Wednesday, August 12, 2020

TheDarkReindeer Is Gone From YouTube? - Good Riddance

 UPDATE: There is sayings he's coming back. Not saying I'm surprised by this though.

Also I guess I forgot to link the this and this thing. I did so now I think. Update Done.


I am hearing this was more of a break. However the YouTube channel is gone which might mean his content has been deleted. Though I do not know if his content was truly deleted however.


TheDarkReindeer deserves no sympathy from me when it comes to his mental mind involving his YouTube account.

He was an agnostic egoist person who was obsessed with drama with many people. While I don't think all "call-outs" from this person by default were bad, some of them however were mainly whiny and bitching over something harmless and non-threatening.

I've been pretty much of a victim of this person. He lied several times toward me, he started drama by bitching and crying over posts like this and this, he said in a way that his opinion against a spiritual belief was a fact while attacking someone for it, he acts hypocritical involving freedom of speech and maybe the "opinion fact" thing, he thinks nearly every belief he made is criticism where if anyone calls it out then he consider that person to be someone "not" learning from his/her "mistakes" (aka, TheDarkReindeer disguising crap as "criticism" as an excuse for not learning from most of his mistakes), he personally insults many people, and he's done a lot more crap.

For one of my theories. I think he does some of this just to get more attention for his crappy music videos and a few other miscellaneous things.

He might even deserved to be labeled someone worse than verlisify. Though, I still hate that person more.

So good riddance. I don't much care if some crazy fan of this person re-uploads those drama videos targeting me though. I mainly wanted to have my say here.

There might even be a chance that he was the one responsible for causing an admin on DeviantArt deleting a picture exposing one of his lies. I think I remember an admin saying some pretty interesting things that suggests this, but my memory is blurry and I don't think this exactly confirms it.


  1. TheDarkReindeer is amazing shut your mouth asshole

    1. To let you know, this is Another-Realm I think.

      I've heard stories that there may be a mental problem he has, and I want to say that I don't want him to spiral down into a worse route in it despite one thing I said in the blog.

      That being said, I cannot accept that his specific behavior that victimized me is over morally alright. He has literally made videos partially asking for drama against me, lied toward me, and publicly harassed me with some of his videos. I even tried to offer a ways where we move on without requiring each other to agree about specific subjects but he didn't go with it.

      If he wants to come back, I just don't want him to hurt others online again. I can forgive him if he regretted what's he's done to me.

    2. TheDarkReindeer is amazing? looks like we a devotee of TheDarkReindeer cult

  2. According to Al, TheDarkReindeer has been terminated from youtube permanently give he has violated Youtube's policies, however that does not stop devotees like @FleegleTheBeagle (one of Jacobs various spam accounts) from reuploading his drama videos or spreading lies that TheDarkReindeer is going to return to YouTube unless the Google changes its policies that will never happen and the any "Return" would be nothing but a impersonator or a sick fan like Jacob

    1. Actually I think FleegleTheBeagle isn't Jacob. I believe that's another account related to showing interest in some character from some movie (or maybe that old TV show, don't know). I don't think I have much drama with this person anymore.

    2. However I know nothing of FleegleTheBeagle aside from what Al said about him being the same person Jacob, sorry if I said anything wrong. either way FleegleTheBeagle is still a devotee to this Disgusting individual like Jacob.

  3. The Rumours of TheDarkReindeer is "Taking a Break is false according to Al considering TheDarkReindeer's channels has been terminated for multiple violations of YouTubes policies including several reports given from Al that finally destroyed TheDarkReindeer's channel.
