Sunday, June 15, 2014

This is Mainly Why I Gave Equestria Gaming a Bad Score

Sometime recently, I decided to send a "fake report" of a comment just so I can comment to Tuxxy about how silly his move was for disabling comment ratings or something. Notice now there will never be ratings ever again because one guy used a proxy to "cheat" the ratings. He also should just turn off the whole comments because there are also people bypassing bans. Hehehe
*Note: What is the point of disabling ratings? Ratings can be abused simply by using them based of bias hate.

Anyway, remember when I reported that Tuxxy would take private messages outside of the private zone, and then possibly, twist the words? One person on Youtube told me a story about this, and now after what happened, it turns out to be more true after all. Guess I wasn't overreacting after all!

He did the same thing to me..

He published a comment, not only abusing his responsibility as an Admin, but also lied about my message I sent through the report. Claiming I did for (and in quotes): "This comment is discriminating hate speech".
Of course, I would probably report hatred comments, but for this one, I didn't do it for that reason.

I had to once again, find a way to comment on that blog post and suggest that Tuxxy was lying again, and say something like "I did not do that". Of course though, he deleted/censored me after successfully finding a way.

Before, I even commented, I sent him another report message asking him to send me of what I said in the original report, and I still have not got the email. After that and the comment, I decided to just send him an email through Hotmail, and ask him for the message. Did I get a response? No sir I didn't!

See kids? This is one of the strong reasons as to why I hate this horrible Brony and this is why I have to warn people of this huge embarrassment. Someone else should run that gamer blog. I don't even think this person is old enough to handle a popular site. The worst part in that case is that I might be more younger than him, and I already know more responsibility.

Also, the reason why I still even bother with that possible troll is that he's been acting like an ass to me, and to some others through Twitter, and other places.

As I been saying: Stay away from him!

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  1. If you really wanted this whole fight between you two resolved, you would calmly talk to him. If you want me to get him and the horse-news staff to have a discussion so you can sort this out, then drop me a line. Also, why the fuck would you decide you hate a person based on one interaction with him? Hate the sin, not the sinner.

    1. I think I tried calmly talking to him in the first place. In fact, I did on earlier times through "Private" messages, but then he acted more of an ass as a response. At some points, I just couldn't hold it anymore.

      I would forgive him if he was sorry for pretty much every unfair thing he did to me, and to others.
      I don't really know if I'm hating him or just the sin of him either but I would forgive if he was just, sorry.. That could be hard because I never once saw him be honest at all.

      As for Horse "News", that's probably very hard to do. These people were never calm to me in the first place, and that offensive article MLPcritic (I "hate this guy" so much too) posted on there is complete bias, and I never really bothered that user at all before. If that guy would apologize to me, and deleted that article, then maybe I will stop complaining about Horse "News". They been trying to ruin my reputation.
      It would also be nice if they stop causing flame-wars with other people outside the site too.

      It's interesting how a big thing can come from a very small thing.. If Tuxxy would of never linked my blog on that one non-sense article (I honestly say non-sense in a criticism way, not to sound mean), then I would not track it with my tracker, and there would possibly be 70 - 94% chance of this not happening.
