Showing posts with label Speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Speech. Show all posts

Sunday, November 1, 2015

When the Bully Keeps Being Delusional

For a second, I thought the guy may have given up and took some lost advice..
But alas, the stalker still goes on (And meanwhile, some other bigot attacks me for having a different opinion on Taboos.. I may get to that some time later) with even more garbage. Pure garbage.

Yes I been gone for a while.
The request will be accepted.

NOTE: The non-bold messages within the quote spacing is mine. The non-quote spacing is mine too.
The bold messages within the quote spacing is his.
Also, some of my words that isn't bold may have some bold.. It might be a bit complicated here..
This guy of course defends himself for his non-sense and other bigotry.

Ironic, because in a previous commentary you claimed that defending yourself was fine no matter what. What's the key difference between you and I? I have a better reason to defend myself, whereas all you could do is blame everyone but yourself, just like Chris Chan.
You don't have a better reason. Plus did I exactly say that (for your first part)?
Again, it was never my fault for what you did and your shitty friends did.
As I accepted the request, I will of course, post this insightful article!
It'll be as insightful as an episode of Sonic Boom. Again, you are wwwarea, not a different person.
What a very reasoning way to argue! Not.
And umm some of the articles on the blog are mostly made by me.. I mean, under the requests via posted by the admin.
Time to expose more of his garbage behavior and show why he's an insane brat who just can't learn that he's done so much wrong.
Oddly enough, this applies to you more than you think it applies to me. At least I don't blame others for my misery, like you do every single time.
Again, just because you think I did wrong, doesn't mean you are right.
You have no real moral sense. You do not respect opinions, you don't believe in individual freedom and other.
And of course, you make an illusion claim that what you think is "right" just because you try to disguise it as "criticism".
ALSO WARNING: He will twist up the meaning.

Whereas you would just damage control and, again, blame everyone but yourself.
Those words.. is it possible to use it in a sentence like that?
Again, stop hiding your own actions and quit blaming victims.
Oh you mean those claims about me that aren't true. Showing stuff that isn't even wrong?
"They're not true because I say so and I'm right about everything!" As for the second part, it's not wrong because you think it's not wrong, which shows a heavy amount of bias on your part.
That should apply to you buddy.
All you do, is decide that other people's lives and etc. are "wrong" just becuase you want to.
I think it's morally fair to say that you are very wrong to dictate that someone's action is "wrong" just because you want to.

It's clearly no different than deciding that homosexual is wrong (e.g. Based off what people thought of back then in 1700.
Even if I was a "goon", (I am not), you are still guilty.
Wrong commentary. I wasn't the one who called you a goon.
Not really. I know you accept the delusion that I "am" one from that other crazy sonic fan.
Plus, using the term "butthurt" is no excuse that you are right.
Well this is the internet, and "butthurt" is a key term to use. Besides, you cry and expect everyone to listen to you, so yeah, your butthurt.
The Internet?
Well buddy, their will always be "fetishes" and other interests you hate from people not you. This is the internet.
And honestly, the Internet is not always right; that term is nothing but a butthurt term it's self to whine at people's right to be concerned.
I see. So apparently if you do not care, everyone else in the world must not care about their name that isn't yours.
Uh... are you saying that I have to care if you know my full name? Not everyone has low self-esteem like you. Just because you cry when someone knows your full name, it doesn't mean others will. Just suck it up and move on.

And just because you get killed by some random murderer, not everyone will cry.
(And I'm one of those who won't give a fucking shit about you).
And yet, people still have a right to be concern regardless whether some people care or not.
OTHER PEOPLE CARE, and that's who it's for, and the fact that it's still a concern.
Just stop being a bigot.
 Just because you don't believe it exist, doesn't mean it doesn't. Plus, I guess "wolfaboo" and "otherkin" are fictional terms. Same with "blackmail", etc.
Wolfaboo is used to identify people who fiercely defend/obsess over wolves and wolf related content, otherkin represents people who believe they're anything but human, cyberbully is a term that parents and teachers use to keep kids from doing something wrong on the internet. All there is on the internet are trolls or critics. The internet isn't some sugary playground where everyone is safe no matter what. If you can't handle that, you might as well not be on the internet at all
And cyberbullying is used to identify people like you.
Also, you don't know the definition right and yet, to show why that term "wolfaboo" is just a *ahem* 'butthurt' term to whine about freedom of expression.
And you don't know their reasoning.
And umm, no, their are different kinds of people more than that, and you are not a true critic. But I can accept that you're just a troll though.
Again, you are just making up stuff as if you were the official writers of the US dictionary.
Just stop with the idiotic crap, if you get to use that stupid term "wolfaboo", then I have a right to make up terms too, just like those words..

Though, "cyberbullying" isn't made up by me though.
Yet, to show your hypocrisy, you said it doesn't exist, but then it does all of a sudden on your last part of your sentence?
That's interesting.
Clearly you didn't read my sentence properly. When I said "save for", it meant exclude, not include it at all.
You said something about me being a "cyberbully" then said that..
From now, you are just not making sense anymore.
According to what you do online, you are not a nice person.

Because everyone's online life is the exact same thing as their offline life. People could create their own life on the internet (including one that differentiates from their normal life (not that I'm recommending it, just saying). People like wwwarea, he has no offline life. He just spends all day in his room on the computer. He faced the monitor for so long it fried his brain.
Stop telling people what is "normal" and "not".
The Internet is based off expression from offline and the Internet is a tool to gather new experience to gather new experiences in RL.
After all, everyone who uses the Internet is still 'doing something in RL'.

Also, you don't know my life. And stop pretending you do.
Hell, thanks to the Internet, I became a better person. I used to be like you, who bashes people who expresses themselves when I was a little kid, etc.. then I learned about the expressions of other people, etc. and I no longer am that guy.
Yet, once your RL friends see what you do online, they probably wouldn't like you anyway.
They wouldn't even care. Hell, I have a cousin who's interested in hunting and discussing lolcows.
Show them my History article then. Just that.
What a bad cousin then. I wonder if he's like 15? I wonder if he's learning from you to make him look "cool" in your eyes?

I go outside too.
Very mature.
Yet, you spend so much time online being obsessed with what you like, including crossing the line all for attention.
You don't know anything about me. Not to mention, this sentence applies more to you.
It's not called "obsessed", I control it, and take it has more of a heart content, promotes careers, etc.
Thanks the the Internet and what I love doing, I learned so much. I now know how to draw a lot more, I can model, I can learn how to use a computer more than you, I know a lot more.
I also became aware of so much criticism questioning our overly emotional tabooing, etc.
I also learn that just because you take pictures from your phone, doesn't mean you are a 'photographer'. 
No. My reactions are to stuff that already started it.
Whatever makes you feel good, I guess...
Obviously applies to you more.

Example: Me bringing you out for making an open hate article does not start it. That would be you.
No. If you raged over an article, you'd give people more of a reason to go after you, and rather than see through the hate and focus on ways to improve yourself, you just make everything worse for yourself.
Again folks, Victim blaming.
You started it buddy, you made me rage, and the cause of that is you.
You started it and stop depending on the bullies who bully me.
You do realize your crap can easily be compared to those who blame homosexuals in the darker ages for standing up for themselves right?
"Homosexuals gave more bigots a reason to go after them"/"you'd give people more of a reason to go after you"
1. Umm no I don't. I am just on the look out to protect myself. I don't monitor activity every 24/7 to do any activity and post mock purposes and advocate harassment.
Ironic since you do exactly that. How else would you be aware of every negative remark made against you? Not to mention how you stalk your ED article on a daily basis.
How do you know? Lot's of the times I try to avoid you accept when I need to see if you been making more crap about me.. And for example, I didn't check your profile in about 2-3 days recently.
Yet, I track what makes it my OWN BUSINESS. That's not the same as 'stalking'.
I believe a victim has a right to be concerned about their own self being stalked.
Your friends stalk me too actually. They monitor me, then give you notices about what I do. How the fuck does that sound like "not stalking"?
Simple, it is stalking. At least people tell me about act you do, whereas you have no one but yourself.
So you admit your friends are stalkers? I see..
Again, justifies that I have a right to be concerned about that.
Plus, I don't talk to someone and say "He did this, or he said that, and other" all the damn time.
 The only time I do is basically no different of when you said that "This bully is spreading lies about me in School".
2. Actually this reply within the request is me, but two different people work on this blog.
Nope, it's just you. That supposed other person would've left long ago.
First of all, you do realize you don't know me right? Your assumptions are never perfect.
And two: You clearly should realize that not everyone is like you right?

Actually their is people that support me.
And they're all in your damaged mind. The only people who support you are people who have fetishes that you defend and people who aren't aware of how bad of a person you truly are. 
The only damaged mind is you.
And those people who has 'fetishes' count. Maybe you don't count for having your SHITTY COMMON fetishes then.
Some people are aware of me, and they know that most of everything wasn't even wrong, and forgive a couple of certain mistakes.

Again, you failed.
 No it's not. It's an attack, stop twisting the meanings up.

Ho yes, keep on showing off your hurt ass!
 Real mature.
Can't argue? (Like the rest..) I'm not surprised.
You obviously post shitty opinions against the person, mock me, etc. That's called attacking. If it was a 'documentation', it would of been written by only saying what you see, without adding any fucking hatred at it.
If I did it your way, the article would't be funny, and ED is a satirical website, though, not to you, considering how thin your skin is, and how you always have to be right about everything.
Actually a lot of people would laugh at your horrid crap.
Plus, just because it's considered that doesn't mean it's no longer an attack site.
Plus, sometimes "satire" is meant to be about mocking/attacking people for real.
YET, it could still be considered attacking depending on your purpose and reasoning.
Purpose? Calling out an unmarked lolcow because he has wrought nothing but trouble.
Calling someone out for using his constitutional rights of speech that isn't prejudice and bigotry toward people's likes is called an "attack". Just because you think I did "wrong" doesn't mean it's no longer an attack.
And seeing the rest of your shitty quote shows why it's an attack article.
Pointing out why nobody would have any reason to support you means you're attacking people, apparently.
Face it buddy, your twisted beliefs about ME (my business) isn't fact. You acting like someone is bad because you think it's bad with no real moral value, is an actual problem.
The things you pointed out are not morally wrong, you are just deciding that it's "not" good just because you said so.
Your bigotry is sad.
If my so called bigotry was sad, your bigotry would be crying for years. Also, look who's talking, the man who thinks his views are the proper way to go.
But I'm not a bigot, I have real experience, real reasoning, and the fact that bringing you out for attacking privacy rights (for example) isn't the same as a real bigot.

Some views are proper and correct.

Me showing that you attack people for harmless consenting things is a reasonable thing.
Already explained this.
Stop hiding the fact that you can choose to leave people alone.

Maybe I'll stop once you take responsibility for all the trouble you've caused.
"It's his fault that I and trolls bullied him!!!!!"
That's "good" old REM.
Really no different than this:
"It's the homosexuals fault for being bullied for being a homosexual!"
See folks? That's Peter who acts as usual as the bigot he is.
Because pointing out how you flipped out over something as trivial as a Facebook account and also pointing out that you could hide certain information means that you're a bigot, for some reason.
No buddy, you shouldn't of tried to link that.
And I can't all the way hide it.
You still try to stalk me.
First of all, you are not other people. Facebook is easily a place where a lot of RL activities are..

But if you used your head, you'd realize that you could change your name at any time, hide certain information and simply limit what you post. Hell, you didn't post anything on your Facebook account, but suddenly its discovery is as unholy as the black plague.
 Again, you never found my real FB.
If you used your head, you would try to not link it.
Plus, it's still a problem due to RL people possibly finding it through that horrid article and if they ever found that garbage.

Second, it still counts as stalking to try to link to it.
Look, I'm stalking JonTron.
1. That's a general account area. That's different.
2. The fact that you always monitor my other accounts, link them, and THEN post a non-general Facebook (A RL person focus type) makes it different.

ALSO, you want to know what else is public? People's house addresses on 'certain sites'.
 Are you saying it's OK to post it because it's on a public site? It's not private, they are all their, etc.
Ok where the fuck do I begin? You think a Facebook profile, something you could edit at any time is the same as a home address which never changes? Use, your, head.
You were arguing that if something is on 'public' then it's "OK" to post it on the Internet in other places.
Again, still no excuse for you to try to find that profile.
Sorry, but your trash isn't criticism. Your so called "criticism" that attacks others for your bigotry beliefs doesn't mean you are "respecting opinions" now. Yet, my stuff was criticism and you still claim I don't respect yours.

Do you even hear yourself? Your way of criticizing is putting down the opposing party and expecting everyone to respect you. You think being an asshole and making everyone listen to you warrants respect? Your parents clearly didn't raise you right. If you behaved like that as a kid, you would've gotten spanked.
 My criticism involves people who bigotry and prejudice attack other people's likes (NOT respecting) for their "superior" claiming opinions.
I'm not being an asshole, I'm bringing out an asshole, like you though.
Actually keep guessing buddy. In fact, an average parent who sees that would think your just a troll, and probably say to ignore him, and may help with legal action of the harassment you do and advocate.
But if you want respect, you need to respect others in the first place.
You really should take your own advice there.
If you can't respect all harmless furries, those who defend consenting things, has different beliefs, etc, etc. for your beliefs, then you don't deserve respect.
Yet, actual criticism is about pointing out faults, but what you bring out are not actually faults.

Right, in your blurry vision, criticism is sugarcoating everything while still being positive. You apply it all the time when it comes to Alpha and Omega and its crappy art style. Not everyone is nice, they like to be honest, and if you don't show some firmness in your criticism, no one will take it seriously. Don't be such a spineless fool.
No, according to the definition of it, it's about bringing out real legit faults.
Also, the art style is not crappy, just because you have a belief about it, doesn't mean your "criticism" is "fair". Face it, your reasoning to dictate other people's intentional style isn't fair. Critique is about IMPROVING something that EXISTS. And guess what? The 'art-style' exist; it's made out of purposes.
Maybe I'll just judge that your shitty OC has a crappy art style then.

I am showing fair criticism and a lot of people actually listens.
You are just dictating that someone (for example) expressing their sexuality is "wrong" just because others find it "disturbing". Which by the way, doesn't give them a right to attack others when the fact remains that it's not being forced on them.
When they practice certain sexualities, it could negatively affect their mind and cause them to do the wrong thing.
Just like common heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, transgender, and other.
The least risky is an asexual.
In the end, just because you FEAR something would happen, doesn't mean it's OK to attack something based off fear of the future.
Fear is never an answer.
You can control a 'fetish' just like anything.

God what is with you with your bullshit reasoning?
And considering, your sexuality (hell, pretty much everything) is considered disturbing to someone else.
Aka you, and only you.
You wish. But regardless, I am a person that counts. So if I find it disturbing, then it's wrong then.
Fairly compared to your reasoning.
Stop trying to disguise your bullying as "criticism", you already do what a bully does, and since that matches with examples and definitions, you do.

Yeah, definitions that you make up in order to feel special. Just man up, or at the very least, get off the internet since it's clear you can't function properly on it.
Just like definitions of "criticism", "wolfaboo", "otherkin", "heterosexuality", etc.
Face it, it's bullying. It said so in "my dictionary bible". "Or the research bible"
Face it Peter, you don't respect opinions.

Neither do you. You expect everyone to tolerate your bullshit and you cry when nobody does.
What I do is fairly different.
I only don't respect the types of 'opinions' that ALREADY doesn't respect them in the first place.
Also, thanks for admitting it.
Anyway, be bringing out an asshole like you who attack those either out of 'fear', 'popularity', or your own sacred personality isn't the same.
You do nothing but treat your personal opinion as a "fact" over others and claim that other people's likes and interests are a "problem" or "fault" or "both".
Something you do all the time.
You can't take any criticism buddy.
And my criticism is justice, because treating your personal opinion as "fact" in the FIRST place, is a fault. Hell, I didn't even say what you personally like is a flaw in a serious manner.
Bringing you out isn't exactly the same as 'personal opinion'. But more of a debating fact.
That's just now how it works Peter. You can't make up bullshit about people and just call it "criticism" because you want to.

Much like how you can't blame others for your problems. also, don't you usually make up shit and pass it off as a fact, all while practicing some bigotry of your own.
But they are to blame. They legitimately started it.
And the stuff I "make" up is a fact. Because it's true, they had the choice to follow the Golden Rule, but they didn't.
Morally, they started to attack me because of their bigotry beliefs about others.
That's the main problem with you.

No, my problem is that I'm dealing with a grown man who can't function anywhere, online or off.
Again, stop with the bigotry of "I am always right about area without any real reasoning" crap.
 No you don't. It's disgusting to you, but that doesn't give you the right to attack it.
Much like how you have no right to attack everyone because they don't like what you have to say.
Sorry but that really depends.. Plus, if they attack others with their discrimination, then it's fair to "attack" others with Free speech to defend others.
Defending is justice.
I find your heterosexual stuff disgusting, but do you see me actually objecting it? No, because I don't disrespect personal opinions, like you do.
You object to heterosexuality and homosexuality almost all the time. The only opinions you respect are opinions that teeter close to what you believe.
Proof please? Give me examples that I "don't".
And of course sometimes because sometimes, they make sense.
First of all, it's not exactly like Romeo and Juliet, especially since it's wolves, not whatever that was.
That's like saying recolors aren't recolors because they have a different color palette.
Umm no. That's not the same thing.
Yet, changing a palette still counts as 're-coloring'.
Yet, if it's the same, then everything is the same.
Second, I don't. I just disagree and argue what is fair and unfair.
No, you don't.
But that is fair. You whine about others who shows it's purpose, and then dictate and whine about something you didn't even watch.
And solely your reasoning is to force that censorship down other people's throats.
Me saying the art style is a creative purpose isn't the same as saying "You suck for disliking it", or "my art style is better than yours".
No, but expecting everyone to respect the art style and not criticize it is the same as, oh I don't know, treating your personal opinions as fact.
Umm no it's not. Respecting it doesn't mean you have to like it. You can dislike something but respect the artist who expresses what you don't like for others who do like it.
If I treat my personal opinion as "fact", that would be like saying that my likes are "better" than your likes or that one or more people sucked for not liking what I like on a personal level.

Also, the reason why I say purposes are not flaws because that's a fair legit argument; it's not fair to dictate someone's art style that isn't yours.
Isn't that treating personal opinion as "fact"? Putting your mind over other people's creative intentions because you don't like it? Or you depend on other personal opinions?
There is a line you know and you just can't see it.

You've crossed the line so many times you've lost 60 pounds.
Keep saying that, but it's only true in your own little world.
But here is an example of what counts as "personal opinion as fact"
Claiming the art-style is a "flaw" because you said so.
Claiming the movie "sucks" because you don't like the inspired story.
Claiming that something must be this or that (while ignoring the intentions of a work that ISN'T YOURS) is a "flaw" or "not".
This translates to "Criticizing an art style I pleasure myself to and the movie itself makes me sad!"
Sorry but your "criticism" isn't even right.
Yet, you are still treating your personal opinion as "criticism". I still stand obviously.
Yet, you attack people who defend it as anthropomorphic movies and claim they are wrong, and dictate that you can decide over a work that's not your kind of style.

If anything, not even most anthropomorphic movie fans consider this anything short of mediocre. 
Again, you don't know that and second, stop depending on popularity.
Not all anthropomorphic fans will like all anthropomorphic styles but there exist different subs of genres for the right people.

Yet, anthropomorphism has no rules on how you could make it.

So who's the one who really treats their personal opinion as "fact"?

You couldn't even argue how that was "true".
Sorry buddy, but you do realize the same can be said for "wolfaboo", "bullying", "opinion", etc. right?
Wolfaboos exist because you're butthurt enough to represent so, there's only RL bullying and opinions that don't blend with yours don't exist.
Cyberbullying exist because their exist people like you who are 'butthurt' about people who are different than you.
Actually, cyberbullying exist too.
Bullies on the Internet exist, therefor, cyberbullying.

Maybe all your opinions don't exist then.
noun: cyberbullying
  1. the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

    "children may be reluctant to admit to being the victims of cyberbullying"
If it's not real, then RL bullying isn't real either.
It exist, the effects are real, even the LAW said it does.

"Cuz I saids so!"
"It doesn't exist, FUCK THE LAWZZ, FUCK THE DICTIONARIZ, FUCK IT. Because I said so!"
Sorry buddy, but it does exist and you have no right to dictate that it doesn't.
So it exists because you cried over criticism? You tried to pretend your theories were true, but when I offer mine (which kinda teeters closer to fact), you flip out? Get your priorities straight.
No. They are basically a better source of information than your horrid "theories".
Because your crap promotes harm on other people, abuse others online, etc.
So requesting a fictional character is somehow hurting real people?
Clearly you have listening issues. A man could get some sexual arousal from the picture and he could apply it to IRL children.
I see, so everything is hurtful then since everything has a risk. And since it does, I guess it's OK to advocate harassment to those because you FEAR they will hurt someone even though it's not a 100% guaranteed.

No I don't agree, but he probably would.

Face it REM, you had no excuse to harass someone, especially to the point of suicidal thoughts. Fear is NOT a legit reason to punish someone.
Yet, thanks for trying to justified your horrid behavior.

And thank you for being so narrow-minded even when someone offers a fair argument, just because it hurts your ego.
Again, he's right only in his fantasy bigotry world.
Yet, making someone commit suicide is still cruel and just plain wrong.

You do realize that most suicide claims are done to elicit pity or to get people to stop going after him/her? Right?
You do realize that you don't know that right?
PLUS, the message was in a PRIVATE note. And someone leaked it according to what it looks like.
You are still guilty of it, even if that one guy did something "wrong".
Yeah, guilty for something that would've happened regardless. Something tells me he sees me in his nightmares every night.
No buddy, you helped it happen, you are now responsible. Stop hiding it.
That's like saying "I am not guilty of killing that man because he would of get killed by something else anyway".
Also, FEAR base beliefs does not give you the right to advocate harassment.
Remember kids, when no one is around to help you when a pedophile comes by, they're doing the right thing. You have Jesse to thank for that.
Look buddy, I came from a world where law is meant to go after people who COMMITTED the crime, not because it is risky that they COULD commit it.
Plus, parents have the legal right to take kids away from them at any time.
But your advocating harassment, isn't.
Being a heterosexual can be risky that it can have a risk of rape, like anything. I mean, it depends on how risky, but it's still fear base, like yours.

Yet every other sexuality is clean as a whistle apparently.
No, this applies to all of them.
My point is that it's higher for the common stuff than someone with vore, feet, etc..
I'm pretty sure it is.
REAL FAIR CRIME involves who has been hurt. Not out of fear.
Ever heard of potential threats? Would you not stop a gunman unless he kills someone first? Would you not stop a burglar until after he robs your house?
But I'm not talking about actual threats.
Just because he/she does something fictional doesn't mean he is threatening to harm a real living human.
If the guy WAS threatening someone real with it, THEN it's fair to be concerned (legally concerned).
This is what I'm talking about people. Me standing up for myself is somehow a "problem" according to him and the fact that the real guilt is coming from those people who CHOOSE to do this crap to other people like me.
"As for me, I'm an angel in every sense of the word and if you think otherwise I'll demonize the hell out of you until you concede."
Guess what buddy? It's wrong to attack and treat people like crap for having a different opinion for you involving freedom rights.
Stop blaming the wrong people.
 Sorry buddy, but you caused it.
If you didn't spam my friend, nobody would've criticized you in the first place.
Your friend caused it, plus it's off topic, still showing you caused it with me.
Also, it's not criticism.
Making attack journals, articles, etc. starts fights.
You giving people more of a reason to attack you...
Face it buddy, but you start fights, including some of your friends.
Stop acting like I have free will but they don't.
Me standing up against the things YOU start, doesn't make you a victim.

It depends on how you stand up for yourself. If you act like an idiot or prove everything your opponent says against you is true, it'd only make you look worse.
 Sorry but your bigoted mind that tries to dictate me isn't right.
And neither does making those fucked up articles, stalking people, and some others. However, what you do does createvictims that isn't you though.
You stalk your enemies and your article on a constant basis, and you raging over your article represents why Encyclopedia Dramatica exists. By the end of the month, you'll be a certified epic lolcow.
Because they stalk me, (And my action isn't really stalking).
My article is about me, so I have a right to look at it.
Again, victim blaming.
Again, an immature made up term "lolcow".
Being concerned about stalking and making journals that defend the victim =/= same. It's called justice.
Yet in the real world, justice is really stalking.
Face it, in the actual real world, it's called justice.
And did you just say that justice = stalking?
I feel like I need to ask a lawyer about that on one of those websites..
Maybe that will seal the deal. I think.
Victims have a right to stand up for themselves and show your behavior of what you cause first.
Yet you're no victim.
No, I am. I already know why and you can't figure that out.
I do not need to explain the things you started right?
Nice to see how you continue to hold the delusional belief that you're a victim.
According to what you do according to research, you stalk me, cyberbully me, etc.
I am a victim.
You want to know what you do? (Monitor me, humiliate me, trying to keep up with my activity (monitor), making journals out of noticed against people making stuff that isn't aiming at you)
The first one is something you do on a constant basis, you humiliate yourself, you do the same thing on the third one, and the fourth is merely criticism.
No. You monitor me, and other people first. I barely do that accept for the right to be concerned about content aimed at me.
Again, victim blaming folks.
And of course, his type of "criticism" found only in the dictionary made by Peter.
But what I do, isn't. Because I already gave out this journal explaining why.
"I don't stalk because the shiny wolves in my brain say so."
Actually these 'shiny wolves' are from people around the real world, including the legal websites.
And you could of ignored it.

Same to you.
If you and your friends leave me alone, then I will ignore them.
It's still stalking, and you have to remember that your friends are stalking too (monitor, and giving you updates).
And you stalk too. Again, how else could you be so up to date on everything people say against you? 
No I don't.
Again, a victim has a right to be concerned about stuff that actually makes it their business in public, based off stalking too.
No, what I am doing, is justice. I (as a victim) has a right to be concerned about bullshit that involves me, thus making is my buisness.

"It's justice because I say so, and fuck you if you don't think like me!" It's a good thing you don't spend time outside, because then you would've been sent to a mental institution.
Face it, you can't take real criticism.
If stuff is about me, it's my right to be concerned.
You are the only one who is saying "said so" with no real logical reasoning behind it.
Plus, I'm not the one who checks you for cyberbullying purposes.
Lose the term cyberbullying because it doesn't exist, and you'd have what wwwarea does constantly.
The law: "It exist" You: "Umm no it doesn't."
 Face it, it exist. It's real, and the only ones who would say that it doesn't exist are cyberbullies like you.
I don't attack you for expressing sonic, for your religion, for your sexuality style, etc.

You've claimed you hated Sonic because of me, you attack heterosexuality, etc.
That's not the same as attacking you.
I didn't attack them.
Actually, that's kinda true. Because you actually did effect my life in some ways.
"Because I'm too fucked in the head to shut off the computer and focus on my offline life."
Again, more bigotry and prejudice crap.
Can't seem to experience others on how they live life.
You won't leave me alone, you force your shitty opinions with people around me as "fact", you call me a "wolfaboo" and other personal insults over people for harmless expressions, etc.
You do exactly, that, and those expressions aren't harmless because you said so. You're not everyone.
Umm, I don't. Me calling you a cyberbully for example is not a personal insult because it's a fact.
Also, it's harmful to some. Just because it's not harmful to OTHERS, doesn't mean it's harmless to EVERYONE ELSE.

You also caused people to harass me too.
Those people actually think properly, and they only wish to help you improve yourself, but instead, you just ignore it entirely and make yourself look worse and worse by the day.
No they don't. They have been proven wrong several of times.
Stop victim blaming and stop pretending what I do is "faults" just because you said so.
Still doesn't change the fact that YOU posted a link to the comment linked with an illegal site.

Wouldn't that be the same as attacking cops for gathering photos of pedophiliac activity for evidence?
 So... you admit to sharing a link to a comment containing an illegal link to a CP site?
Also, you don't have the legal authority to just share that stuff in public like that. In fact, nobody does.
If you want to help cops find people like that, you have to do it right.
Not fucking share links to the FUCKING PUBLIC. 

I think I need to ask a lawyer about this too.
If you are talking about a comment linking to yet another comment linking to another site.
Then what about that journal you made BEFORE you updated it?
You made it look like I was a child predator, something that I've never done to you.
And I can't believe DA didn't even take action when I reported that journal.
Yet, I wonder about you just leaving that guy's comment up?
He removed his comment that had the link.
Oh yeah? Did you leave it up before he hid it?
Your purposes of the video is the problem.You post it and act like it's a problem and posted it for humiliation and mock purposes.
That's an example of a hate video.
Remember folks, looking through someone's gallery is a horrible offense, and it'l result in 21 years of a man whining about your existence.
 Looking at it is not an offense it's self. But you taking certain action further and depending on your own purposes is.
Of course the guy admits it, with the delusion that all his crap is "criticism" which makes the bigot thinks he didn't do any cyberbullying then.

Wow, you take criticism even more poorly than Jfreedan, Phil Fish and Spoony.
Face it buddy, it's not real criticism. Yet, even if it was, that doesn't automatically mean it's "right".
And gee Peter, I thought the site was just a joke?
But to see you admit that the article is serious, it doesn't belong there. Oh and since all the stuff you bring out isn't flaws.

Considering your laughable responses to criticism (or people who think differently than you), it's funny enough to remain on there. Again, you're not everyone. All you could do is suck it up and move on.
Again, not fair criticism or hell, even criticism at all. Only shitty people like you laugh, and of course, a 'joke' is not the same as 'funny'. Joking is about not acting serious.
You could of moved on and not made the article and/or update it.
So furries who wear fursuits, who likes fetishes and express them, who has CONSENTING sex in private, who likes farts (without hurting people), who disagrees with you, give out opinions about companies, etc. are "bad" people?
Depends on how they go about their business. People who wear fursuits could show a lack of attachment to reality, farts are unappealing to many individuals, and people who disagrees with me? I don't care if people disagree with me, but if they carry it out to extents like you, it's worthy of bringing up.
First of all, you don't know reality fully, nobody does. They have a right to their beliefs. Two, stop fear basing. Three, just because it's 'unappealing' to many individuals, doesn't mean it's wrong. STOP depending on what other people think.
Forth, in other words, you attack people who disagree with you. You attack people who call you out as wrong.
Oh wait, let me guess, your fears tells you that they will do bad. Which by the way, is untrue or unknown and I also will say that:
When you drive a car, you will probably hit someone.

Yeah, pardon me for actually caring about one's wellbeing.
 You don't get it. You fear that a fursuit will do something bad or something you think is "bad", and think it's "OK" to attack them for that.
Since it's fear based, I compared it to something else.
Or you may rape someone with your sexuality.
More heterophobia.
No. I'm saying that if you claim a 'fetish' is "bad" because of fear, then it's fair to show the fact that heterosexuality, and any other has risks too. In fact, it has more risks due to the reports in the past.
Don't get me started on the Prison Rapes based off either one of those or both.
This isn't criticism:
"Fans are just autistic wolfaboos" "All A&O fans attack people who don't like art style" "Bitching about fans who likes to express them" "Pretending your personal opinion is "fact"" "Posting a 'Are you fucking kidding me' meme to a fan group", etc.

The second one is kinda true, you represent that adage quite well, the third one is something you do all the time and the fourth one is just something that offends you.
 Umm no it's not.
So I complain about fans who likes.... what I like? the fu? (Hell, I don't even attack them for disliking something from a movie)
I don't treat my personal opinion as superior or fact over people not me. Though, you however do.
Face it, it's obviously not "criticism" to post that.
Even people on YOUR side agreed with me that posting that was a mistake.
Yet, your claim that the movie is "bad" is just an opinion and it's ... wrong. < I wonder if I am now a "bad" person for disagreeing with you off a claim that is beyond your own head? Just curious.
Much like how you thinking the movie is good is an opinion. The movie being bad is closer to fact because, hey, it got bad reviews and few people remember it.
No. They are just personal opinions, which isn't fact. If you say it's "bad" or "closer" BECAUSE of those personal opinions, then guess what? You treat personal opinion as "fact".
Also, the movie is remembered a lot by others.
Also, as for my claim, I depend on a legit critique about quality. Which is considered to be away from 'personal'. And accepting purpose is a main point of critiquing something.

So for example: Just because others don't like an inspired story, doesn't mean it's a flaw. All I am seeing is the wrong audience complains. Just like how someone complains about Sonic for not having Naruto in it.

You also want more proof that my arguments for the movie isn't based off a 'just because'?
I actually like the 'beta' art style of Alpha and Omega a little more, or partly. But I still argue that no style is better or worse than another as a legit thing.

 Again, a guy will call all his cyberbullying "criticism".
Face it, you have to realize that not everything you do is "criticism" and even if it "was", it's immature cyberbullying "criticism". Because words can sometimes be connected.

"I'm too fragile to handle criticism, and I'm too much of a moron to turn off my computer!"
Again, can't argue.

 So basically REM admits that one, but to his claim, that's not true.

"You know how you got suspended? Your welcome."
 Just because I said you violated the rules, doesn't mean it connects to my joy that he you got suspended. I believe you are separating something.
Hell, I don't even fully know that I got you suspended.
You reported my snapshots en-masse.
Well that part is connected to the violating. So it was fair to bring out the rule breaking for that part.
 I also say that to your cyberbullying friends who also violated it the rules and they didn't even get suspended (At least to the recent people I was dealing with).
dA is pretty inconsistent with their rules.
Face it. You can't even stand the justice actions from the admins.
Actually, you are the one that does that because you completely call them "delusional" just because you want to.

Much like how you treat your views as fact because you want to.
Actually you did that to me. All I did was simply express a personal belief in no different manner than those who believe in a God.
Then you directly attacked me first.
 In reality, a belief is usually about *ahem* believing something could be true or is.
But if your belief has no solid ground for others to follow, it would be criticized.
And your belief that I am "delusional" doesn't have it either.
Plus, you can't criticize something like that. You don't have a right to force your unproven "criticism" on people for their personal beliefs.
And no, me expressing myself (Like that one journal with the word "otherkin" and "wondering" isn't forcing.
That's the point of a belief.
You on the other hand completely attacks them like you just did now.
Right, because having an belief that doesn't kiss the ass of yours is attacking it?
Sorry but having beliefs about other people not you like that is different.

Do you see me calling your religion "delusional", or whatever you have?
You just do that to heterosexuals and people who think differently than you.
One, I never said heterosexuality was "delusional" and two, that depends.
But you on the other hand attacks people for being open about their own personal spirituality and of course, disguise your garbage as "criticism" as an excuse to keep doing that.

Remember, don't question how one thinks, otherwise they'll whine about it like wwwarea. If you spread a particular belief and treat it as a fact, people have a right to criticize it.
The way you did that was all wrong. Plus, YOU don't have solid evidence that you are "right".
And people have a right to criticize "back".
If you think what you did was "OK", then I guess it's OK for actual otherkins to attack your Christianity or whatever you have.
Because hey! It's considered non-solid concrete evidence too.

Yet, there is some evidence for spiritual stuff you know.


He made a separated journal that is part 2.

Continuing here:

Commentary: Blaming everyone but yourself (part 2)

Considering my stuff are reactions based off things that started it with and other people.
I swear, one of these days, wwwarea will become the next Elliot Rodger. In one of his commentaries he made remarks resembling Rodger's views that led him to his rampage.
Oh great, another guy you hate because you hate him when he stands up for himself?
Or because I "cause" similar reactions by trolls?
Very pathetic.
So you hide what you did with that movie and of course, with many other people not you, and blame someone who actually doesn't do that? Really, do I?

You do whine about people for not liking the movie, you stalked a group against the movie, you take a jab at the art style very personally and you treat your opinion on the movie being good as a fact when it's really an opinion. Oh, and citing your own stamps only shows that you're egotistical.
I do not whine people for not liking the movie. I know some users who isn't into it, and I'm fine with it. I know plenty of people who isn't into the sequels, and I'm fine with it.
I "stalked" your group? All I did was go in it and complain (While you allowed people to give an opinion), plus if I agreed then you stalked a fan group... first too.
Plus, if you dictate/(using your personal opinion as "fact") about an art style not yours, then people will disagree and argue you back showing a legit critique argument. People debate other reviewers before. And I'm not alone on that.
Umm, showing 'my own' arguments doesn't make me an 'egotistical'.
Plus, you do the same thing with that 'Copyright' crap and even made others in reaction to me.
Assumptions =/= Fact.
When someone questions why you're getting attacked, you make up sob stories and you try to convince people not to get the opposing side's perspective on the whole thing.
Again, assumptions =/= fact. You don't know if they are true or not.
And guess what? They are.
 Thanks for admitting it.
Of course you would ignore your own faults.
Or... I didn't ignore my own possible fault (I am wondering about this one actually) because of the next thing you probably didn't even read yet when you wrote that which is... under this message.
Yet, despite that the past is the past and that I don't do that anymore, it doesn't sound like a 'personal insult' as it's not name calling.
Right, you just do other stuff that balances it all out.
Oh you mean the things you think that are "faults" but really isn't?
Even no matter how many times you get exposed for your bigotry of that?
First, you just made one even now with the 'Cyberbullying doesn't exist' but then say I "cyberbully" you.
I didn't say I respected everyone in that sentence. I just pointed out that I don't have to respect everyone. I don't have to respect a person who treats me like shit, I don't have to respect someone who forces their views onto me, etc.
The last part, that's what you exactly do to me.
Here is a nutshell:
You treat people like shit for the following: 'fetishes', 'fursuits in public', 'privacy rights', standing up for themselves, and other. All for your own beliefs.

You started it by that because none of those interfere with your life, or other lives. But you still posted offensive asshole content about them for your own beliefs.

What I did. Was just me defending them because you are acting like a jerk to them. You treat them like shit for your own beliefs, etc.

In terms of beliefs, just like you have beliefs, I have beliefs.. Though, one of them has a fair moral concerned, and that's mine; who defends others for who they are against things that already start it.
Second: It's referring to not just that.
And thanks for admitting that you don't respect opinions. - Yet, considering, you are the ones that do that first.

Refer to my previous statement, because it's clear that wwwarea will do anything to feel like he's special.
I'm not special. Nobody is, but some things are problems and some things are not problems.
Example problems: You attack someone (With delusional reasoning too) for their personal spirituality.
Yet, the way you state why you don't like something is completely wrong.
I see, I have to be as gentle as possible and not show any negativity, won't you fill me with more wisdom? After al, you know everything and are always right about everything, so why don't you teach me how to be as productive as you, so that way I could spend the rest of my life as a douchebag surrounded by loneliness.
Here is an example of what's fair:
"I don't like this kind of stuff, not my kind of thing, I won't judge the right audiences who do" *moving on*
Then here is you: "I don't like this, therefor the artists who loves what he/she is doing is doing it wrong because I don't like it. It must be my kind of style or else it sucks to them and everyone else."
I'm not a douchebag.
Plus if certain people won't be my friend for being a furry, that is their own fault. I can't change myself you know.
No. Attacking people who does harmless stuff, makes who you attack a victim.
Thanks for admitting it.
Yes, admitting that not everyone is a victim because you believe they are. If someone raped a dog before your eyes, I'll bet that you'd lash out at anyone who tries to intervene.
Face it, if you attack someone for a victimless action, THEY are a victim. Considering what you do, is NOT victimless and is the start of a victim creation.
If someone had sex with a dog without consent, then that's different. I thought you were just talking about those actual zoosexuals who only faps but never does it? Or... is this just another one of those 'fear based' reasoning?
Plus, "whining" about horrible people like you doesn't mean they are not a victim.
Unless they do it to try and pin the blame on someone else. Let me get this straight, if I had a fetish and I expressed it in public, would that mean that I'm above the law and immune to criticism? No wonder you don't go out, I'll bet that everyone in your neighborhood, or even your town hates your guts.
Well if they blame a person that starts it, then they still are.
Your suggestion suggests that a rape victim is no longer a victim if the rape victim blames the rapist.

It's not illegal to express it (Unless I mean it depends where, like having actual sex in public for example), though it depends how.
Also, while people bringing you out for a fetish isn't right about you and isn't really real criticism, I will say the real fault (criticism stuff) is people who judge others for being themselves. Those who don't like it can ignore it, and move on. Or get used to it just like how some others got used to 'human kissing'.

If that ever happened, that's their own fault. Hating me for something harmless.
Avoiding the subject, and of course blames the wrong person.
Not to mention (you) of course refuse to be accountable for your own actions. Even Chris Chan had more self awareness than you.
What actions? The stuff that isn't even wrong even though you think it "is"?
When I argue you did something wrong, at least I based it off morality involving the true "moral": Do not interfere with others."
In fact, in the USA, law is usually supposed to protect Freedom of each individual (At least that's what I believe for this country?), but you can't have too much freedom or else you violate another.
You have to know that agreeing to finding out where someone lives then trying to gather information from public is kinda like doxxing right?

And you do realize that posting your name, state, country and other shit on certain websites where anyone could see it is just a tad bit reckless, right?
Still doesn't change the fact that you tried to gather that information for the agreement to 'track me down'.
Face it buddy, admit it.

Yet, the same could be said about what you posted online in public then.
That's different than simply seeing personal information in the public it's self.
No, it isn't. Your paranoia is blinding you.
Umm, yes it is. Your reasoning and actions of posting it is the problem.
Plus when I looked at that archive you posted for my account, I did not see it.

The account was archived on an earlier date, I got your state do rung the last few days your account was still available.
 I don't remember updating it for that.
Doesn't matter that much. I don't live there.
Yet, not only that name was probably fake, but the way you are trying o find that information is the problem.
It isn't fake. You wouldn't be making such a big deal over it if it was fake. Take it like a man and fucking move on. You're an adult.
I make a deal because of your reasoning.
I can't move on when a stalker is on the lose.
Yet, EVEN if that name was real, I can always legally change it. :)
Trying to find out where people live, is the same as trying to track people down, and that's different than just 'seeing' the city.

Hmmm, but nobody actually went as far as tracking down stuff like your address. You'd have to have as little of a life as possible to go the extra mile and track someone down.
Still you were aiming to it.
"Find out where wwwarea lives" or something is what you agreed to. Face it.

By the way, if I did posted that city on Fanpop, seeing it's not their is now considered 'restricted information' doesn't it?
The way of how I did to yours, was no different.
You posted your name, you posted your city, etc.
And so did you, yet I took it like a man, whereas you cried for weeks on end.
Said the guy who agreed to find out where I lived.
Plus I was looking for it in times when I was bored mainly. Kinda for fun sometimes.
So in other words, you still started it.
You could've been the better man and simply ignore it.
I would not be "better" by avoiding to stand up for myself.
You could of been the better man to not attack people for your own beliefs in the first place.
I accidentally found it on that attempt of finding links.. without monitoring it. Yet, right back at you since you do monitor activity of mine.
And of course, you're above criticism because you say so. Yeah, god forbid you have to own up to any mistakes.
Maybe that "criticism" is wrong? Yet, said the guy who checked my account much more than you, and yet, posted information from the site.
Yet, you do realize that I may still go to that group and possibly find that comment. Which can be likely to be an accident.
Also, I think some of the sequels did better than the second sequel, so of course I will defend them because you are wrong about them. (I say that (I think) because you wonder why I defend something YOU think is "worse".)
"I think", opinion, " are wrong about them" treating it like a fact. Congratulations, you've proven that you treat your opinion as a fact.
You do the same thing. Yet, then again, I was just basing it off the low production value and purpose of some stuff. Honestly the other sequels did have better graphics, a more interesting story (Accept the third one), etc.
Yet, there is difference between "personal opinion" vs "opinion". An 'opinion' can have more evidence than the other.

Also, you obviously treat your opinions as "fact" all the damn time without good arguments.
(At least I actually try to argue) and of course you disguise that fact with "criticism".
 I wish I could explain why I thought, but it may be considered releasing restricted information. So I won't.
Because deep down you know that was an ignorant assumption. There're a shit ton of Vecchios out there, even those with my first name.
Stop assuming me actually.
And yeah, but one of them had your city and state too...
So looking up info on certain topics to get a better idea on them is not research?
That's not what I mean. I mean, what made you so-called research it? How did you know the link required that? Did you click on the link, then wondered?
Right... (I can't explain how further)

Try looking up my name in a search bar and you're bound to get a lot of results. Hell, there are four Peter Vecchios on Facebook.
Search it on the record criminal site you ask?
How is thinking someone could be involved in a crime "immature"?

You treat me like I'm some sort of pariah (and you continue to paint me as some kind of monster online), so of course you would assume I'm a criminal.
I'm not so sure what you mean by 'pariah', but you are a monster. I already explained why. It's not immature to believe that you did something wrong by advocating pain on other people not you for your sick twisted beliefs.
Umm poeple are allowed to take ideas from the Internet and have it be inspired for RL.

Doesn't always make it right. If you used ideas from the internet and applied it to your real life, honestly, everyone would hate you.
Well not always (depending what ideas) and no, that's not true.
That's their own fault and not everyone hates me.
I learned a lot of things online, I shared it with some people and they like it.
Plus, you also should know that the Internet is also a great place for research in several areas, and can contain even better learning than the limited physical ways of learning.

Yet, what's the difference between experiencing new info from a church vs reading something online for example?
I feel like reading something online is more free actually.
It's no different than reading a book, watching a movie, etc.
No different than reading the news. The Internet is just a communication tool.
Ironic since its implied that you don't even watch the news (you don't even know what MSNBC is)
You do realize there are other News channels right? Plus, I would rather discover them on my own through the Internet instead of being possibly brainwashed by television.
And I left my room before.
Doesn't sound like it to me. In fact, I'll bet that you've been in your computer chair for so long it stinks worse than t
Well I did. In fact, I often hate it here sometimes.
 And stop treating your assumptions as a "fact".
In fact, the issue I'm having with this suffering crap is also found in RL. Which shouldn't be surprising because the people online are based off RL too.
Huh, so people do hate you in real life, eh?
I don't know. I always have to remain very restricted, or else if I 'by myself', I will get discriminated. So I don't think I've gotten an expression of that yet.
Oh and if I do get discriminated for being myself, that is their own fault.
I think more people need to stand up for themselves in public, and find communities in RL that will accept them.

Hell, if you want people to "leave" the room, then more RL people should be more tolerating...
Hell too, you always say "Stopz takizn internze seriouzly" but then I bring out a 'RL issue' and of course you don't care.
You really should look in a mirror buddy.
Just shows why you are pathetic.
Really? I don't whine over criticism (not your definition of criticism) and I don't act like a douchebag to everyone.
Actually your 'definition' is bullshit. Just because you call it that, doesn't mean you are "right", and hell, even is "criticism".
People are allowed to disagree with so-called "criticism" and point out the fact that maybe your "criticism" has many flaws themselves?
Also, you are a douchebag, not me.
Of course I do, I refuse to listen shitty hate that does nothing but promote control, bigotry, stupidity, and other bad things.
In other words, you refuse to see past the hate and further understand why people hate you.
Again, blaming the wrong people.
Tell that to blacks and homosexuals through a time machine then.
You always blame the victim so people who CHOOSE to do that to me can continue.
I actually give evidence on why you're such a terrible person.
The "evidence" involving things not even wrong (But you believe they are), then treat that belief/opinion as "fact" just because you depend on yourself and/or popularity.
I blame you, and your friends because you have the CHOICE to let go of someone and move on, but you don't and continue to blame the victim for being concerned about this major problem.
You've proven time and time again that you're not a victim, and what do you know? The above statement is something you're guilty of entirely.
No I didn't. I already explained why you were never right to say I'm "not" a victim.
And they did it first. Not me.
My actions are something that's for justice, and defending.

Defending yourself is different.

I feel like Peter is just going in an endless loop.

Oh get over it. If you are negative to people, expect negativity back, no matter how negative it is.
Key difference is that I'd take it more maturely than you ever could. 
That's true to you in your own little world.
What "delusional" world? Though I see your world, and it's very delusional.
My world is the real world (so of course you'd call it delusional). You live in a world where you think you're right about everything, and everybody could do whatever they want. It's pure anarchy in your world.
*Spins finger near head* Delusional...
That's exactly your world Peter. When you try to reason, you failed to have any real arguments to support it, etc.
And actually they can, but some bigots like you are against that freedom.
Freedom (without interfering others) is a fundamental right. And it's great to see people fight for that.
And if you can't deal with that, then that's why the world will continue in war.

Seeing you attack people for their freedom shows how bigoted you are.
Your claims that I'm "delusional" are all biased, not proven, etc.
your delusions are reflected in your statements.
Just like I said folks, biased and not proven.

So basically someone not you being concerned about their personal life shouldn't "whine" about it?

Every sane person should, because unlike you, I'm smart enough to hide key information and I don't cry about someone seeing my Facebook account.
"I think everyone should be just like me in life!"
You still can't realize that it's still a risk and harassment risk. Regardless of settings.
Nice try, but I didn't know it was your sister.Jesus, I wonder what makes you think I do? I wonder how much stalking and deeper information you have to go through to attempt to find more information? Of course, sure I went to his public stuff, but I'm not the first.
Also, I guess it turns out I found that account, but it was deleted...?
I don't think it was. If it was hers you found, it's likely still up. She has tighter nerves than you.
I followed one of your own links and it said the account was deleted.
Well I only found it through your account, and I didn't even save the information.

Oh wait, you are thinking I claim her account was deleted. No I was talking about yours.

Not really a failure, better people will be able to find it, etc.
And they would laugh.
First, I like how you just ignored the other quote you posted.
Second, some people found it and they supported me..?
Third, you don't know everyone.
Yet, there is a lot of DA users that I don't think would accept your behavior. That includes your victims other than me.
I think they have more self-esteem than you.
Whatever you say in your fantasy world.
Face it, a lot of actual DA users I found that isn't part of your crap is often similar.
Even some random people outside always say that behavior similar to yours is wrong.
The only thing to learn (again) was that I was right about you.

Rightfully wrong.
"Because I said so"
More personal insults huh?
Real mature.
It's not an insult, it's a term that represents outlandish behavior on the internet.
It's an insult.
Saying 'Faggot' in general is an insult.
As a person who is a target by you, I find it very offensive, and that reasoning is all made up by idiotic slobs like you to call people insulting names.
Maybe your a water bottle faggot then (And yes, I will make that up because it's no different to).
One error I made, you make big deal out of it.
Real mature.
Come on, I didn't want to waste such a good opportunity.
Fine. On one part I saw this: "long it stinks worse than t"

So 't' is something to be worried about? :D

Oh. So this is about that one journal I made. <Something about a journal that isn't even mentioning him.
It's more about your overall attitude than anything else.
See folks? Peter as usual deciding that I can't have an opinion about something that catches my interest.
See folks? This is what I'm talking about when REM always starts fights with me.
You do realize you don't even know what "criticism" is. And you calling me a "loony" for believing this just because you disagree makes you a loony.

Maybe you are the worst of all cyberbullies online.
Oh ho, the maturity there is astounding. If by cyberbully, you mean troll, then I'd politely decline, because in truth, the best troll out there is ParkourDude91.
You mean the worst troll?
I like how you act like trolls are an issue, but secretly you are just on their side and give warnings to people in other words: "It's your fault we did this to you!!!" So it's even more funny I think.

That's right. wwwarea believes in aliens. It's fine to believe in aliens, but believing that they've traveled to Earth? I don't think so. <HIS
"I will dictate that it's not OK to have your own belief system because I said so!"
This is why you are a bigot Peter. <MINE

 Again, the bigot as usual. You just can't respect beliefs of other people.
You always think you know everything but you don't.
Don't you do that, like, all the time?
Some things are right, that you can't take.
As for spiritual beliefs, I do not think I 100% know, I just offer evidence to make the faith and beliefs stronger.
You on the other hand, you just attack those who has it and act like you know everything by personally insulting them.
Sorry buddy, but you don't know everything about history, plus their is evidence, etc.

And you don't know anything about properly functioning in the real world.
And you don't know how the world even functions.
Evidence is evidence, it's unfair to just discredit that just because you don't like it.
That's how the real world works. An open minded thing for people to take and wonder themselves freely.
And look at you, trying to expose someone for a belief he has a right to, to mock and humiliate. Yes, that's an example of cyberbullying, which by the way, exists.
Ironic how you bash the idea that cyberbullying doesn't exist. which is a belief in and of itself (and I only argue it because there's evidence that works in favor of it being fake), yet you claim that I should respect your beliefs.
I mean beliefs depend, like if they are effecting people, etc. But you attack personal beliefs that are more wonder, etc. about the world. Also, the so-called evidence you found hasn't disproved it.
Your issue is obviously disproved by studies, etc.
Even a guy who idiotically agrees with you on everything (accept one thing?) argued you that it exists, and even suggested that it's considered real by dozens of specialists, etc.
How is it idiotic?
What if it's true? "Nobody" knows but that doesn't make it idiotic to wonder and guess if it's true or not. It's not idiotic to believe out of faith or whatever it's called that it happened.
Ok, but what if it isn't true?
And what if it is?
If it's unproven, people are obviously going to have faith for it.
Evidence exist, and if it exist, people are allowed to take that evidence and have an idea that it could be true.

Sure evidence could exist that it's the opposite, but that doesn't mean people can't use the other evidence that is used to prove something to exist either.

So stop with the 'what if other' thing. It's not concrete evidence.
Yet, their is a lot of good questions from history that helps proves it.
Sure some people claim it's "wrong", but they don't 100% know that either.

And neither do people like you, so why treat it like a pseudo fact?
Of course, physically we all don't know it.
That doesn't mean people can't make a theory though.
Yet, when I say 'idiotic' I was referring to the theory that aliens existed before we did (Because planets do NOT form all at once) and due to UFOs and that fact, it would be odd if not one time, they found are planet.
I could totally give out a shit ton of proof, etc. But I don't feel like it right now.

Probably because you can't, or because your only sources are biased ones.
Regardless of what you think (I'm just lazy to search it up right now). You don't have it out here either.
And stop assuming and treating it as "fact".
And them bashing it doesn't mean they are right.
The theorists may not be right either.
May not be.. But what if they are?
They have a right to challenge a theory, but it's idiotic to treat a theory against it as "concrete" and then idiotically call people "delusional" just because of what someone thinks so far.
K, but what if someone theorized that the Incredible Hulk and Knuckles the Echidna would start a war, kill everyone in sight and engage in anal sex, and what if that person expected everyone to believe him?
In an open minded way, (from the theory of what can come out of nowhere, multiverse, etc) that to me is like a 0.00001 % chance of happening. ...You know what I mean..

Yet, that's a far weaker theory to me, but the theory I'm talking about is WAAAAYYYYY stronger.
Please don't compare it to something like the Easter Bunny.

So if something is predicted (Especially very specific) and it comes true, it's "stupid" now?
It's unlikely it'll become true.
So because you think (Without concrete proof), it's not likely, it's "idiotic"?
Also, it DID happen. Remember March 11th 2011?
That event was predicted BEFORE March 11th 2011 (And years ago before that).
It already happened!
I believe a normal person can openly take that as something interesting.
I think you mean your warped definition of normal, as in everyone who thinks like you.
Actually everyone is normal for who they are.
Plus, you do the same thing.

Yet, I don't have any holes in my intelligence, though, you do.

I was talking about your brain, in physical terms. 
Well no. You have that however.
Yet, where is your proof that he's "wrong"?
How about the fact that his theories have yet to come to fruition?
Just because you think it's "not" proven doesn't automatically mean he's wrong.
He could still be right.. Yet, he already had some predictions come true in some parts.
Aliens picking people up and moving them on a safe planet is just as bad as a world ending with the humans and other animals on it?
Neither is more plausible than the other, but aliens are just a bit less likely.
How? I would rather have that happen then all people dying..
And what if it was likely?
Yet, the world is in risk that it can end early before the possible red giant.

I never sucked.
But you did.

Keep telling yourself that, you're already far less likable than A-Log, Chris Chan and Richard Kuta, among others.
Right back at you. I never sucked, regardless of how many trolls and bullies like you think I did.
For your last part, that doesn't even make any sense.

 Ladies and gentlemen, that's REMRadioheadfan96/Channeleven/Peter.
Someone who's far more friendly, intelligent and mature than wwwarea.
He always stalks people, start fight with people, etc.
Something you've been doing since the beginning.
Sorry but the evidence shows that you did that.
And see see more, he even started a fight with 'wwwarea' for making yet, another journal that DIDN'T mentioned him.

You're wwwarea.
Whatever you say buddy.. whatever you say in your little world.
Honestly, at this point, I don't even feel sorry for Jesse. I think he suffers from severe mental problems. I can't imagine what his parents and sister have to go through. I've never met someone so unlikeable, so delusional, so fucked in the head. He needs serious help.
I've never meant such an incredible bigot who forces his arguable and many holes through opinions that are not even true act this bad.
I don't have mental problems, but you do.
They are fine. LOL
 I am liked.
I am not delusional (But you are)
You are the one fucked up in the head.

 You attack freedom, freedom of speech, people for who they are, etc.
You twist many things up.
You always claim cyberbullying "doesn't" exist and force that as "fact".
Advocates harassment to the point of suicidal thoughts and isn't sorry for it.
Blame victims, etc.

You never won. You were never right about me.
You are just so blind because you have a little bit of supporters on DA.

Yet, a lot of my stuff has a lot more feedback than yours. Most of them are just not part of the fight.


End of Request.

This guy is really fucked up, and of course blames the wrong person.

I never seen such a huge bigot and prejudice asshole on the Internet before like this.
He will be hated by many physicists, scientists, and many other people.

Guess if People has a Different Opinion on Taboos, they are Considered "bad" People now?

The other article is finished, but I will not publish it just yet.
I like to focus on another problem with 'wwwarea' and of course his request.

It seems that if 'wwwarea' has a different opinion on a taboo subject and honestly argues that violates the emotional feelings that causes something to be taboo, it appears that 'wwwarea' is considered a "bad" person for having... a different opinion on the subject.
The subject was something about zoophilia or something around it..

I don't know if I agree with 'area' but when I was open to understand it and understood why 'wwwarea' brought something out of it and understood why he argued that consent could exist.
Didn't he always argued that in some places. I remember seeing that happen before.

I will post the request because I understand it too.


 Well it seems that one cyberbully is still going for it, and this time has promoted yet, another slander against me.
I don't think it's as bad as the "Wants to kill people" or whatever that other journal said, but this.. really?

It seems I was right that Funnel can't stand it when people has a different opinion on taboo subjects.

Let's show why Funnel is wrong. Again.

Note: Of course, within quote spacing: The deeper quote spacing is his, the main quote spacing without the bold is mine and the bold messages in the quote spacing is his again (But recent).
Note again: Some of my own quotes he posted within the quotes pacing may have some bold stuff too.

WWWAREA responded to me again, this time with this enormous Godzilla of a reply 
 You do no different buddy.

At least I try to make my replies shorter.
 I kinda do that too. But still the case is the same.

There is no such thing as "defending criticism" Jesse, you made that up.
 Umm, yes there is. Defending others against so-called "criticism" is criticism.
It's not exactly made up without attachment. However, you are.

I googled "Defending Criticism" and found nothing
Just because it's not words used together like that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
The fact is that you are trying to throw excuses to make you think that what you say is "always" right when you're not.
Just because you believe what I do is wrong, doesn't mean it's wrong automatically.
It needs to apply to a civil moral (I.e. If it's violating rights or other interfering attacks.)
Though, interfering with a criminal's evil action is justice.

You annoy a lot of people
That's not a valid argument.
And just because others feel annoyed doesn't mean I committed a guilty act.
Plus, you annoy me.
But a tornado is like a funnelSo inside that 'tornado', it's full of non-sense.
Anyway..... moving on.

Strange analogy.
But it's still a funnel...
 I do not think that's a requirement.
Pretty sure reading it, that was only an example among many other different examples.

Well this aint it
ain't* Anyway, honestly I don't remember what this one was about.. I'll just move on from that quote.
 Open Minded person: No, I filled it up with many rants that isn't very general.

AKA rambling
And..? Is that somehow supposed to say that my speech is all of a sudden "different" now?
Aren't you the rambling one?
LOL. Wow! That picture looks very awesome.

I think it's a bit creepy
I should say the same with your sonic OC stuff then.
To be honest, it's not mine. I mean if that guy on Youtube (I heard that whole reactor thing on Youtube as well) was me, it would of probably be a very different looking channel than it is now.

And by the way, yes it's an Alpha and Omega thing (I think, maybe a wolf very similar just in case).
But maybe it's because there is a lot of movies who likes that? Or maybe it's because one time a 'certain friend' of mine showed me the movie because I was a wolf furry fan, and then I loved it?

How am I supposed to know it isn't you?
So lack of evidence (to you) that it's not me all of a sudden makes it me now?
What... I'm confused, I don't have a.... Oh you got to be FUCKING kidding me. You still think that the diamond guy is still me?
And by other one, I was talking about a blogger. Not some Wordpress account.

There are a lot of accounts who talk like you, act like you, so...
Trust me buddy, their are plenty of people who will talk like me.
Yet that guy talks a little different on here.

Yes it is. I already proved why.……

Note: Some say it's in relationships, but I do not think that's the case.

Of course you don't
And of course you think I'm wrong because you said so.
He can't bury the hatchet, as he is causing more war, and more lies and untrue statements about me.
I am trying to bury the hatchet actually. And your reasoning serves no value in your argument.

Also, you ignored the top part of what you quoted... again.

He said nothing about you for months
Pfft, bullshit.
 So you made it out of assumption. How much crazier can this get?

It's because you have done it many times in the past
Still assumption.
Plus you blocked me for disagreeing with you on some Sonic.EXE thing I barely even cared about personally.
The people who is causing the war are people like you.

So you have no job?
I do, but it's personal.
No actually it is. Or can be tied. It still doesn't change the fact that you are doing examples of what online bullies do.
I think there is a difference between actual peer pressure vs. bullying those when it comes to cases like you.
You are not influencing. Even if you are a bit, you are also bullying. Just saying because that's what you are doing.

Peer pressure is not bullying. If I wanted to bully you, I would call you a "stupid fucking faggot" and tell you to "go die", but have I done that? No!
If it acts like bullying, then it is.
And I know a certain guy you like as a friend (..I think) that uses the word "faggot" in some style against me. Just saying.

You mean all the emo anarchist teenagers who listen to too much heavy metal?
Stop pretending your personal opinion is "fact" over other people not you.
Oh and just in case.

Well knowing the people who are like that IRL it is easy to make an assumption.
 One, assumptions are not considered good value to use as an argument.
Two, I don't think your reply is making sense.

The last part is only an opinion. JUST like how it was like that to homosexuality.
It was all like "homosexuality is sickz!". It was always fear, just like back then.
Also, before anyone thinks, I do not think rape should be legalized. HOWEVER, I been reading some good criticism about the arguments of consent, that there is evidence, and I agree that discriminating zoosexuals is wrong and sick (Because it's hurtful).
I also agree that zoosexuality is an orientation according to the new scientific criticism as I been hearing. You know, the things that questions overly emotional idiots who can't argue with real science? Just like in history.
So for something general: If consent exist, then it's not sick. I will proudly say that. If an animal ISN'T consenting, then it's wrong to have sex with them.
And I do agree that criticism is better than emotions..

"It’s no accident that the researchers compare zoophiles today with the GLBT community of 50 years ago. Gay relationships were seen as an exercise in immoral sexual behaviour, however this has changed as homosexual relationships are now largely perceived to be about love. The zoophiles have not reached this stage, but they may find that the furry community provides a social environment where their love is tolerated as unusual but acceptable. If zoophiles can be open within furry, they can provide good role models for the ‘zoo-curious’, helping young people manage and accept an otherwise complex and difficult sexual orientation."

Read more.. But you know, I know what kind of person you are. Just a sick and disgusting generic society emotional crap headwho attack people who question taboos. I would not be surprised if you made fun of me for questioning society for making stuff taboo. AND NO, I'm not the only one who does. And yes, I will also compare that history also made things less taboo. And guess what? The criticism about this whole zoosexual subject IS good. Because it made a lot of sense. It was much better than seeing people saying the same thing over and over (without questions of course) with overly emotional crap!

ALSO, what the hell does this have anything to do with the stuff I like, and mainly support?
Oh wait, let me guess, you compare anthropomorphic talking and consenting creatures with that?
You are a sick person.

Plus, societies emotions will never be a fact. As a person who questions taboos, emotional feelings of society is NEVER a good argument to treat things bad. So stop treating subjective arguable beliefs as "fact".

And no, what I'm saying here is not bad behavior, because I have a right to question things, and a right to depend on actual scientific debating.

Holy fucking shit, you are actually defending bestiality? And the fact you quoted a furry site just enforces the stereotype that furries are sick fucks who want to screw animals.

It is offical, wwwarea is an advocate of beastiality.
This is why I LOVE to question taboos. I love having a more debatable scientific debate who questions the overly emotional people like you who can't learn to open his/her mind on debates and gets all emotionally upset.

Also, no it doesn't. This doesn't cause ANY stereotype. It's just some furry who has an opinion. It's not saying all furries think that it defends what you think is 'sick' without evidence, it's just some dude who's furry who has an opinion. And I believe it's a far better and open researched opinion.
It's pathetic of you to depend on who without learning how to argue directly.
But of course! You can't (Just as I predicted), and of course you not only act like I'm bad for linking to a research article as one of those guys who question taboos (I ALSO question other taboos.)

Here is me, and other people:
"Wow, I didn't know about that, I should learn more about this more scientifically, society could be wrong, the arguments are actually something I never heard before and seems like it was lost and hidden, and I find this a bit interesting as a person who wonders the random auto emotions of the world.. I didn't know that!"

Then here is you:
"OMG, IT'S ITZZ... DEFENDING A TABOO!!!! FUCK SCIENCE, FUCK OPEN RESEARCH, IT'S OFFCIAL GUYZ HE'S DEFENDING SOMETHING WE THINK IS ALL WRONG JUST BECAUSz it violatzes realiguoz believfz, they don't consrnt!! Lalalalalalal screw the evidnece of the consenting debates, screw it all, also, screw the fact that humans were forced (other way around?) by animalz themzelsf! Screw that, it's  still somehow humzn raping them!!!
Also, fuck that animalz don'tz consnzt to being killzez!"

Honestly Funnel, I was just curious mainly about this subject and wanted to be open about the debates and that and I found a very good argument that consent could exist or not.
And the truth is, their is evidence (ACCORDING to the research I've done) to the point that the other way around can happen. I prefer that instead because I believe it's superior to people who argue out of their own feelings (or religious beliefs).

Honestly as a person who has a different opinion and is more open who question taboos (That's often what I like doing, just like some other people), I found it interesting. Yet, I also do believe discrimination is sick too.
The problem (As a taboo question person) is that society often claims many things without evidence out of their emotions.
And as a person who question why things are taboos, I do not find it a really good source of information and I consider it biases, and prejudice instead.
That's why I thought the article was pretty great, it was open minded research, not covered and riddle by non-scientific emotions, and other bullshit.
Hell, another interesting thing is this: "Animals can't consent to being killed."
I believe that is a VERY good point. But of course, like the closed minded loony you are, you can't respect those who question our own unscientific beliefs.

Hell, it's not just that taboo. I do this for many other things that could be taboo.
Like Polygamy, or why people freak out involving humans and animals (idk, something about human skin on a book?), and others.

You spelled it like "Populairty" 
*Types it in* when all of a sudden, a wild red spelling check line appears under it trying to tell me it's 'popularity'!

Remember the time when you said that further fail makes it even more funny or something?
Well, there you go Funnel. :)
It's not a problem. It's not hurting anyone and it's not a mental issue to have it part as your identity. This happens with many things, it's actually normal. Everyone grows up with personality in genes, it's perfectly normal.

I took psychology and many elements of your personality are defined by past experiences. Only basics are genetic, doesn't mean it can't change, it often does.
Actually one time a class told that having any "fetish" was a "disorder" but that was changed.
Personality never changes. You can't change who you are, and there are evidence that it becomes part of you. Just like how you grow up deeply with a 'fetish' like vore.
Not everyone will change that, unless it's one of those barely into things and was a side but not to the great.. or one of those 'sex' shifting things to another. (Or that's the same thing)
Sorry but there is no 'line'.. Oh wait I'm sorry, there is, but when the line is crossed, that's when people are hurting each other.
But when it comes to personal consenting, there is NO LINE.

There is always a line
Who said so? Your 'God'? Your "normal" religion?
Face it, there isn't. That's just some made up term to force your shitty bigotry on other people.
You are making up something to cause you to not respect others who likes to personally cross your imaginary line.

Note: A God could be real, who knows?
Stop making up bullshit Jared.

I am not Jared. 
Drat, well sorry for that error then. :/
 If you do believe in anything else than the Golden Rule, then you don't believe in the Golden Rule.
Because you believe in other delusions that interfere with other people not you. And guess what? THAT crosses the line.

The Golden Rule doesn't always apply. For example if someone was nice to you but you knew they were robbing banks? I wouldn't care how good they are to me, they're an asshole.
Yes it does. It always applies. Who the hell said it didn't? It's ALWAYS something you need to follow according to it.
Also, they already violated the Golden Rule by robbing. Stopping them to protect it is probably justice anyway.

No, it's called a rant. Everyone has them. And it's called criticism. Real criticism.
People are allowed to complain about assholes like you.
Yet, aren't you doing the same thing in terms of ranting about other people?

You rant over the most trivial stuff.
 No I rant over actual issues. Either way, everyone has them!

But not all of them are good (e.g. Your crap).

There is no 'line', stop making up bullshit.. I mean, there can only be one line, and that's a real moral civil thing, not your shitty personal opinion about fetishes just because you don't like them.

The LINE exists.
The Easter Bunny exist then!!!
Expressing fetishes in public is nothing different than the common heterosexual and homosexual people do.
Not everyone wants to see fetishes, but not everyone wants to see two humans kiss in art either.
But both expressions do not cross the line because it's not being forced on anyone.
Just like humans kissing.

How is kissing the same as stomping and inflation? 
 Not the same style of sexuality, but it's a tamed down style just like kissing.
And that not everyone wants to see either.
They are the same in terms of different types of sexuality.

The only catch I like to say is that it also depends on them.
Kissing can get to very extreme cases where it wouldn't be appropriate under a certain rating (E.g. PG) and kissing can be very tamed down (E.g. Kissing on the cheek) that it doesn't violate it.

Vore for example has the same story. A vore can be very extreme that it past the rating (E.g. PG) but it can be tamed down to the point that it's just as tamed down as kissing on the cheek.
Hell, you even sometimes see 'vore' on TV. Though these on the Internet may have a different likes but that doesn't make it extreme.

Just because it's considered a "fetish" (A stupid term) or something some people don't like (Just like kissing) doesn't mean it's more extreme in general.
Did I slander wwwarea by claiming he "wants" to "kill" people, did I slander wwwarea by claiming he judges heterosexuals like a real heterophobia? Did I break DA rules against wwwarea like 4-5 times, did I break other rules? Did I lie about deals, starts fights with people, etc?
So much..

If you don't want people to talk about you like that then do not act that way! 
Stop blaming what I do for their crimes.
It's their fault.
You remind me of a 14 year old who says "It's you're fault you got me banned!!"
(learned from a stamp)
What I did wasn't even against the rules at least mostly (In case. lol), or something serious like slander, start fights with people, or maybe less serious like lie about deals.

Well you do display the warning signs that mass shooters such as Eliot Rodger have shown. Such as increasing hatred toward society and a specific group of people. As well as throwing temper tantrums when given criticism and posting these whiny rants online, which is exactly what Eliot Rodger did for a while before he shot up the Isla Visa campus. 
I will spread hate to people who promote hate, I have a valid reason to. And guess what? It's not wrong to do that.
Actually you don't give criticism and neither does certain people. However, I do, and you act like a fucking child whenever you can't take it.
Making rants is not wrong, it's nothing to be guilty about.

You are just making excuses up to show that I'm a "bad" person when I'm not.

Plus another mistake you do: You don't like it when people use freedom of speech to make criticism/rants.

You make rants about every little thing that you do not like! And you seem to hate every bit of the world.
If that was true, I would make pointless rants about stuff like Angry Birds, people personally liking what I hate, and some more.
Because maybe the world isn't so great yet.

I already told you over 5 times, I didn't do it illegally, I didn't do so for money. Stop claiming I am doing things illegal for things that aren't. Especially the fact that I already explained why it wasn't illegal.

Oh shut it with the "IT HAZ 2 B 4 MUNEYZ" thing. I am sick and tired of repeating myself because you keep insisting the same thing over and over! There are different types of blackmailing! 
 And I am sick and tired repeating myself based off reading an actual law.
You are the one repeating yourself in the bad way.
Because you always fail to give me proof.
Give me a fucking law link telling me that it's illegal to do so in general then.
Go on, give me one!
No link? Then stop repeating something that is least likely to be true then.

No. You did. You attacked me for spiritual beliefs, you attacked me for defending myself, etc.
THAT'S picking a fight.

So I'm a victim.

Things you believe in hardly count as spiritual beliefs. More like special snowflake syndrome mixed with bad philosophy. 

Again, picking a fight. And yes it's a spiritual belief. Get over it.
If it involves the spiritual world, soul, etc. Then it counts.

Also, you don't have proof that it's "bad".
Yet, a special snowflake is a person who thinks they are morally special than anyone else, but no.
We all have spiritual beliefs, we all have a personality, and this is just one of mine, like anyone else.

In the end, you just attack people for their spiritual belief and you have no right to do that.

Otherwise, you don't have real spiritual beliefs then and you are bad for them now.

You don't get it do you.
 If you think it's OK to choose that what I'm doing is wrong out of personal opinion, then I will decide that what you like is wrong then.
Yet, you do realize it was a 'then' argument right?
Fetishphobia. (Yes, if heterophobia can be used, then so can that).

Try to understand it more then.

There is that line that I talked about.
What line? See, your delusional beliefs is allowing you to make up even more bullshit about people just to do something actually morally wrong; interfering with other people.
You are nothing but a fucking dictator. Showing that you attack people for doing things that are not morally wrong. HOWEVER, attacking people for those, IS morally wrong.

What if those people are potential dangers to society??? 
 A risk doesn't mean it crosses your imaginary line.
Yet, everything has a risk. That's just how it works.
So according to your imagination, everything we do crosses this 'line'.
Just becuase you fucking don't like it, doesn't mean it's OK to make up an imaginary bullshit "line" that doesn't exist and act like a complete dick to others for it.

The LINE is there and ALWAYS has been there.
You really sound like an insane person.

Face it, you do not respect other opinions.

You are the one who freaked out over A&O
 A little more clear please?
Plus, their is a difference between liking/disliking than making claims off of it.
I'm an educated and mature adult.
Now you are just making yourself a laughing stock.

More people are laughing at you right now
Only by bigots like you!
Real people are probably laughing at you for your imaginary line.
You are basically like "No it's not!" *Lalala*

Attacking those for having a right isn't matured, promoting cyberbullying articles isn't matured, and monitoring people isn't matured.
Neither is educated either. And you always refuse to get educated.

You are the one who escalated it.

You threatened to release his address if he didn't give in to your demands.
Proof please?

You know, that snapshot you had the admin take down for you?
Are you talking about the time I would 'threat' to show a picture (or describe the house)?
If so, then I think you misread it. It was either talking about showing a picture (without the address) or describing how it looks (without the address).

Actually if you hadn't spammed my Sonic.exe stamp this whole mess would have never happened in the first place.
I didn't spam it. I disagreed with it.
I can't believe you are still on to that.

You posted a big whiny comment that was taking up a ton of room so I hid it, and then you proceeded to keep posting them. I actually hid your comment for a good reason too.
Again, you hid it because you couldn't stand me who disagreed with it. I was just trying to be reasonable and try to argue.
You hid it because you don't like it when someone disagrees with you.
And I kinda freaked out because I figured you didn't support Freedom of Speech.

After you blocked me, I made a stamp of my own because I was offended that I couldn't speak my say.

But you need to register if you really want to enforce it. Which is a good idea.

Thanks for admitting to be wrong. Now I see you are slowly changing the subject to hide that.

You do have basic copyright to start out with, but you need to pay for the full package. And when you are a writer or an artist or a filmaker, you need to PAY so no one plagiarizes your work or profits off of unlicensed material. It isn't even THAT expensive. It is only $35 to register for copyright. 20 songs copyrighted for life just for 35 dollars? Great deal! That is only what? $1.75 per song. Most people can afford that!…

You have NO reason to be angry about copyright. There are ways to get it in more-cost effective ways.
You never said it that way. You just said you need money to own have Copyright.
Sounds like a waste of money.
Besides, Creative Commons is a great tool (and it's free I think) to stop plagiarism. Well the 'NC and ND' are the crappy licenses, but others are fine. :D
I question you if you think the system is perfect. Because it's not.
Yet, it's been criticized with interesting information.

I have every reason to complain about Copyright. Especially it's myths around it.
Copyright is a monopoly. It prevents some creativity (stifles creativity), and the extensions are very ridiculous.
Copyright is NOT a human right (I already shown a link in area talking about that from a stamp), and it's been causing other problems.

For the sake of being against plagiarism, Copyright is not an answer and wasn't even designed to stop that originally.


That's the end.
I like to talk about a couple of other things.

I do not promote bestiality (legal term?). If I did, I would of had actual sex with non-human animals and/or tell others to do that.
Though I heard that it's meant to be on non-consenting side. But I did not have sex with them. And I don't even think I want to.

Of course, LMJ dictates that I can't have an opinion about this science and open research (Acting like I'm a "bad" person for it, yet I learned from some places that defends victimless fantasy (Even from that same site) and etc. It's not the only site and some people has woke up to questioning society and taboos). Yet, I was on the topic of whether consent existed or not. And that was the main argument.
1. He freaks out that I have an opinion with people having a right to victimless fantasy.
And now freaks out because I question another serious subject.

He doesn't respect opinions either.. Yet, makes a false statement that I support actual pedophilia.
I only defend that victimless fantasy should never be a crime.


End of Request.