Thursday, September 3, 2015

He Really did and More Commentary

 NOTE: Some quotes may not be well know to what it's coming from, so some information some people see may be missing what it's talking about.
The shifted quotes in black are REMRadioheadfan98's (Or Channeleven's) comments.
The '<REM' quotes are just 'translations' I did.

 Title: Got nothing better to do, eh? pt. 1
Clearly no different to what you do REM, except self-defense is actually a fair excuse. Oh and fair debate. You just force your beliefs as "fact".

As if it'll make a difference. Those who look at my history may already be aware of your rotten actions and history.
 Those actions I did wasn't cyberbullying. Or anything else wrong, just because you want that, doesn't make it right.
Don't pretend that you're above this. People continue to react to you because you always provide plenty of new material to work with. You're a grown man who gets overly butthurt over the internet.
You started it all, and clearly so much of your crap is just cyberbullying "because I said soz" crap.
"I will also make myself look like an ass at certain points and some hypocrisy may be present too."
That's a mock quote, which is just based off delusional beliefs again.
It's only filth to you because it reveals everything that's wrong with you.
"Because I said so." <REM
You have the right to speak your mind, yet you abuse that privilege constantly, to the point that you go after everyone who criticizes Alpha and Omega in a non sugar-coated way and make an ass out of yourself, yet you'd continue to pass it off as disagreeing, when it clearly isn't.
That's still a right, like going to many reviews and speaking your mind. Sorry buddy, but it's still a right and the fact that you can't expect every debate to be just like how you do it.
And your the guy who goes after me every time I defend myself.
And the fact that you always act like a dick while disliking it, going after fans who defend and that you slander them, attack anyone who argues you, etc.
You seem to be close to one, since you have the urge to defend the term (and wolfaboos) on a regular basis.
Even if I was close, you clearly admit that I'm not one since 'close' =/= directly there.
You have finally admitted it. Thanks.
If you look at your history, some bias may be apparent, and some people may actually agree with why I've done what I've done. As for the stamp, you mean the Alpha and Omega sucks stamp? Thanks for proving your fanboyism. 
Failure of proof, disagreement =/= that. And besides, why should I respect an opinion that doesn't respect opinions of artists, etc? And since yet, disagreeing doesn't mean you don't respect it.
Besides, this is about a hypocritical argument anyway.
But then again, popularity isn't always good, and it could be lost overtime, especially when it's geared towards something that was never good to begin with.
Kinda already said it's not always good.
And your opinion that it's not good despite that the things you claim "flawed" was intentional and fairly matched popularity, you are the question that you may be bias yourself.

"And nah, it actually started when you made a journal about my stamps, attacking me for speaking my mind.
Regardless of past time, you are not Funnel. End of story." <MINE
No, I pointed out you were being a dick and you treated your views too highly. As for Funnel, I may not be him, but me and him are still aeons ahead of you in terms of respect and logic.
No excuse, just because you 'believe' I am, doesn't mean you didn't start it. You clearly started it and attacked the fact that people are allowed to give out that criticism.
Besides anti-wolfabooaboos like you treat your opinion as "fact" just because you say so.
Like I said, opinions are arguable.


Honestly, I'm not going to bother reading the rest I think.
He does this because he hates me, he does this for popularity, everything I say, he tries to bash it with only his own random beliefs, with little to no evidence behind it.

He is a stalker, he likes to force his random beliefs on other people, by direct.
He attacks people for who they are.
He attacks people and make up slanderous lies about him, etc.
And he admits to deny the dictionary, and probably science which means he admits to making up random beliefs and terms over others.
He has no real good arguments and if you were to look at his "commentaries", it's just low short replies attaching with popular beliefs, and nothing more or much.

He's just an attention whoring troll. He always stalk me, and can't let go.

And if he tries to look what I do all the time, etc. And since he tried to find out where I lived once, Maybe I should find his house and possibly scare him by describing his house. (Not address though, or any other direct information.)
Why would I do that you say?
Because he's an abuser by being a cyberbully, and doing other harmful things.

Oh yeah, some last things:

"Like I said, he is very biases in his arguments about me, and other things, and etc.
You should see the info about him in the 'History' section, etc." <MINE
"Aka, my own bias against him."
History isn't bias. And many good people accept that those are mistakes. And nobody wants hypocrisy.
Considering too. His views that I make "mistakes" by doing something right, self-defense, etc. Is actually bias.
I know a popular guy on DA that not only has stamps that strongly disagree with some of your beliefs, but has many people who agree.
I will not say who because I do not want your white knights to attack him/her.

"And yes, this whole debate that goes on here?
REM's fault. He started it by making a journal directed at me because of a stamp I made and wasn't even directed at him.
Of course too, this isn't the first time REM started a fight with me. Including some other people." <MINE
You could've been mature, but instead, you decided to kill your credibility even more.
I was. It was a stamp with my criticism, following what I believe what made since with the dictionary, etc. And either way, you still started it because you made a reaction toward me first.
Again folks, his shitty bias excuses to create more trouble.
Admit to start fights with people.
 I'm sorry if this commentary isn't too good, just felt like getting it out there. Doesn't change the fact that wwwarea is far from redemption.
It was never good. Not even close.
And the last part, again, another idea from REM's delusional world.


Like I said, he does this because he hates me, using his white knights against me, which is why his arguments are not even arguments. Just "You are this and that" because he said so arguments. Or very mostly.

I think I already won. The truth is more powerful than the idea of depending on 'Who', 'Where', 'Why', 'When' 'Off-topic', Popularity', etc.

Of course, LMJ faves that "commentary" about me, while he ignored my reply to him revealing that not only LMJ can't listen, but apparently thinks I go too far, with my speeches, but appernetly is fine with REM doing much more than me. Just look at his profile with "commentary" texts.
Hell, while mine is self-defense commentary, his isn't.

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