Showing posts with label Stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stories. Show all posts

Monday, September 1, 2014

Another Reason Why "Trolling" is Cyberbullying and Deadly

Well I don't know what the best thing I can say.. Trolling for fun in video games sometimes probably isn't that serious, but there are some trolling and other kinds of hatred that is.
It's not just some trolling, I think it's mainly any kind of hatred.

I was browsing around a website called DeviantArt and noticed this:
Note: This guy is pretty hypocritical about Animals Rights and other things but some stuff is not hypocritical I think.
And the claim of "offensive doesn't exist" is also not true either, I believe anything that hurts others is offensive.

If you read the info under it, you may find it shocking.. It's something similar as to what I warn. Maybe even exactly as examples.

What's this?
Remember when I yelled out that something was connected with suicide?
There is your god damn proof!

Hatred of any kind, will always be a problem, and always will be.
Also, by the way, Tuxxy is probably unaware that what he has been doing may be connected with this. Are you liking your own image Tuxxy?

Anyway, anyone who said negative speech (Mainly hatred of any kind) doesn't hurt anyone is wrong.
I have gotten a lot of anxiety because my own personality that's part of me has been struck. When I was threaten for what I liked, and others, I got anxiety.
All my fears and worries often comes true I think. It's a living hell.
Also, for anyone's information, "anxiety" is physical pain and trying to ruin someone's reputation (e.g. Trying to turn it all a joke based off bias feelings) is even more pain. Not just "anxiety" but can cause a lot of other destruction in real life.

I hate this world.
There are many reasons as to why I'm kind of a misanthropic and this is one of them.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Reaction to: Horse News Interviews: wwwarea

I remember this site.. It's very restricted on the comments that I can't turn them on.
I decided to add a new page on it.

Just to share and make people aware.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Tuxxy - One of Worst "Brony's" Ever

Not a very serious attempt of an edit

I feel sorry for those who live with this guy.. There is a "scientifically possible" chance that he has at least lied to ALL of his "friends" or family members once.

I'm honestly kind of getting tired of talking about him I think, but what he said to me, and getting away with a pathetic highly immature excuse, just made me want to continue..
This is especially for him defending his excuses of taking things out of private and claiming that chatting on Skype "isn't" private.

Since he gives no craps about taking stuff out of private chatting (Possibly lie about it too), then I guess I will just talk about this:

I talked to him that his recent article on Horse "News" was a made up title, to get attention.. I said that to him on Skype.. All he said was something of: "I stopped bothering you", and then possibly blocked me on there for a while (Edit: No he told me on Skype that he didn't" Edit done). Honestly man, you can't simply say "I stopped bothering you" right after posting a stupid immature article about me on a popular website. I think he said that because he feels fulfilled/accomplishing his mission.

It's as he thinks it's "fair" when it's really not. If he were to stop bothering me, and wanted me to fairly "leave" him alone, then he would of not made that article and leave it there.. He would also apologize to what he did in the past, and with other people and also delete that other article.

No Tuxxy, all you did was get upset, and whine EVERYTIME you get criticized for how badly selfish you were. You censor other people's arguments, because you worry you will be "wrong" or at least be known that you are a horrible selfish bias prick to others, including to me.

If you were to be more loved by more bronies, then you wouldn't be doing stuff like this to other people.

No really people, he basically, sadistically enjoy lying about others, for attention, and fun.
He's completely intolerance about other people's interest, projects, etc. I've also been told that Tuxxy lied about someone for someone kindly asking him to be non-hateful over someone's project, and of course you know what happens next.

This is why I god damn hate this prick. Since no one knows his horrible ego self, then all I could do is help spread the word. Not only to suggest people going for better, matured people, but to also keep private information safe, and true.
I'll also like to note that he'd also lied about a reason as to why I flagged someone's comment on his site, and lied about how I reviewed his site bad.

I'm not trying to be mean to this guy, all I'm doing is reacting to real world problems that he's been causing to others. I'm not some guy who just likes "talking bad" about this guy. I'm the type of guy who reacts based off hateful, selfish, unfair crap that's been happening to this world and honestly, he's been causing those kinds of things and he made it worse to what he's been immaturely doing to me, and to others possibly.

For all he did, I only see him as a "popufur/brony" who seeks nothing but attention, without a care of lying about others and causing hatred to feed off a bigoted opinion about other people.
I'm picturing him in his chair, leaning back and smiling because of how popular this sadistic is. Mainly because of his own site (or blog site for that matter) having over 1-million views.

I am so glad that I'm not a Brony anymore and I have my own reasons on why!


The Little Deal
If you were to AT LEAST reverse your hatred,  unfairness, and lies (e.g. Made up "interview") about me off of that website, by deleting those articles, then maybe I will stop talking about you!

Seriously, have an open mind and understand what I'm god damn saying.
Will you react more honest, and open or just make another unfunny (possibly lying) article on that website again?

Sunday, June 15, 2014

This is Mainly Why I Gave Equestria Gaming a Bad Score

Sometime recently, I decided to send a "fake report" of a comment just so I can comment to Tuxxy about how silly his move was for disabling comment ratings or something. Notice now there will never be ratings ever again because one guy used a proxy to "cheat" the ratings. He also should just turn off the whole comments because there are also people bypassing bans. Hehehe
*Note: What is the point of disabling ratings? Ratings can be abused simply by using them based of bias hate.

Anyway, remember when I reported that Tuxxy would take private messages outside of the private zone, and then possibly, twist the words? One person on Youtube told me a story about this, and now after what happened, it turns out to be more true after all. Guess I wasn't overreacting after all!

He did the same thing to me..

He published a comment, not only abusing his responsibility as an Admin, but also lied about my message I sent through the report. Claiming I did for (and in quotes): "This comment is discriminating hate speech".
Of course, I would probably report hatred comments, but for this one, I didn't do it for that reason.

I had to once again, find a way to comment on that blog post and suggest that Tuxxy was lying again, and say something like "I did not do that". Of course though, he deleted/censored me after successfully finding a way.

Before, I even commented, I sent him another report message asking him to send me of what I said in the original report, and I still have not got the email. After that and the comment, I decided to just send him an email through Hotmail, and ask him for the message. Did I get a response? No sir I didn't!

See kids? This is one of the strong reasons as to why I hate this horrible Brony and this is why I have to warn people of this huge embarrassment. Someone else should run that gamer blog. I don't even think this person is old enough to handle a popular site. The worst part in that case is that I might be more younger than him, and I already know more responsibility.

Also, the reason why I still even bother with that possible troll is that he's been acting like an ass to me, and to some others through Twitter, and other places.

As I been saying: Stay away from him!

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For other sites, please ask and if I give permission, you must provide the whole thing, and give a link to the original page, which is this.

For the purpose of making people aware of this problem, you may re post, as a whole with credit.

I will not claim legal claims to ideas: You are of course free to help spread this idea.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Little Story

Well, I guess I can write this now, even though, I'm not sure if the little war is even over.

Apparently, there is a guy who always "quick assumes" me, and always complain about my criticism, who will always seek to find one small error I made to even humiliate me even more. This is coming from a sad, troll who thinks that his own popularity owns my criticism, and uses it as some tool to "debunk" my own claims.

Anyway, it all kind of started when I noticed some hate post on the following:
Even though I left this dying fandom, I was still interested into Fandom freedom, and checked for any Cease and Desists anywhere. Don't remember though. Also, tolerance was still my interest.

All I did was stand up against some hatred and suggested "lack of tolerance". So then some guy decided to reply suggesting that "Tuxxy" (Site Owner) was having some bad day, so I replied in some "maybe" suggestion. That wasn't the case.
You can see the comments reply I think.

After trying to teach how to be a good, non-biased reviewer, he disabled the comments. Then that's where this small one problem ended... Rest in peace..?


Weeks Later

Weeks later, I was kind of bored and wanted to check in with some comments on that fan video, then I heard some people having there lives kind of ruined by the same Admin, and such.. Suggesting privacy plagiarism, etc, etc..

While I was furious about the intolerance there was these days, I decided to just go on another post, to suggest an anti-bullying joke, that was not expecting any replies. (Hell, why would I care after to what He did?). Then the owner got "offended", and freaked out. He deleted the comments, and suggested "Comment on a "more topic" thing" (While the original post disabled the comments.)

While I tried to criticize him for what he did to me. He then once again, deleted me, then banned me. I don't remember for sure.

So while he was acting like an ass, I will be honest and say: I did use a proxy thing, only for the purpose of more arguing. I wasn't trying to do anything else, but that I think...

After some commenting, I suggested emailing, then after some arguments there, it all ended....

Maybe he gave up, maybe He just wouldn't admit it, I don't know...


About a Week Later

About a week later, I could of guess that was it. Perhaps, really it.

...But wait.. I decided to check my blog ratings one day, and I noticed a strange boost of views, and then wondered what the source was? ""
"What the hell is that" I kind of said - don't remember

After clicking on it, I noticed it was some kind of offensive post by Tuxxy.
I did wonder if He was going to get better, but that's not the case. He's actually gotten worse, and decided to join a satire website, that often makes fun of people.

Anyway, on that offensive post, I noticed near the bottom of that post, there was a link to my blog. The reason was because he wanted to make fun of my on my faith of Freedom to the fact, that people has the right to express them selves. No really, when he sees people standing up for Freedom of Expression, He will furiously, go against it, sadly.. -Correct me if I'm wrong here.

Anyway, this guy suggested boycotting to some random stranger on Twitter somewhere just because He/She posted some NSFW picture. Worst (I think), he compared it to something illegal in some states.

After that, I decided to criticize his post for him suggesting bullying, and false comparison from fictional, anthropomorphic characters, to "real", (sometimes) rape.

This is where the "major" side of the little war happened

After some time, and after criticizing the guy, some other guy came to my blog, and suggested that it was a joke. However, I do NOT think that is the case. Also, some other people came in, and posted some very immature name-calling, and other kinds of biased reactions.

After some talking, and stuff, Tuxxy, decided to talk about my blog, and a blog post that was sort of a joke (At the same time, "sort of real").
From here, it's gotten kind of worse. After some fights on Twitter, some horrible Brony (MLP Critic), also decided to post another post, about my blog.
On the blog, there was a horrible edit of one of my pictures, and the same person (I think) claimed it as there own. Same with one of the pictures of part of my posts.

Most of the post was completely biased, and did not contain fair, non-biased arguments that would even debunk any of my claims. The same person also used names like "Autistic", "Retarded", and "Faggot" as an insult. Also, acted as being in "Canada" is bad. -Note: The person actually thought I was a Canadian.

The person also insulted me as being an Alpha and Omega fan, and I never even once threat them for being My Little Pony fans. Maybe the guy just quick assumed me that I was, or the guy is even more of an ignorant bigot.

Is this how you be a "critic"? No wonder people hate "critics".

Not only that post was there and the offensive twitter posts about me, there was an offensive "ad-like" thing making fun of "Autism" and it was a link to my blog.

That's Kind of The Story
Sad honestly.

Known facts:
  1. "Tuxxy", actually thought (Or still thinks) that his website was private
  2. "MLP Critic" thinks that if he modifies a Copyrighted image, it's there's now.
  3. "Tuxxy", always quick assume things of me - ended up always being wrong.
  4. I, my self do make actual mistakes (Such as spelling error, SOME small assumes, etc) but I do at least be honest.
  5. Thinks every claim I make is wrong, but failing to prove any of there points.
  6. "MLP Critic" claims that modifying an image, then claiming as there own, is protected as "Fair Use".
  7. "Tuxxy", will often take non-public chatting or email pieces and put them out into the public. Sometimes twist them.
  8. MLPcritic, never honest. Tuxxy, sometimes.
  9. Will NEVER (At this time?) listen to your complaints in email, most likely a short, immature reply, possibly a picture or video.
  10. Whenever an error comes from either of them, they won't admit it.
  11. They may think that I threaten there website for no reason, when honestly, all I did was criticize some arguments and criticize the fact that they make fun of others in a bad way. 
  12. "Tuxxy" thinks it's OK to lie about other people.
  13. I have nothing against the My Little Pony fandom it's self. Some people might of thought I was.
Two of those users are a clear example of what this world needs to clean out.
Also, look at the Hall of Shame.
Any suggestion to make my post look more pretty, of my purpose is welcomed. I suggest doing so in a more, matured manner. Thank you.

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None of this can be modified, including deleting part of it when republishing it.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Maybe This Universe is All a Dream

It was said that everything is created by thoughts, and by beliefs.

When Dreams Effect Reality
NOTE: This is based off my own personality often too. Some might think this is "weird" even though everyone is normal for who they are.

Diddy Kong Racing

Some of my dreams seem to look as if they have predicted some kind of "Future", but what if I was creating it with the power of dreams?

So long ago, I had a dream about Diddy Kong Racing DS, in my dream, there were new areas (While I only had some possible flaws). One was set to be an area behind the Wizpig rock face, in the main Hub world. In that area, there seemed to be some kind of small area with grass, a small pond, a giant door, and a small yellow bridge. The area was small, and there was a yellow bridge over the water, leading right to a door, a big door.

In the other part of the same dream, there was some snow valley, with water, and a strange hole in the wall (Might of been a picture frame forming a hole) and I might of thought it was some kind of race area, but more of a special race.

In one other part, I could of swear I was in a completely different kind of Dragon Forest lobby, with a river with water falls, with doors leading to each course.

Perhaps years after having the dream, one of my friends showed me a video that was hard to find of an early version of Diddy Kong Racing for the N64. I have a feeling I might of see the video so long ago before the dream, but I don't remember, if so, then this could be why I had them, but I must be wrong...

 Matching very well... And in my dream, I could of known I saw small pathways (2 ways?) but it never shown expect for the map.

 This area... But with no painting/hole on the wall. I did say special race right? Your racing Taz or whatever his name is. As for the hole on the wall, according to a theory about this extended Hub area, there was a cave going through here, somewhere behind the wall I think.

Sadly, there was no footage of the third area, but there was a lost beta map found about a lost race map that had a river leading to an area with waterfalls, but it may have not matched that well.

Alpha and Omega 2

I remember having a dream that there was a trailer to a movie "Alpha and Omega 2".
In the movie, Kate was black colored, and I had no idea why. Later in the same dream, something was very wrong with there models, they were much more blocky, like they had downgraded the graphics!

 I had to use the range, because the second movie came out somewhere at the end of 2013, giving me different results... But before it came out, somewhere, I got these results before it did. It was a fan-made video. I sadly may have seen this before I dreamed about a "black Kate".
When the movie actually came out, the quality was down-graded! Somewhat similar to a downgrade I saw in the dream, or was the blocky models the "pups", they were more blocky.


I may have had more dreams that effected the future, but it's a little tricky to remember.

When The Awake Effects Reality

New Super Mario Bros U

When I used to be a Brony, I remember visualizing Mario secretly finding an exit on the New Super Mario Bros U game, at the secret world.

In the secret world, I imagine it as Equestria, colorful, etc. As some fan, I think I might of made it feel like some sort of "creepy"pasta story or something...

Anyway, many days have passed since that and then Nintendo announced a more colorful world, for Luigi to explore. Only thing mainly is that the world map was the same.
Also, the same level (Or near it) there was a strange path leading upwards (I secretly imagin the secret exit as taking a hidden pipe very high somewhere before I noticed this) but led no-where...
Anyway, Nintendo announced a new adventure sort of for Luigi! And the levels had colorful, new graphics, etc. Isn't that similar?

Meh, this isn't that good of an example I think.
Perhaps from a theory: "If I didn't have limit beliefs about "Intellectual Property" and possibly other, it could of been more matching, to a point that it really was the Equestria world."

That Bloody Rainbow Dash
There were times where I played this "strange" game, where She appears randomly on the Internet. She now does, a lot. Like even the focus is secretly on her somehow...

I remember when I was a brony, I actually liked Her and had a thing for her (I won't say it because of some dumb bigots complaining, and for my own safe reasons), and when I randomly searched her on Deviant Art, I got a "support ____ or be _____??" or something, and yeah, it was a match of what my "thing" was.. Wow.

Anyway to this day as a EX-Brony, She still appears randomly everywhere now. Even when I'm very far away on the Internet, looking up interesting topics about Lucid Dreaming.. "Weird" huh? I did say something like "Even though I am not interested, I allow it still", and I guess I got my results.

I'm guessing this has something to do with the theory of "Thoughts Create Reality". Though, I question that a lot on why a lot of stuff is less matching, if true?

I remember getting interested into what "Holophonic" sounds were, and there was a really good video:
And then really close to that day (I think it might of been the day after), we went to a barber shop, though it wasn't for me, it was for someone else... But isn't it interesting how I had no idea we were going to one and I had watched a video about one right before we went?

I think the reason why it worked well more was because this video creates "illusions" of sounds, making you visualize things much more real than ever!

But of course, it doesn't work all the time. I never went to it again after going to the video again, it probably depends on the "beliefs" about reality.

Besides, I can't remember if I ever showed someone the video before we went, maybe someone got an idea.


I think I had other awaken visuals and things has matched.

Sadly, I think the reason why there are mixed results is depending on the beliefs. The idea that beliefs create reality. It's a very interesting theory, and there are a lot of shocking results.

Often, with wild theories, dreams often become very interesting to me.


Perhaps, this is all a dream, a very limited dream.. When people dream, they get pretty much the same experiences in dreams. Sometimes you will have more possibilties, sometimes, less.
Sometimes when I lucid dream, I can't seem to do everything, probably because of how I'm believing in the dream. Like if dreams, are just parallel realities or something, then maybe if one were to altered there believes in this world, the same thing could happen like in possibly, other dreams.

Note: I'm not too sure of what I reported is the way I actually did. I just try to remember. Yet, these results may not (personality) be that good except for the Diddy Kong Racing and maybe Alpha and Omega 2 one.
I might of had more shocking results but it's hard to remember clearly I think.

Here is an interesting article:

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