumption and some confirmed ones that are his. Please note that it's unlikely that these are all of his accounts with the assumption and confirmed ones of course. What's listed here before the blogger part were likely found on DeviantArt.
I also want to point out that this list here might not be accurate.
majorleague126 - Deactivated
Lame865 - Deactivated
Assured57 - Deactivated
BlastOButter45 - Deactivated
ultramax111 - Deactivated
tribondkuba111 - Deactivated
GalaxyEdge7 - Deactivated
GoldBond7 - Deactivated
wazzala9 - Deactivated
bodyglove865 - Deactivated
cleanrite987 - Deactivated
chewycom30 - Deactivated
Warmtouch9 - Deactivated
PringlesPizza - Deactivated
spaldinglol - Deactivated
bonbourn - Deactivated
eneloop1 - Deactivated (Deactivated on Oct. 8 2021 I think)
fourplus2 - Deactivated (Somewhere after eneloop1 account got terminated.)
Special Note: I added "camfex" thinking it was his account from an archive. After getting the same account on the top after I tested the archive, it turns out I got the same thing to appear on top of the page. So I don't think it's him. I apoligize for assuming. Special Note Done
DataDyne1 - Deactivated (Deactivated on 1/14/2022 I think)
CoolBeansW - Deactivated (Can't remember, more sure it was after DataDyne1 sometime)
Cantstopwontstop00 - A blogger profile he has.
TribondKuba | Golf for life | Living rent free in Hardinal's and Jesse's minds | his possibly changing YT channel - YouTube Channel
Jacob B | Hardinal's and Jesse's Owner | his possibly other changing YT channel - His Other YouTube Channel - Note: "Jacob B" is still the main name I use for him sometimes I think.
Mainly Victim List
Some of these are people he went after badly. Though some may not have suffered as much to be labeled as victims (LadyNanako less sure of for example), but still Jacob has attempted to cause suffering.
People he went after and/or continued terribly with:
Another-Realm/SpaceOmega5000 (me) | Obsessed for about 5 years, with insults, illegal threat, attempting to get people to hate me, badly stalks, joins mob-mentalities against me, and direct harassment.
HSJProductions | Obsessed for about 1-2 years, with insults, telling him he wastes his money, racist toward him (e.g. "indian wolfaboo" or whatever it was), has a problem with the person enjoying victimless and non-threatening content.
LadyNanako | Got called out by LadyNanako when Jacob B. started drama against me on her profile, then Jacob B. eventually insulted her with sexual insults, to the point of threatening that he puts people like he in hospitals, and has told her to get several illnesses like cancer, and covid, and then told her to die in a way. | I don't think this got to her, but it does show what Jacob B. is willing to do.
Mister Snakebite | Tried kinkshaming him, insulting him, aided and abeded some friends or his own alternative accounts to insult his family, told him to cut-himself, blackmailed him, and posted a map of his home town on his YT channel. Jacob B. also claimed he knows where Mister Snakebite lives.
Zach Coley | Tried to go after him on a Fanpop profile. Though it doesn't look like much to me, so I'm way less sure if I should list this here.
GreenReaper | Got triggered over GreenReaper calling him out likely for him using VPNs to comment and vote, went back and kept commenting against GreenReaper while probably GreenReaper deleting his harassing comments. Usually likes to call him a loser I think. I was noticing this almost 4 months after GreenReaper called him out.
Special Note: If anyone on here wants to be removed, please let me know! - Also this is as far as I know publicly, and might have forgotten something. I might of gotten some things incorrect here, and using some safe-to-assume feelings a bit. Special Note Done
This person is in some way, a predator. He's a mentally derange lunatic who has clearly shown so by his behavior, which includes direct harassment, disrespecting my rights to free speech defending an animated movie and some other specific things, has made several false claims toward me (which might be considered defamation), has tried disguising my free speech as "attacking" (usually for things like this kinda), tries to dictate that I shouldn't be online, is open to causing self-harming, open to telling people to die, and has been trying to go against me for years because he doesn't like me practicing my certain rights. He's a mentally disease hypocritical person THAT NEEDS PROPER HELP. He's NOT innocent and he has created many victims.
Articles like this are justified. He did this to himself, and he needs to face the social proper consensuses for his actions. He's also been going against my friend too.
The things recently he's complaining about aren't stopping him from enjoying innocent life, nor is it stopping anyone else from doing so. He's the one that is the first offender in this situation, and he needs to be properly cancelled since he won't stop. I'm f***ing glad I made this blog post. It was very due...
This article likely will get updated.
Wow, fucking wow, I made you so mad that you made an ENTIRE BLOG about me. Guess what? No one is going to care.
ReplyDeleteBro, you're irrelevant, you ONLY HAVE 2 followers. This is getting archived as well
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHey Tribond Kuba/GoldBond7/wazzala9/PringlesPizza/bonbourn/eneloop1/SpeedStick/and many other ones, it's really funny that you think I'm going a wee bit crazy for making a blog post, that actually exposes bad behavior, yet look at your history, including that video where you waste your life trying to collect my innocent works just to make a video toward me.
DeleteTruly pathetic. And man that was a fast response! LOL!!!
Also I'm adding these to the blog.
Aren't you wasting your life on DeviantArt making journals and statuses crying bitching and moaning about shit no one cares about? HMMMM? At least I have a life/job/hobby something you don't have
DeleteMan-baby? Isn't that how you've been acting for years and are you a Rian Johnson fanboy?
DeleteLet this be known, any further behavior from this person against me will be collected as evidence of his guilt if true.
ReplyDeleteDon't mess with the horns, bucko.
OOOOOOO, i'm so fucking scared of a manchild wolfaboo. Bro, you suck at being threatening. This blog is nothing compared to your ED page. Go ahead, keep obsessing over me
DeleteLOL, i'm pathetic? I'm not the one wasting my life on DeviantArt making journals/Statues and stamps that no one cares about. You're almost 30. My history? Bro, look at yours, you're no better, in fact, you're worse. At least I didn't threatened blackmail channeleven via false pedo rumors. Thanks for the entertainment. LOL
ReplyDelete"I'm not the one wasting my life on DeviantArt"
"At least I didn't threatened blackmail channeleven via false pedo rumors."
The same old crap as usual.
"Thanks for the entertainment. LOL"
Whatever bucko, whatever. lol
Bro, you've been on DA for 14+ years. Same old crap, maybe don't do fucked up shit like that next time. Yeah, whatever, you sound like a bratty teenager
DeleteTribond Kuba
Pfft, okay and? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6p1Ck0ab80
DeleteI'm still waiting for the proof that I've put HSJProducitons info on Fanpop...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwH1daa8NY8
ReplyDeleteGuess I might as well post this:
Okay and? Old news bro.
DeleteYeah, that's not good enough proof. You're still wrong. I don't post people's personal info online unless i'm making a police report. Try again
DeleteIs this your comment (comments in the link here)?
DeleteIt wasn't old.
But, was it me giving out HSJP's personal info, YES OR NO?
DeleteSaw the screenshot, that was my old username on DA but that was CLEARLY not me, someone is using one of my old usernames and pretending to be me. I don't know who's doing that. It must be from someone who I've feuded in the past. When was this taken?
DeleteIt was about 3 days ago (Fanpop probably removed it). I tried to mention that in this blog post carefully because I got more skeptical of it.
DeleteI may not like you, but I have no intention of lying about you. I only thought it was you earlier but then after looking at the comment, the writing style seemed off, and I had a theory. I've decided to not try to include the picture. So for now, I am going to try to be more skeptical for things like this too.
I told you it wasn't me, also, he said it himself that he lives in Florida here: https://www.deviantart.com/harleyfreedomrider19
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHey You snake did you just blame one of my friends? Al predicted you Would shift blame on someone you hate. as much as I want believe you are a victim of Impersonation doing does not help you and I suppose the Deviantart account Al told Me "Eneloop1" is not you either. get out of here Lame865take Harleyfreedomrider19 is a friend of mine and like me and anotherrealm is a good person who is sick and tired of your crap
ReplyDeleteWhat's with the heavy breathing?
DeleteAlso, I know this is your blog wwwarea/Another-Realm, you can stop pretending to be a different person and A-Hidden-Society was your OG alt account
ReplyDeleteNever said this wasn't my blog. - Another-Realm. lol
DeleteAnd man it's late. Can you please stop being butthurt about this blog for one f***ing second?
Only reason why I'm leaving some of your comments is to show the world how triggered you are by it. Don't like people calling your sh** out, then don't do them. Well, you shouldn't be doing them anyway.
By the way, years ago I made a blog post calling Channeleven's certain behavior out (which I heard he admitted and learned) when this blogger had 0 followers. That article REALLY got a lot of attention, despite the lack of followers.
First of all, butthurt, didn't you had a problem when other people used that word and you're showing the "world"(2 followers) that i'm triggered? Bro, you're the triggered one here, you made an entire blog about me. That blog got attention because you had a somewhat of a following but that was key words: YEARS AGO.
DeleteIf you don't like people calling YOUR shit out then leave people alone. I can apply all this stuff you're saying about me to you. Also, that wasn't me who gave out HSJP's personal info, sorry, you're wrong on that one.
DeleteI'm not saying "you're butthurt", therefor I win.", I'm just using it to show that you seem to care, which is funny. Maybe it's being used as evidence a bit toward you.
Deleteyes you are and what evidence? Hope you realize that only 2 people are only going to care about this blog? You don't have that following like you used to 6-7 years ago. Even some of your hardcore followers at that time ditched you
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIt doesn't matter if I only have 2 followers.
DeleteIt doesn't change the fact that this article can get a lot of attention, like some of my other ones did. Besides, judging by your extreme behavior on here, some people are probably going to laugh at at you (for good reason) because you've kinda been caught on here, which includes the likely fact that you've been wasting some of your life trying to go against my rights. Also, I never "wasted" my life on DA for 14 years. I've had lot's of favorites for a lot of the work I've posted and made some friends.
Also DA isn't as pornographic as ink bunny is. So it's probably a lot like YouTube.
Regardless if you care about this blog or not, you're at fault for choosing to focus against me and my friend. The only reason why we bother mentioning you is because you refuse to leave us alone I think. Being concern about you because of your constant stalking and harassment is very likely a natural response. The moral does not change, even if the way I've handled drama wasn't so perfect.
Maybe stop focusing on me so much. Do you not have a life away from the internet? Also, it's funny how you call other people mentally ill, including me but, don't you suffer from depression? You did use that to excuse yourself from doing that movie review challenge. Funny, you also made stamps saying depression isn't a mental illness(says who? You? It's been proven that depression is a mental illness, it's a chemical imbalance in the brain. You don't choose to be depressed) and the other one is mentally illness don't exist(again, says who? You? I see it only exist when it's convenient for you) you come off as a wannabe intellectual. Also, stop bragging that you're proud to be misanthropic, NO ONE CARES. Congrats, you hate the human race. Tell me, how's being a proud misanthropic person is helping you in life. Another thing that irks me about you is your terrible sentence and word pronouncing, work on that because you sound like a rambling mad man sometimes. Lastly tell HSJProductions to step up on his end of the deal. I'm waiting...
DeleteAlso, aren't you making rants on a porno website as well? DA does count since it has porn too so.....
ReplyDeleteActually, it does matter if you only have 2 followers. Isn't the point of your blogs is to get as much traffic as possible? This is a dead blog at this point because you're not relevant like you used to be 6-7 years ago. I don't care if they laugh at me, it's not effecting my life and I'm nowhere near as well known as you, so you've only wasted your time making this blog. Funny how you signed into your Fur Affinty account for the first time in years. Dude, no one cares about your FA account. What's also funny is that you went back to your OG sock account: A-Hidden-Society, just to check if I left comments there. What was the point of you making that alt account back in 2015 only for you to abandon it 3 months later. Oh yeah, I know why: people figured out it you. It's funny seeing you have fake convos with yourself pretending to be a different person. You still do that with your Another-Realm account which you still deny that it's you. Bro, how much of your life you wasted over internet drama, especially DA alone? You've been on DA for 13+ years yet, 10+ of that is you whining, bitching and moaning about drama which I'm sure most of it if not all of it you started. Another thing, why you even on DA, it's an ART website, not a blogging website, this isn't Tumblr(which you're better off at). You don't even upload artwork anymore(your stamps don't count). DA is more pornographic than you think, you're not looking in the right places. Please, how many people you have stalked and harassed? Bobsheux and Ravenfox along with other users blocked you years ago and you still have those call out stamps/statuses/journals. Isn't that against T.O.S.? Aren't you still stalking JaredTheFox92? He made 2 journals that had NOTHING to do with you, yet, you put in your 2 cents that no one asked for. Another thing, if you don't like the way people are criticizing Alpha and Omega, STOP GIVING THEM ATTENTION, IGNORE THEM. That's why you're in the situation that you are in now on Alpha and Omega alone. Let's not forget about the Equestra Gaming website debacle. You still have that "potion stamp" deviation on one of the admins you bitched about so much. Also, stop creating groups that little to no one is going to join. No one is going to care nor remember this blog, you have no following, plus, I'm not well known. So sorry, you've wasted your time making this blog.
ReplyDeleteIn response to two comments kinda:
DeleteYou want me to stop focusing on you so much? YOU DO THE SAME. Don't you get it? If you keep harassing me for my free speech defending things that don't violate anyone's rights, you are doing this TO YOURSELF. You can't talk shit toward other people and expect zero criticism. Reality doesn't work that way. This is ENTIRELY your fault, and you know it deep down probably.
It doesn't matter, because there has been a lot of attention outside of my followers. Some people commented in support for me without even following me. To depend on my 'follower count' for your argument shows how ill your arguments are (e.g. in this case being ad populism fallacy. https://philosophy.lander.edu/logic/popular.html).
Smart people don't rely on popular belief as a default. That's why I still go at it here because the only thing that matters is logic behind such effort. Period.
And once again, you going off with so much bullshit. You think I "harassed" those people so bad? WHERE IS THE PROOF? You are just triggered and are trying to find non-sense excuses to censor my protected speech. Just f*ck off. Especially since you are a harasser yourself (WITH EVIDENCE), which is sad because the very things you're accusing me of is the very thing YOU'VE BECOME in a way. The blog post does help expose that, which looks like you got triggered over.
You lost.
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ReplyDeleteHey "Cantstopwontstop00", It doesn't matter the amount of triggered comments you harass me with. This blog isn't going away. :)
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ReplyDeleteTo Cantstopwontstop00:
ReplyDeleteWho are you to tell me that I'm "wasting" my time Cantstopwontstop00?
You have threatened illegal activity, you said horrible sexual insults to a person, you tried to cause suicide, you are a huge hypocrite (e.g. the stalking thing), you personally attack certain other furries for their furry fantasy because you are morally outraged by it, you constantly use people that has a thing against me (even though those people are shitty anyway), you insult me for having a condition I didn't ask for (diabetic), you stalk my pages 24/7 (that you are usually hypocritical on), you directly harass many people, and possibly some more bad things.
You are not a f*cking victim, you are one of those people that has victimizes, and it's clear that you cared when I made this blogger article judging by your obsessive comments including the threat of DDOS to this article. "pointing the finger" and/or doing other unrelated things toward me is not going to f*cking change that.
YOU lost.
And before you do the whole general "But you blackzed maizls channezlels, you are az whitekhnighter of virus, you have different political opinions than me involving criminalsz and thaz offenzs me" thing, that won't change ANY of the things you did. Stop avoiding it Jacob, assuming that's your real name. Take proper responsibility for your own f*cked up choices and get proper help and never fucking go near me in real life.
For certain claims against "me", here is some responses to it:
Section 9 of this article, which might change if I add a new section or more than one.
one thing that really shows that Jacob has never left America is he seems not to understand various cultures, like in one of is insults he calls me "NeckBeard" Which he does not understand that Sikhs have beards The reason I am growing mine is honoring my Sikh heritage however I do not wear a turban like most Sikhs. Plus He insults me by calling me Indian wolfaboo. why because I do not agree with Youtube critics. however I am proud of my Indian heritage and I do keep tabs back in India. besides Jacob is a rotten child
ReplyDeleteHowever that site pretty much called Jacob out, they hit one thing and that is TriggeredKuba is easily Triggered. However with youtube channel I will let him keep his SafeSpace and throw his Tantrum because I DO NOT CARE, especially given how that site pretty much the Blog explains Jacob perfectly. my message is "Insults Are Not Arguments" and they never will be. plus Another thing for Jacob and people like him, DO NOT TREAD ON ME, Jacob is the one who started this and He is the only one who can stop it. especially the Article explains Jacob Picks fights out of no where and when you start fights you are going to suffer consequences.
ReplyDeletePretty much I think.
DeleteJacob's ultimate goal in life is probably to make me lose at this point. He's only wasting his life trying to do that.
Triggeredkuba? Hardinal, you can't banter for shit and you want to talk about me being triggered? Me calling you and Jesse a wolfaboo alone sets y'all off. Nice try and I don't need a safe space unlike the both of you
DeleteQuite, That Black list shows more about you as a triggered liar who always plays the victim card. and By the way it is Hardial not Hardinal. besides I could not have cared about your stupid drama channel anymore. that is why I am not making anymore videos about you, you creep. besides Like I told you before I NEVER WAS INTERESTED IN HUMAN GIRLS that is like telling a gay man to date women. as far as I am concerned you stay in your SafeSpace YouTube Channel. Besides when Say safespace I am quoting that wiki that says "You Cannot Take Criticism and you bash opinions.
DeleteAnd here is a link to that site for you Jacob, You are listed alongside some other vile people http://lmnb.fandom.com/wiki/Blacklist and explain to me how you ended up on that list.
DeleteAnd you stay in your safe space on InkBunny with your fake wife. You're probably a zoophile in denial. I bet you're not into women because you got turned down by a lot of women. Who cares about that shit hole of a wiki site. I found that before you did. Thanks for showing me that you're still Googling my name because you're still on my nuts along with Al
DeleteHope you realize this is an April fool's joke article, Hardinal. The government have more important things to worry about than lonely people marrying fictional characters. The government ain't giving you no marriage benefits nor stimulus checks to lonely incel virgin with fake marriages. Also, Hatertot? No one is hating on an irrelevant loser like yourself. Focus on your so called medical skills
DeleteMaybe you're a zoophile in denial for your constant somewhat lizard fetish you have. :)
You constantly responding like that to every little joke me and my friend does toward you really suggests you being triggered by us so-called "wolfaboos".
Well, triggered further I mean. lol
DeleteAh yes the Triggering of TriggeredKuba XD. So you are saying that a Federal Court in Oregon lied Jacob ? here is another link about marriage advice and Divorce http://free-divorce-advice.com/oregon/is-it-legal-to-marry-a-fictional-character-3/ and this is not a joke site Jacob and I Signed a actual certificate that is recognized by the federal court. Chew on that Jacob
DeleteI want to clarify something here. I posted a comment claiming I heard Channeleven learned something. I think I want to be clear that it's more likely that he regret only some of his mistakes from what I heard.