Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Little Story

Well, I guess I can write this now, even though, I'm not sure if the little war is even over.

Apparently, there is a guy who always "quick assumes" me, and always complain about my criticism, who will always seek to find one small error I made to even humiliate me even more. This is coming from a sad, troll who thinks that his own popularity owns my criticism, and uses it as some tool to "debunk" my own claims.

Anyway, it all kind of started when I noticed some hate post on the following:
Even though I left this dying fandom, I was still interested into Fandom freedom, and checked for any Cease and Desists anywhere. Don't remember though. Also, tolerance was still my interest.

All I did was stand up against some hatred and suggested "lack of tolerance". So then some guy decided to reply suggesting that "Tuxxy" (Site Owner) was having some bad day, so I replied in some "maybe" suggestion. That wasn't the case.
You can see the comments reply I think.

After trying to teach how to be a good, non-biased reviewer, he disabled the comments. Then that's where this small one problem ended... Rest in peace..?


Weeks Later

Weeks later, I was kind of bored and wanted to check in with some comments on that fan video, then I heard some people having there lives kind of ruined by the same Admin, and such.. Suggesting privacy plagiarism, etc, etc..

While I was furious about the intolerance there was these days, I decided to just go on another post, to suggest an anti-bullying joke, that was not expecting any replies. (Hell, why would I care after to what He did?). Then the owner got "offended", and freaked out. He deleted the comments, and suggested "Comment on a "more topic" thing" (While the original post disabled the comments.)

While I tried to criticize him for what he did to me. He then once again, deleted me, then banned me. I don't remember for sure.

So while he was acting like an ass, I will be honest and say: I did use a proxy thing, only for the purpose of more arguing. I wasn't trying to do anything else, but that I think...

After some commenting, I suggested emailing, then after some arguments there, it all ended....

Maybe he gave up, maybe He just wouldn't admit it, I don't know...


About a Week Later

About a week later, I could of guess that was it. Perhaps, really it.

...But wait.. I decided to check my blog ratings one day, and I noticed a strange boost of views, and then wondered what the source was? "Horse-News.net"
"What the hell is that" I kind of said - don't remember

After clicking on it, I noticed it was some kind of offensive post by Tuxxy.
I did wonder if He was going to get better, but that's not the case. He's actually gotten worse, and decided to join a satire website, that often makes fun of people.

Anyway, on that offensive post, I noticed near the bottom of that post, there was a link to my blog. The reason was because he wanted to make fun of my on my faith of Freedom to the fact, that people has the right to express them selves. No really, when he sees people standing up for Freedom of Expression, He will furiously, go against it, sadly.. -Correct me if I'm wrong here.

Anyway, this guy suggested boycotting to some random stranger on Twitter somewhere just because He/She posted some NSFW picture. Worst (I think), he compared it to something illegal in some states.

After that, I decided to criticize his post for him suggesting bullying, and false comparison from fictional, anthropomorphic characters, to "real", (sometimes) rape.

This is where the "major" side of the little war happened

After some time, and after criticizing the guy, some other guy came to my blog, and suggested that it was a joke. However, I do NOT think that is the case. Also, some other people came in, and posted some very immature name-calling, and other kinds of biased reactions.

After some talking, and stuff, Tuxxy, decided to talk about my blog, and a blog post that was sort of a joke (At the same time, "sort of real").
From here, it's gotten kind of worse. After some fights on Twitter, some horrible Brony (MLP Critic), also decided to post another post, about my blog.
On the blog, there was a horrible edit of one of my pictures, and the same person (I think) claimed it as there own. Same with one of the pictures of part of my posts.

Most of the post was completely biased, and did not contain fair, non-biased arguments that would even debunk any of my claims. The same person also used names like "Autistic", "Retarded", and "Faggot" as an insult. Also, acted as being in "Canada" is bad. -Note: The person actually thought I was a Canadian.

The person also insulted me as being an Alpha and Omega fan, and I never even once threat them for being My Little Pony fans. Maybe the guy just quick assumed me that I was, or the guy is even more of an ignorant bigot.

Is this how you be a "critic"? No wonder people hate "critics".

Not only that post was there and the offensive twitter posts about me, there was an offensive "ad-like" thing making fun of "Autism" and it was a link to my blog.

That's Kind of The Story
Sad honestly.

Known facts:
  1. "Tuxxy", actually thought (Or still thinks) that his website was private
  2. "MLP Critic" thinks that if he modifies a Copyrighted image, it's there's now.
  3. "Tuxxy", always quick assume things of me - ended up always being wrong.
  4. I, my self do make actual mistakes (Such as spelling error, SOME small assumes, etc) but I do at least be honest.
  5. Thinks every claim I make is wrong, but failing to prove any of there points.
  6. "MLP Critic" claims that modifying an image, then claiming as there own, is protected as "Fair Use".
  7. "Tuxxy", will often take non-public chatting or email pieces and put them out into the public. Sometimes twist them.
  8. MLPcritic, never honest. Tuxxy, sometimes.
  9. Will NEVER (At this time?) listen to your complaints in email, most likely a short, immature reply, possibly a picture or video.
  10. Whenever an error comes from either of them, they won't admit it.
  11. They may think that I threaten there website for no reason, when honestly, all I did was criticize some arguments and criticize the fact that they make fun of others in a bad way. 
  12. "Tuxxy" thinks it's OK to lie about other people.
  13. I have nothing against the My Little Pony fandom it's self. Some people might of thought I was.
Two of those users are a clear example of what this world needs to clean out.
Also, look at the Hall of Shame.
Any suggestion to make my post look more pretty, of my purpose is welcomed. I suggest doing so in a more, matured manner. Thank you.

CC - No-Derivatives Attribution
None of this can be modified, including deleting part of it when republishing it.

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